
3 years, 5 months ago

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"Ah - rah" Common Tounge "Aye - radh" Native Tounge

Elegance and femininity wraps this fine frame in an air of grace and decadence. Her movements are subtle, purposeful and determined. A body that displays the noble heritage of her Arabian ancestors with a subtle hint of her Warlander blood, she is built a little thicker than those of pure Arabian descent. A more refined crown, Arah’s head is gently rounded rather than the regular angler sharpness of Arabian heads. Dignified her long, strong neck hold her crown and gaze high. Solid and graceful her from is petite but thickened with powerful hindquarters and strong forequarters. Still she is slight, despite this reinforcement. Height is not impressive on this doe, instead she is compact, built for speed, endurance and agility. Crossing precarious or rough terrain is an easy feat for this light footed and quick witted mare. Distinguished her blood lines grant her a powerful mix of natural abilities while also bestowing her with striking features. 

Draped in moon and star light she glows in the embrace of her goddess' gaze. In is not an unadulterated silver, hints of a pink and golden undertones can sometimes be spotted in the right lighting, adding an extra of exquisite artistry. Luxurious her coat is full, thick during the winter and thinner during the summer months. Glowing dimly and often concealed beneath her forelock, winter's kiss in the shape of a star sits on the centre of her forehead. Aside from this no mark or colour stains her glossy coat. Her maw is delicately painted with pink and grey hues, lips whisper secrets of the past, thoughts of the present and ideas of the future. Resplendent, her looks are reflective of the nobles from her homeland. 

Bright liquid gold eyes with darker flecks of colour reflect the profile of others back onto them. They are round and wide, intelligent orbs critically accessing and memorising her surroundings. With such globes she can enchant beasts and stags alike. Framed by thick lashes her gaze is haunting, disconcerting those who are not familiar with her all seeing gaze.

Antlers crown her regal head, majestic and impressive. They speak of her heritage and breeding, in a previous life served aa a sign of royalty and longevity in an individual. They are a natural light brown with fine delicate hair softening the hard edges. Shaped with an artist's eye they curve slightly inwards, crowning her in decadence. Granting her a monarchical air. 

Silky, fine and an abundance of it, golden silver tresses tumble to the ground. Loose it trails behind her, when braided into thick knots her tail finishes just above the ground and her mane tumbles to her knees. Framing her face, Arah’s forelock hangs down low, strands reaching to about the middle of her neck. Often her locks have flowers braided into the strands, this way she feels attached to nature. 

The silver doe is an apt name for this mare. Bestowed with the appearance of ancestors she embraces her history through her appearance. 

"Her coat was a nearly perfect match to the snow covering their home, and like something out of a fairytale her mane and tail both trailed along the ground as she walked. "

― Crowley, White Lace And A Black Cloak

"Pupil like a slit as it flicked and moved over her; looking at her more closely and committing such a creature to memory."

― Narcissus, LET HIM RUN

"Arah. Ah, there the lass steps up and fully into view. The light white unicorn though was a pretty little thing indeed, a full-fledged swan."

― Thranduil, Let Us Play With Fire

"the sweet looking lass bore a face that I note as lovely and beautiful to look upon. Delicate, graceful."

― Midas, On the inside

"summer sky eyes fell upon a maiden staring up at the moon, illuminated by the light that shone deep into her pores and came back out in threads of silver and ivory. She was beautiful,"

― Kaj, Would you want to stay?


Silver Armour:  Ornate, light silver armour. 

Ice Crown: A pretty, silvery coloured crown made of ice that sits between her ears and cannot be shaken from her head.

Metal acorn charm:  A bronze metal acorn charm that glows in the dark.

Feather: One of Africa's feathers woven into her mane.

Trinket:  A feather fan that fits between antlers.