
3 years, 5 months ago

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The silver doe is observant, softly spoken and highly intelligent. Some may be fooled by her gentle demeanour but Arah is quick witted and quite the word smith. Her keen mind is often put to use assessing others and the situations. Enjoying the challenge of unravelling the past and the mystery of others, her mind is often put to working out the minds of others. Despite this her intentions are usually pure, wanting to protect herself and those she cares about. The habit of assessing situations, the interactions of others and the environment around her comes from numerous tough lessons. Intelligence is not always enough to compensate for the games of others. Arah is calculating and her exterior can sometimes be perceived as cold.

Said games have made Arah never want to be the one at the centre of attention, she now hangs back and prefers to take stock of situations. Cautious, almost to a fault, Arah judges situations with care and prefers words to action. These days she is always aiming to be in control, aware of her circumstances. Not overplaying her hand, Arah believes is important to ensure one is always in control of their circumstances and aware of where they actually stand with others. Her prudence also applies to meeting new souls. Weary of others it takes the doe some time before she opens up or indeed trusts others. The disillusion of the world came at a heavy price, one she has only recently been free off.  

This weariness leaves the doe quite reserved. Somewhat reticent in her ways can leave others to distrust her. This can be made worse as her emotions remain delicately hidden behind an elegant mask of emptiness. Around those she does trust however this mask slips and she reveals her softer nature. One that is less cold and calculating, revealing her compassion and genuine concern for those who care for her. One of Arah’s most powerful traits is her loyalty to those who earn her trust. Dedicated and trustworthy if the doe makes a promise to someone she always makes sure she comes through. Her word is her bond and she lives by those words. 

For many years the doe has always been interested in the politics of her land. Listening with sharp ears she always keeps an eye on the changing leaders and those in the ranks of different lands. Of course she pays special attention to those in charge within her own lands. Arah finds changing power incredibly fascinating and never wants to be behind the news, she always wants to be aware of what is happening. The doe has enjoyed some power in the past, even thrived on it. However she is not power-hungry, she more enjoys the game of politics and predicting who is next in line for power and knowing where her services may be required. Arah enjoys learning about the past and sharing history with others, the doe has always excelled in historical studies. She understands the power of good recordkeeping and learning from the lessons of others. This is why she shares history with others, maybe those who listen to her will be able to plan their futures better. 

Experience has taught her to never jump into situations that she doesn’t have a complete understanding of. Having found herself all too often in over her head, the tough lesson was learnt through much pain and personal growth. The option of love may not be off the table for Arah, though after the death of Tilney she’d struggle to accept someone new into her heart. If one would be willing to fight for it, Arah would fight for them too…