How Prisim met Foster

5 years, 9 months ago

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Prisim got in her car to drive to the mall like any other day. She made sure she was buckled up, and that her mirrors were aligned right before pulling out of the driveway and heading off. She was only five minutes into the drive when her phone went off. She glanced quickly down at it, and the caller ID read "Vixen". She let it ring once, then didn't hesitate to accept the call. With one hand on the wheel, she raised her phone to her ear. "Hi Vixen!...Of course I can talk!....No, I'm just headed to the mall....Really, I can talk...what's up?" She was so engrossed in her conversation that she didn't notice the police car idling by the side of the road. As she sped by him, the cop realized that she had been on the phone. He turned his lights on and drove after her. Startled by the noise, she looked into her rearview mirror and saw flashing red and blue behind her. She quickly hung up on Vixen and pulled to the side of the road, anxious to meet her fate.

The cop took his sweet time getting out of his car and walking to her window. As he stepped up next to her door, she rolled down her window, awaiting what would be her third ticket this month. The officer leaned down so he could see into her car better. "My name is Officer Foster. are you aware that, besides speeding, talking on the phone is a serious offence? I could ticket you for that." Prisim's voice shook a little as she asked "You wouldn't give a ticket to a pretty lady, now would you?" She flashed a brilliant smile out the window. Officer Foster removed his sunglasses, sticking them in the front pocket of his uniform. "Sometimes I can make exceptions," his eyes widened ad he took in her beauty, "but often, the pretty lady needs to give me something in return. How about a date, tomorrow night?" Prisim let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and smiled again. "I think I can make that happen." she replied. "Now, I'll need your name and phone number for," he hesitated, "official business." She obliged, eager to get out of a ticket. "Don't let me catch you on that phone again, next time I will give you a fine." Officer Foster said, but he had the ghost of a smirk on his face. "Will do, Officer." Prisim blew him a kiss "See you tomorrow night." She winked, and drove off, leaving a thunderstruck officer behind.