
3 years, 5 months ago
690 2 4

A story full of drama, romance and something else I can't think of right now.

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Author's Notes

Pickle? More like... Person who made my day, nay life by writing this.

quill hd done it, he had perfected the ultimate dark magic (tho tbh it wasnt hard at all bc quill was extremely powerful and already mastered everything bc of how powerful he was). holding up a vial of a magic elixir that had mist rolling off it, quill laughed evilly, "now no one can stop e!!" he drank the potion then instantly grabbed his throat and coughed. it was strong! he cried outand swpet everyting off the table before falling to the ground.
what stood back up... was an extremely handsome man with an eye-patch.
"finally... i'm goro majima!!" quill laughed. "now NOTHING WILL GET IN MY WAY!!"

prince allegretto held a spectacular ball. there were a lot of fancy things here, like cocktails and shrimp, and shrimp cocktails, and fancy violin music. there were also a lot of fancy people from lots of nearby kingdoms.
all except for quill... or should we say, goro majima?! with an evil cackle he entered the room. "majima i'm so glad you could make it!" allegro smiled as he walked over. he looked stupidly sexy with a really handsome
smile that made quill swoon but he was also mad bc he wsnt invited and it rely made him upset so he had to take over as majima who was invited.
"thankx for inviting me" majima said.
"would u like to dance?"" allegro asked and held a really really big hand ( ) out.
"oh thank u yes i would" said majima, blushing.
they slow danced. even in this new look majima was shorter than allegro, and up close allegro looked really handsome. it was like he was sparkling! he had really soft looking hair and his outfit was so cool and he smelled nice even if he was stupid.
"come with me real quick," allegro said while leading majima to the courtyard. it was quiet as they wer the only ones there. "i cant hide my feelings anymore majima i love you."
"hwat" majima gasped.
"its true i love you do you love me?"
majima or quill was at a loss for words because he did love him back but as quill not majima but quill wasnt invited and majima was so if he could get a kiss this would be his only chance. "i love you too" he said and they kissed. it was a wonderful kiss and it felt so good that fireworks were popping.
"oh look it's the midnight fireworks" allegro said and smiled. "im glad i could watch them with you"
"me too- WAIT" majima gasped. midnight?! his potion would wear off! he quickly turned and ran off even with allegro calling after him. his eye patch fell off but he couldn't turn to pick it up, so he ran away.

a few days after the ball quill was very worried. allegro was lookng hard for majima even tho nobody had heard of him. he tried searching by using the eye patch that fell off and putting it on each persons face but it just didnt match. quill sighed. "maybe i should admit it," he muttered. he went to go outside but allegro was standing right there!
"hello quill" smiled allegro.
"y-you!" gasped quill. he looked down. the eye patch! "I-"
"i know it was you, quill" allegro said. "I recognizeyou even in different forms."
quill blushed. "why didn yout invite me to your party?!" he asked angrily.
"i did!" allegro said and pointed at theletter on the table. "see?"
"oh quill said with a blush on his face. he blushed even more when allegro put the eye patch on his head.
"perfect match" the prince whispered then kissed him with so much warmth and love. quill kissed him back and wrapped his arms around his sturdy neck. they kissed for a long, passionate time and even added tongue. then allegro used his big, strong arms to pick him up and--

"What are you writing?" Allegro mused from over Quill's shoulder.
The magician tensed up, a bright red blush on his face, and quickly slapped his hands on his papers to block out the message. "Nothing! Quit being a creep!" he hissed.