My Heart will go on

3 years, 5 months ago
344 1 5

Dates don't always go the way you expect

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"I'm going to do it."

Sam's voice was as resolute as Ren's was anxious.

"Please don't."

Sam was already walking.

"I'm doing it."

Ren desperately yearned for the desire to bury his face in his hands as his boyfriend boldly moved toward the event booth covered in moving lights and television screens.

"Hello sir, would you like to sing for a chance to win a portable electric blanket?"

Sam took the microphone from the sketchy-looking man's hand.

"Yes. Yes I would."

Rem groaned. This was just supposed to be a date at the mall. He never thought anyone would actually willingly do these kinds of things, especially not someone so close to him.

"Alright, now here's what you've got to do: We are going to play a random famous song, and you'll have to sing along. If you can earn an 'A' from our computer, then you'll earn a free portable electric blanket!"

The announcer's voice quieted as he spoke quickly.

"Brandly is mot responsible for any injuries from the blanket, Brandly; the brand for the brandless."

He then placed a hand on his system's keyboard before turning to Sam.

"Are you ready?"

Sam nodded with a grin.

The song began to play, and his wide eyes of excitement mirrored Ren's wide eyes of horror.


When the last moments of Celine Dion's "My Heart will go on" petered out, Ren's consciousness returned from where he had vaguely dissociated from shock.

He quietly watched as Sam was graded and finally cheered for his success. The announcer attempted to make him sign up for something, but he merely waved him off before returning to Ren's side. 

He took out the blanket from its packaging before draping it over Ren partially.

"Milord," he said with a flourish and a cheeky grin.

Ren didn't have the heart to frown at his nonsense and simply smiled back.


"Thank you, thank you," Sam bowed over and over before offering a wink.

"I only did so well because I dedicated it to you in my heart at the start."

Author's Notes

I swear to cheezits I had somewhere I was going for the end but my mind did a wipe of all my thoughts and after 5 minutes I've given up on both remembering and thinking hzhsn