Wilson Drabble WIP

3 years, 6 months ago

hhh i need to finish this,,,

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White walls. Grey tiles. Grey hair.

Inhabitant W 7-8523 was a quiet boy. He was surprisingly normal for being in the Institution of Wayward Children, other than his wild, grey hair at such a young age.

Other than that 7-8523 was a very plain child. Put in the Quarantine Sector since before he can remember, he knows he’s supposed to be dangerous, more so than most of the children.

Some of the kids like him can make people go to sleep forever with a single touch. Some can make walls to protect themselves. Some can make themselves not look human, into anything they want.

Some of the less dangerous kids can do simple things, turn one thing into another, or move liquids like water around.

But 7-8523, also known as Wilson, was the most special child there. He did nothing.


Wilson sat in his cell for about an hour everyday after waking up. He would sit on top of his small bed and stare at his hands. He didn’t quite understand… Why was being boring so dangerous? Many of the guards were like him too, they didn’t do anything special either.

He would stare at his hands and try to do anything. He thought there might be a reason to keep him in his cell 24/7.