Pinett's Backstory

3 years, 5 months ago

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     Pinett's always used some rules to her advantage. Growing up, she'd always use her blood color to her advantage however she could, be it for getting things she wanted to getting out of trouble. She become good at using the rules to get her way, often exploiting loopholes to bend them to her will. Being raised in the sea with hardly any interaction with landwellers caused her to look down on those without fins. Being around other seadwellers with the same mindset didn't help at all, as they'd often echo her own thoughts and ideals right back to her. By the time she was an adult, Pinett truly believed that landwellers were under her, and that seadwellers should rule over them all. That they must rule over them all, in fact, due to their own incompetence.

     Very few landwellers were able to peak Pin's interest because of this. She often uses the few landweller friends she has to get interesting things from the land, though there are a handful she truly does care for. It's not enough to change her opinion on them as a whole, however. One day, she overheard her neighbor, a fuchsia blood named Kearva, talking about a cobalt blood who can use a spear. The cobalt blood, Serrus, was able to catch her interest with the skill he demonstrated, all to disprove a fuschia blood. She watched him and decided that she wanted lessons from him. She walked right up to him and demanded that he teach her how to use a spear better than the other seadwellers. The lessons began in earnest after he accepted her command.

     Pinett was sure to always be on time with her training sessions with Serrus. She started out going strictly to learn. This was professional, just business. Then she started to show off how good she was with her needle., opening up when he varied his specubi to help her learn even more. She eventually start friendly chats with him after some time, turning her questions on the lesson to questions about himself, or simply talking about her day. He reciprocated with his own chats, happy to answer her questions. He seemed to be using it to help her fight with distractions at first, but was soon asking her about herself as well. The two trolls eventually began to hang out and talk outside of their little training sessions. She didn't realize she actually enjoyed these little meets until she couldn't figure out whether she was feeling pale or flushed toward Serrus. Pinett missed the next session as she thought her feelings through, unknowingly worrying her landwelling crush. How could she actually like a landweller that much? She decided to confront him about her feelings, if only to work it out with him like she did her other problems. Before she could she saw Serrus and Kearva talking. After exchanging verbal blows to Kearva, she found herself feeling black toward the higher blooded troll. When she talked to Serrus afterwards, he mentioned he heard about a purple blood in a red rom with two other trolls. He gave her the idea of doing the same, but in another quadrant. They agreed that they could both be in a black rom with Kearva, acknowledging that whatever they were for each other, they were both most definitely black for her. Then Pinett mentioned her flushed feelings toward Serrus.

     Serrus walked her through those feelings, seemingly trying to confirm something himself before finally admitting he was most definitely flushed for her as well. He just hadn't been absolutely certain until he worked Pinett through how she felt, or so he says. Their black relationship with Kearva only seemed to reinforce their flushed feelings for each other, solidifying their bond as matesprits.

Author's Notes

Thanks to ClockworkEclipse for rewording things!