first dance

3 years, 5 months ago
373 1

cake meets sie. || krem wrote this a bit ago and honestly i'm going absolutely apeshit its SO PERFECT for them

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she'd only been out of the room for a second when the door creaked and someone new walked in. she turned her attention to the door, still hesitant to where she was now, when she saw the kindest boy she'd ever laid her eyes on. he looked so gentle and soft- how could he hurt anyone at all?

"oh- i hadn't expected anyone else to be here. its a pleasure to meet you. i'm sie. may i have your name, miss...?"

she watched as his hand unfurled towards her. she gently placed her own hand upon his, gingerly curling their fingers as she thought for a moment before answering.

"you may call me cake."

"cake; oh, and what a sweet treat you are. it really is an absolute delight. not many people come by to visit these days. and my darling sister hadn't even told me you were here."


"of course! my sister. haven't you ever had a sibling? someone who you know better than anyone else- but sometimes they act like they dont know you at all. she knows just how much i adore guests."

"yes i- i have a brother- i think? don't i, sie? i do?"

"of course you do. and his name was...?"

"it's, um, oh- why are we dancing? it makes everything- makes it so hard to think. i swear i know my brother's name. a, ahhh..."

"the dazzle of arrival. get so swept up in every new thing, why worry about the old? you have new friends here. experience the moment, live in now. right now it's only me and you, cake. just me and you."

a swell grows in her chest for a moment, and then she feels her body dip down- they've been dancing the whole time. it makes everything feel like a dream.

"a dream- that's right! you're a dream, you must be, oh, cake, how could you be anything else? i dreamt of a dream and a dream you must be, a blessing this earth has given to me, and live as we are, tranquil not haste..."

he slides his hand up her arm, eyes met with hers, gently kissing her wrist.

"a shame, it would be, to not have a taste."