Boarding pass

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
1 725

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Two yena try to find a new home. And chaos ensues.

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Chapter 1

Am’nia looked up, admiring the shuttle that would be the next step in her and Nis’ journey. Oh, how wonderful this will be...she’d always dreamed of being in space. And now? She was just one shuttle ride away!

“Oh, Nia, your hair!” She turned around, grinning at the elderly Furlie in front of her. “Sweetie, let your granmama fix can’t go to the stars looking so scruffy!”

She chuckled, bending down. “’s fine. Noone’s going to worry about it...not in space.”

She was answered with a titter. “Nonesense! A lady should always look her best!” Granmama slipped something into Am’nia’s bun...and whatever it was was cold.

“Ganmama! Isn’t that your hairpin?” She touched it gingerly, not wanting to break it.

She was met with a cheerful grin. “It’s your hairpin now. Just look at beautiful as your mother. Now, don’t have too much fun. And if anyone bothers you or your brother...wipe the floor with their entrails.”

“Granmama, we’ve gotta go...the shuttle will leave without us.” Nis was struggling with their luggage...a great many seeds for them to start a new farm with. His prosthetic leg was buckling, not meant for such use. And thus Am’nia grabbed a few of their bags from him. “Thanks, Nia.” He returned his attention to Granmama, setting his bags down to give her a hug. “We’ll call you every day, Ipromise. Love you!” And with that, he grabbed his bags and took off.

Am’nia was slower to follow. “Granmama?”

“Yes, dearie?” Granmama was still grinning.

“I love you. And I’ll miss you.”

“I run along! Your brother’s right...the shuttle’s going to leave without you.” The old woman gently pushed her towards the waiting craft. And Am’nia boarded, following Nis to their seats.

It was silent for hours, neither sibling speaking even when they finally boarded the ship bound for the great unknown. Both were nervous and unsure. And even while they unpacked for the long journey, they weren’t sure they’d even make it to a better life.

It was Nis that finally broke the silence. “ you think that we’ll finally get that big farmhouse you always wanted? You big that we could both have our own families, but still be able to hang out at a moment’s notice?”

“Hm?” Nia looked up from a photo she had been staring at...a picture of their parents from when she and Nis were little. “Maybe. Though we’ll probably have to build it ourselves like we did with the cottage.”

Nis slid into a chair, sitting on it backwards with his arms resting on the back. “WOuld that be so bad, though? Think about it...wide open spaces, doorways your spikes don’t get caught on, and all the stairs you can climb.”

Am’nia laughed at that. “Now you’re sounding like me. Are you already spacesick, Nis?”

“Oh, hush, you. I’m allowed to get excited, too.” He grinned as she sent his chair rolling with a well-placed gentle kick.

“You, excited? Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” A grin had stretched across her face playfully.

“Hey, I’m allowed to get excited, too!” He seemed to be in a great mood, his tail sticking up behind him in such a way that you’d think he was tailless.

Am’nia chuckled. “What, am I not allowed to tease you a little bit?”

“Of course not! I’m supposed to tease you!” He launched himself forward, grinning as he booped her nose...and then crashed into a wall. He blew his tail back out of his face, very much still a bundle of smiles. “And I deserved that.”

Am’nia shook her head, helping him to his feet. “REally, it’s not even been a day and already you’ve taken my job.” She spoke with amusement. Normally she’s causing trouble...not her stick-in-the-mud brother.

He snorted. “Must be the space air.” He paused, looking down. “Ah, nuts.”


“I broke my leg.” He held up his prosthetic leg, having popped it off. It was bent down the middle...and certainly not usable.