Pocketverse December Event 2020

for all the prompts of Pocketverse's December event. Done with M1LK-CH3RRY !

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Deck The Halls

It had been a rather nice and quiet afternoon, Mary, Corvid, Callie, and Mortimer worked on a small christmas tree, decorating it with lights and tinsel, Trypo sat in the kitchen, hand carving a duck for Mark.

The doorbell rang, Merri came to the door, opening it curiously, “...Toby?” There was a spark in his eyes, “Is Orchid with you??”

"O-oh, sorry, fella, she's at work!" Toby declared as he sidestepped Merri to enter the foyer, "Is your father available to talk to? I'm in need of some fatherly guidance."

Merri crossed his arms, annoyed, “He’s in his office I think, the door’s locked so you’re not just gonna get in anyways.” He puffed, before heading back to the living room.

Toby's chest deflated, but waving after him he helped himself to the living room, "A-alright, Merri, nice seeing you!" As a response seemed unlikely, he nervously ascended the stairs to the office. His knuckles rapped against the locked door, and with an attempt to soothe his dry throat, Toby called out, "M-Mr Banks...?"

There’s a long silence, before the door unlocked, “What? Toby? What are you doing here? Is Orchid here with you today?”

"No! ...And I would actually prefer it this way, as I have matters to talk with you about!" Toby began with a faux strength, offering a strained smile Philip's way, "...Do you have a moment to talk about Orchid, sir?"

He stared coldly at Toby, before pulling the door open for him, “What would you like to talk about? Is something wrong?”

"N-no, I..." He gladly helped himself to one of the seats available, his thumbs turning towards twiddling in his lap, "I just wanted to ask you about Orchid's futures, and what plans you imagine for her."

He closed and locked the door behind him, before settling at his desk, “I only imagine she works her own flower shop one day and lives happily with a family she wants.” He went back to wrapping up gifts.

Toby jumped at the lock clicking, but returning his sheepish smile to Philip he noted the wrapping, "Would you... like help with that, sir?"

“Do you think you can handle it?” He asked, finishing wrapping up the newest warriors book, writing Merri’s name on it then placing it aside. “...Why are you here, really.”

He fell into a stammering mess at the question, his hands buzzing around in search of some place to fidgit on his body, "O-Oh, w-well-! I- Oh- I- I'm-" He tried to collect his thoughts with a deep breath, which seemed to settle some of the worries, "I have come here to- to fulfil the formality of asking for- for Orchid's hand in marriage, sir."

He saw Philip’s fist clench, crushing some wrapping paper, “....And I suppose you want my blessing then.” He asked, his cold gaze staring straight at Toby.

Toby froze, horrified ghost of a smile framing his face as he clenched his own shirt in sheer fear. But he managed to bark out a response, "Y-yes, sir!"

“...” He turned his attention to the gifts, “Sit by me Toby, to help get some of these gift wrapped.” He waved Toby over to the desk, pulling out a video game from a box and started wrapping.

The fear in his smile ebbed away as his hand relaxed, but with hesitant steps he pulled his chair closer to Philip's desk, "J-just, direct me as you need, sir!"

Philip handed off a book to him, “For Tessie, wrap this.” He said as he worked on the game. “...Orchid would want a jewish like wedding as you know. Depending on how she’d want it to be done, I’d be walking you to the chuppah with your father.”

"O-oh, sure," he murmured, his smile turning askew as he tried to mimic Philip's neat wrapping technique with mixed results, "I don't know what type of wedding my parents would allow, so... they may or may not come, I would imagine."

“...If they do not come, Trypo can stand in for your father, and I could probably convince Lou to walk Orchid down to the chuppah as well.” He offered. “...You two have been dating for what….two years now?”

"Something like that," he grinned softly, finding a rhythim despite the awful measurements and creases he was making.

Once he was done, Philip handed him the next gift. “Do you plan to propose to Daniel as well? Or shall this wedding only be for Orchid.”

"W-well, I would like to marry Daniel as well! Although I'm not that educated on the traditions, so I fear that there might be some... interference," the next gift proved to be another puzzle that took time to figure out. But a thought occurred, and Toby continued, "If you're Jewish, what are you wrapping presents for?"

“Over Hanukkah, over each day, we give the children one gift for every day. Though Mary does insist that we, the adults, share gifts over the 25th for christmas. But for now.” He continued, “It wouldn’t interfere too much. We’ve adjusted our traditions for gay marraiges as well so we can adjust for polyamorous ones as well. Personally though, if you do not want to propose to Daniel, you should not propose to Orchid yet. You have been dating Daniel longer than Orchid and it may seem irresponsible.”

"O-oh, I do want to propose to Daniel, sir! I couldn't imagine a life where I don't have both of them by my side," he replied, eventually finding a configuration that worked for the gift, and he continued with a slight laugh, "Although I do think it'll be an adjustment to getting quite the shower of gifts during December."

“Then perhaps a marriage between you both could be arranged….. Now…. I will be honest, I don’t particularly enjoy your company too much. You are rather airheaded and struggle with life tasks as you’ve been raised with a silver spoon to your mouth. You need discipline and understanding of carrying your weight around a household. If you can prove that to me, I will give you my blessing.”

"I mostly remember a pearl spoon, but- I'll take on anything you need me to, sir! Orchid and Daniel have been teaching me house skills, like cooking and cleaning, so hopefully I can impress you," he chimed, offering the wrapped gifts back to him.

At that moment, however, a knock came at the door along with a familiar voice calling out, "Philly? You still in there? I made some snacks, I thought I'd bring a platter up for you."

“I’ll be coming down actually, I’m done wrapping gifts.” He called to the door, getting up and unlocking it. “I want you to help around the house till Orchid gets out of work. Ask Mary what needs to be done around the house.”

A surprised note came from behind the door, but as it opened Marigold poked her head in with a wide grin, "Who're you talking to, Phil- Oh, Toby! I didn't even see you come in! How're you doing?"

"I'm fine, ma'am," Toby replied with a sheepish smile, standing to join them, "I believe your husband wants me to take on any responsibilities you seem fit to don upon me. Please, let me fulfil your needs."

Marigold was at first confused, but grinning wide at Philip she curled around his arm, "Sounds like someone wants to get out of helping me stuff enchiladas tonight."

“E-Eh? No no, I’ll….I’ll explain later, lest Toby here would like to explain now.” His eyes fell to Toby.

"Of course. In asking for Orchid's hand in marriage, Mr Banks has decided that I must prove myself to him before he'll give me his blessing."

Marigold crowed at the explanation, before turning her smile back at Philip, "You really goin' pull him through the coals...? He's a nice boy, I don't think he needs to prove himself at all."

“I-I’m not making him do anything difficult! All I ask is that he helps around the house today until Orchid gets home. I worry he won’t be able to provide for himself or Orchid and Daniel, The tasks will be very simple for the most part.”

She hummed as she considered her to-do list, "...I can't really think of anything I need help with, is the problem. We already run this place like a well oiled machine, you know," she murmured, her hold on his arm morphing into a loose embrace.

Philip wriggled out of her grip, “You could always take a break Mary, it can just be Toby cleaning up or even just help decorating.” he suggested.

She turned to holding her own arms instead, "Well... I guess he could help himself to the attic. I know that place could do with a yearly dusting right about now- You're not afraid of spiders, are you, darlin'?"

"No ma'am, I'm okay with spiders!" Toby chimed back.

“Then to the attic you go.” He motioned, before heading downstairs.

Once downstairs, he settled in the living room, looking over the christmas tree set up, Corvid and Callie were decorating little baubles.

Marigold helped Toby pull the attic ladder down, waving goodbye to him as he ascended into the dusty depths, "If you see any Christmas decorations we forgot, don't be shy and bring them down, alright?"

"Of course, ma'am."

And with Toby squirreled away in a tomb of boxes and cobwebs, Marigold followed after Philip downstairs. "You enjoying yourself there, Philly?" she murmured, settling onto the couch beside him, a hand tentatively worming his way.

“I’m fine.” He reluctantly replied, “I just don’t really think I’m ready to give my daughter away to anyone yet.”

"Oh, it's bound to happen with every kid, and it's just a daddy's job to make sure their kid has a good future, but sometimes you have to entrust your kid to pick a good future themself," she cooed, pressing in close to his side as she laid her head atop his, "My daddy gave me away to you, didn't he? You can give the same courtesy to Orchid, I hope."

“I suppose, But Toby is so dense and…. Daniel’s just a menace. I can’t even see what she saw in them both.” He huffed, pushing himself away from Mary. “I know she’s an adult and she can make her own decisions but…. I don’t know, it still feels like it was yesterday she was carrying Merriweather around happily chanting how she now had a baby brother.”

"Oh, don't remind me, I'll start getting all teary-eyed too," she chuckled to herself, her arms folding in on themselves, "But you don't have to see what she sees in them, you just have to know she loves them, and trust her."

“...I hope she doesn’t make the same mistakes as my mother.” He sighs, before offering his arms out to her, “You’re….free to touch me now if you want.”

She gladly fell into his side, nuzzling into his neck with a happy sigh, "Luckily she's not your mother. She's got a good head on her shoulder, and she wouldn't marry someone just to spite us."

He pressed his head into her chest, mumbling to himself, “I know I know, it’s just a dumb fear of mine as always.” Though his attention kept falling to the baubles the kids were working on. “..You know if you had wanted a christmas tree we could have started getting them sooner rather than later.”

"It's not a dumb fear, it's your emotions, you just needed some assurance," she cooed, peppering his head with kisses. But as she followed his gaze, a small grin pulled at her lips, "I remember it feeling like a bit much when we first tried it all those years ago; but I'm just happy to give our guests an experience that makes them feel more at home. You like the tree, though?"

“It’s a nice bit of decoration, if not sparkly decorated.” He looks down at all the other clear baubles on the table, “Have you decorated one yet?”

"Oh yes, I've decorated a few," she pointed out ones that depicted the family, "The younger kids made a few too, but they're still drying. You know how Nieves loves to slather paint on. ...You're welcome to make one yourself, if you like."

At that moment, footsteps rang through the staircase as Toby emerged from upstairs, a box of glass ornaments in hand. "I found some more decorations, Mrs Banks!" he declared.

“Bring them here,” Philip motioned to him.

Corvid and Callie perk up, “Oh, sweet, more fucking baubles, are they glass or plastic though??”

"They look like a mix," Toby informed, laying the cardboard box in Philip's lap.

Marigold crowed with instant recognition at the dusty collection of old baubles, pulling out a felt ornament with pictures of a baby Theresa and Merri, "Oh, these are all the old ornaments from our first christmas tree...! Look at those chubby little babies!"

Corvid curiously peered over at the pictures, “Which one’s Tessie and which one’s Merri?” He asked curiously.

Callie went to work, digging through a few of them to look ‘em over.

Gladly stooping forward, Marigold pointed out each figure, "The one with thick glasses is Theresa, and Merri has the missing teeth. Aren't they just the cutest? They always grow up too fast," she cooed, and standing up she drifted towards the tree to put the toddler picture on one of the taller branches.

Stealing Marigold's seat, Toby flashed a bright smile at Philip, "Looks like cleaning the attic was a success, sir!"

“Was it? Or did you dust a few cobwebs then get distracted.” He asked, reaching down and picking up one of the plastic baubles.

"I- I mean, I believe I did a good job. Cobwebs are no foe for the feather duster I found, at the very least!" he attempted to chime in reply, but as the mood fell he too fell quiet before he turned his attention back towards the tree, "I-It's looking excellent, Mrs Banks!"

"Oh, why thank you kindly, darlin'," Marigold chimed, ushering for Callie to give her another ornament, "Why don't you and Philip work on some of the plastic blanks together? A tree's not complete till it's chock full of doo-dads!"

Popping it open, Philip knelt down by the coffee table, taking up a paintbrush and started getting to work. He offered one to Toby.

Corvid tugged on Mary’s sleeve, “Do each one of the bauble things have stories to ‘em?”

"Oh of course~!" Marigold exclaimed, settling back down onto the couch and patting the space beside her, "You better buckle in with a question like that, darlin'. And maybe if you're real nice, I can pull out the scrapbooks too!"

Toby couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him as he slipped to the floor across from Philip. "Your wife is quite the memoir hoarder, isn't she?" he commented, picking a bauble and a paintbrush.

“Yeah, she’s even got photos of Orchid when she was a baby, granted not taken by her but she’s got them saved and has one photo copied into one of those ornaments if I remember correctly.”

"Oh, who took the picture if not Mrs Banks? Are you a novice photographer, sir?" he asked, taking a moment to decide his plans for the bauble, before decidedly choosing a rainbow.

He huffs, “Her grandmother did. Neither me or Aster were recovered from the craziness of it all.”

"...'Craziness', sir?" he parroted with a tilt of his head.

“It’s not important,” He dismissively waved at him, painting a little cat into the side.

Toby shrugged, "Alright, sir. ...Say, you knew Orchid as a baby. Perhaps you could offer stories about her youth? I would love to have something to say about her before I met her."

“Well…” He goes quiet, deliberating, “Well… when she was just a baby, we figured out her whole druid part pretty quick, we’d have to move her around manually for a long time to keep a tree from pretty much encompassing her. Aster would laugh about it a lot and said we’d have extra firewood any time. When her grandparents were able to come up after a few months, her grandma was able to lull the plants to rest to keep her from getting eaten.”

A snicker escaped past his attempt to smother it, and with it Toby unveiled a bright smile; "Yeah, she still has that problem, I wake up every morning with a ivy wrapped around me!" he chimed, before showing off his freshly painted bauble, "What do you think? I'm not quite the artist, but everybody likes rainbows!"

“I suppose they do.” He continued work on his, painting a whole family of cats.

At the lackluster response, Toby's smile faltered, but he was quick to pick it back up as an idea brought the return of his nervousness, "So uh... W-what is it like being married, sir? Is it any different from dating, o-or even being alone?"

“You live with the person you love the most and don’t have to die a lone, cold person.” he simply replied. “You’re there to support each other through anything life throws at you.”

Marigold interrupted her story to stoop down and press a kiss against Philip's head, "Quit being so cute, Philly."

His smile turned toothy, "Love the most, aye? Sounds like someone's got a crush!" But with a small laugh, he raised his head in an attempt to get the vantage to see Philip's work, "...What are you painting, sir?"

With attention on him he squirreled the bauble away, “The bauble. If you’re done, you should go back to cleaning the attic or...whatever you were doing.”

"I've finished the attic, sir, it wasn't even that dusty...?" But with a small, muttered apology, he picked up another blank bauble and went back to painting, this time choosing a rubber duck as his subject.

The two were quiet as they listened to Mary tell the whole life story of the family.

“So you were rivals first? Like…. Why’d you two become rivals? Did you not like each other at first?”

Philip peered over his shoulder at the question, “That’s...something I’ve been wondering myself Mary.”

"Oh, well-" she chuckled to herself, her hand crawling up to rub her nape, "To be quite honest, when I first met him I thought he was a little rough around the edges. But, the more time you get to spend with someone, the more you fall in love with those edges. I got quite addicted to doing anything I could to press Mr Banks' buttons, it was just so cute how puffy he got!

But- It didn't help that he was supposed to be my mentor too. Whenever he was trying to teach me skills hands on, I always got so embarrassed watching his hands so intently. He really does have the most handsome hands, doesn't he-? But he was always hard to impress, so I always tried my hardest to hear him say I did a good job." She chuckled again, her cheeks prickled with honey blush.

Philip blinked, looking at his finished paintings of the family as cats before getting up and settling beside Mary. He offered it over to her, his cheeks red as he muttered out something.

"I love you too, Philly," she cooed, wrapping around him as she nuzzled into his neck once again.

Toby awed at their display, "I can only hope Orchid and I have as happy a relationship as the two of you."

Philip hummed softly, handing the bauble to Toby, “I’m sure you two already do…. Toby? When getting her a ring, make sure it is silver or gold with no gem on it. You place it on her index finger in your proposal, understood?”

"Wha-" he stared at the sudden bauble in his hands, "O-oh, okay, sir! Does this mean-?"

He nods, “Yes, son, You’re going to be a part of the family soon so, I oughta get used to that name, huh?”

His eyes turned glossy at the new nickname, and with his chest puffing up, he saluted to Philip, "Yes sir- er- Dad, sir-? Th-Thank you, sir!"

Marigold couldn't help but giggle at the display, "I think you short circuited him, Philly."

He quietly chuckles, before standing up and hugging Toby, “You’re fine, why don’t you take a seat. I’ll be heading up to my office to grab some things and be right back down, will you be fine Mary?”

"You go do your business," Marigold ushered him on with a wave, before another laugh escaped her as she noticed Toby's wide-eyed expression.

"Th-thank you again, sir!" he declared, shooting up to his full height and just as unceremoniously falling into place beside Marigold, "He likes me, he really likes me!"

"Ain't it just the best feeling when he does?" she replied with another laugh, idly fixing his hair, "Welcome to the family, darlin'."