
3 years, 8 months ago

Christmas minific

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A campfire crackles before them, large canid forms lit up by pale moonlight and the light from the flames alone. The snow is thick around them, sticking heavily throughout the forest. Bear is exhausted, bleary eyed and leaning heavily on her relaxed lover. Old christmas tunes play on a faded record player, set just far enough away that it doesn't catch fire. 

"I love you…" Bear mumbles sleepily, nuzzling into Mossy's shoulder. Their matching gemstones shine on their abdomens and chests, beacons of their love. 

Mossy raises her hand, carding it softly through lightly knotted hair. It was the end of christmas day, it was bound to occur sooner or later. "I love you too, Bear" her voice is soft, and it's all the blue canine needs to fall into a peaceful warm sleep.