Finally Helping Myself

3 years, 5 months ago
2066 1

Mild Violence

Yurei has spiraled too deep with his past coming back to haunt him and his relationship struggles with Kotori. Because of this his depression and suicidal thoughts came back and is struggling to figure out what to do, especially when Shadow continues to haunt him. So, what will Yurei decide? Join Shadow? Continue this life of pain?...Or just cut the coarde and end it all here?

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 A day or two after what happened to Yurei and Kotori at Japan, Yurei was in complete depression and was slowly spiraling back to being suicidal again. Right now, Yurei was in his dorm room, sitting against his bed holding a gun in his hand crying. He wanted to kill himself so bad and was close to doing it...But suddenly stopped and couldn't do it. He was just crying, cussing himself out for being an idiot and a god damn coward.

???: "Wow, you spiraled out more than I expected." a voice said in front of him.

Yurei looked up and saw Shadow in his dorm room again. To make a long story short, Shadow is someone from Yurei's past who has come back to haunt him and has been trying to make Yurei join his cause. But every time Yurei denied, Shadow would begin fucking with his head making him rethink things and even question his own life.

Yurei: "*through tears* What..What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked, not really surprised of him popping up anymore.

Shadow: "Well, after our last little Talk, I felt that I may or may not have gone a little too far. So, I cut down for our next meet to be now before you had gone and done something extreme. And, by the looks of it *looks at gun in Yurei's hand* I made the right choice." he said as Yurei glanced at the gun a bit before just sighing and looking away from Shadow.

Yurei: "....I haven't decided..."

Shadow: "Oh don't give me that Phantom. You should already have your response now. And it's a very simple question I asked. Will you join me or no?"

Yurei: "......."

Shadow: "...Still going silent huh? *sighs* Listen Phantom, I'm getting really tired here with you not deciding so let me give you my reasonings why you should join me. Your miserable. Your miserable here because you know that deep down you want something. And that something you want is unattainable. You know why? Because no matter what you do and no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to obtain it. And you know what that unattainable thing is? Love and Happiness. You want to live a happy normal life away from anything relating to your past and anything hero related and you want to be able to feel and obtain love from your little "girlfriend" and be able to feel like you matter, just like how your mom treated you before...You know, I wont even say it. But you can't obtain those because of the fact that it's difficult. No matter how many times you try to run from your past it comes back to bite you in the ass and ruin your life and any sort of possible happiness you can have. And your love, heh, you and I already know that can't happy because that girl, Kotori or whatever the bitch's name is, can't give you that love. She can't because of her own personal issues with her own life and because of her ex. Which, if you really think about it, she just treating you like her ex. She thinks you'll be exactly like him and ruin her life and trust just like he did to her back then. Now, don't you think that's a little fucked up? You are absolutely nothing like him yet she thinks you will. You've shown and proven to her time and time again that you are nothing like him and are probably even better than him yet she still thinks you'll be exactly like him and just decides to not show any affection to you thinking that'll help. When we both know it doesn't. It just brings in more pain and sorrow to herself and you. So, instead of changing how her life was and have a happy relationship with you that I'm pretty sure would be better than what that guy had given her, she decoded to only make things worse and make her feel more like shit and make you feel unloved and in pain and even make you question if you even still love her or not. Which now brings me to your next problem. You. You can't seem to ask anyone for help. Not your "friends", not that principle and not even your quote on quote girlfriend. You always kept your issues to yourself and never spoke about them even though you wanted to. Your too scared that if you say anything of what your going through, your gonna ruin your life and maybe even any sort of chance to be happy. But no, you keeping everything to yourself is keeping you from being happy. You put yourself through so much pain that you can't find the right mind to tell anyone what your going through to help you. I mean, your dating someone who literally thinks your going to be like her ex. I mean, that's an ultimate slap to the face right there! And you know that yet you stay with her feeling more pain from not getting any sort of love from her and why?! You know you'll never get anything from her cause she doesn't love you! But your so stupid to even realize that cause you decided to stay with her cause of your "hope" and that does nothing but fuck you up more! That's why, I want to help. I want you to join me so that way we can change the world for the better and make our lives even better! You can have the happiness you've always wanted! And you can get help getting rid of that bitch your with so you can be with someone better and who will ACTUALLY give you the love and affection you need and deserve! So come on! Join me! And we can change our lives for the better together~ Just, *puts hand out to Yurei* give me the gun, and then come with me." he said as Yurei listened to everything he said and thought about it for a bit.

Yurei looked at Shadow then at the gun a bit while thinking about everything Shadow had said. Yurei then just looked down with a sigh before slowly lifting the gun to give to Shadow.

Shadow: "Good, see? Now your seeing the bigger pic-" he was about to say until he was taken back by Yurei who stood up and shoved the gun up, holding and pointing it directly at Shadows head as he forced him against the wall. "W-whoa, uh, h-hey Phantom, w-what's going on, w-wh-what are you doing?" he asked with a nervous laugh and smile as Yurei gave him the deadliest glare he's ever given.

Yurei: "...Finally helping myself."

Shadow: "O-o-ok now listen P-Phantom!  I-I know I said you needed help and shit but I didn't say that shooting me would be-*Yurei cocks gun*-The best option! S-so just calm down and l-lets talk about this."

Yurei: "I'm done talking.  *forces gun closer to Shadows head* And I'm done running from my problems. I've been scared of all my shit my whole life and I'm finally sick and tired of it! I want to have a happy life and I can't have that if I can't face my own problems! So, I'm finally gonna start doing what I should have done years ago and start facing my problems so I no longer have to worry about them. Starting with you."

Shadow: "H-Hey hey wait wait! Y-Your not thinking straight man! I-I'm trying to help you, hehe, you know? I-I mean, If I didn't tell you the facts you would still be as miserable as you were now! S-So are you really going to kill someone who actually just helped you?"

Yurei: "......Your right. You did help me realize my own shit. And now, I'm gonna help myself....By shutting you the fuck up for good."

Shadow: "WAI-" he said before Yurei shoved the gun into Shadows mouth and pulled the trigger.

When he does, the gun goes off and fires through Shadows mouth and kills him as blood splatter on the wall. Shadows body then falls dead to the ground as Yurei drops the gun and breathes heavily. He looks down at what he did and is in shock he was and finally able to do something to solve his problems.

Yurei: "*breathing heavily*.....I did it....I got rid of him..."

???: "WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU ACTUALLY SHOT ME?!" a voice said behind him.

Yurei turns around and gets shocked as he saw Shadow standing behind him looking both shocked and pissed.

Shadow: "I mean, I knew you had issues and hated me and shit but Jesus Christ! I didn't think you were gonna go off and shoot me! I thought you were just gonna hit me with the gun or beat the shit out of me! I thought you didn't even know how to use a gun!"

Yurei: "SHADOW?! B-but how are you still alive?! I shot your right no-" he said as he turned and was shocked as he saw the body and blood of the Shadow he just killed face away, as if nothing was there.

Shadow: "After I injected myself with that virus I gave that gamer, it gave an upgrade to my quick, making me able to make the clones look like shadows and like me as well as being able to let me communicate through them without really having to be there. Which, was probably good I did it with you since you just tried to FUCKING SHOOT ME!!!" he yelled pissed off.

Yurei wasted no time and went down to grab the gun, but got kicked by Shadow making him back away a bit as Shadow grabbed the gun and pointed it at Yurei. Yurei went wide-eyed and closed his eyes ready for the pain as Shadow pulled the trigger.


.....Nothing went off. Yurei opened his eyes and looked at Shadow who just kept pulling the trigger and got nothing out before taking out the ammo gauge from the gun.

Shadow: "Are you fucking serious?! YOU ONLY HAD ONE FUCKING BULLET?! *throws gun at wall* God, you are so fucking annoying! I'm so pissed off I could just kill you right now! But you know what? I'll let you live for now. I'll let you continue to go on with your stupid miserable life  for the time being. But know this Phantom! The next time me and you meet, don't expect a friendly chat! Expect seeing me as the last thing you see before I kill everyone you care about including you! So enjoy your life while you can Phantom! Cause coming soon, I'm going to kill you! ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!!" he shouted before flipping off Yurei and disappearing into his shadow and leaving.

Yurei panted as all this happned as he looked at the spot Shadow was at. After awhile of composuring himself, Yurei stands up and grabs his hat and opens the door to leave and go find Kotori. As he does, he ends up bumping into Samuel who looked shocked and worried.

Samuel: "Dude! Are you ok?! I just heard a gunshot from your-"

Yurei: "Every things fine, Listen Sam! Where's Kotori?!"

Samuel: "Wait, why is there a bullet hole in your wall?!"

Yurei: "Long story, now tell me! Do you know where Kotori is?!"

Samuel: "Huh, why? I thought you said you-"

Yurei: "Fuck what I said before Sam! Now hurry up and tell me where she is or just get out of my fucking way you voodo prick!" he said taking Samuel back by how his mood changed and how he actually called him a Voodo Prick again.

Samuel: "...Last I heard from Shizuka, she said that Kotori was just out walking around in Japan for a bit. I don't know what part of Japan she's specifically at right now." he said as Yurei just nods and shoves Samuel out the way to go find her.

Yurei soon stops mid-way and goes back to Samuel and grabs his face and kisses his cheek.

Yurei: "Thank you! Your a great friend man!" he said before patting his cheek and running off to find Kotori as Samuel just stood there dumbfounded.

Samuel: "..............What the fuck just happened?"