Kins of Fiery

3 years, 12 days ago
3 years, 12 days ago
14 8898

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 12 days ago

Overview of the different kins of Fiery.

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Quick Summary

~General info~

There are 13 kins in total. Kins are like different species but with the exception that some offspring may still be fertile. Mixing kins used to be strictly forbidden and mixed individuals would usually be hunted and killed. After the last big war new alliances were formed and the view on this changed although there are still many who remain racist. This reason, along with the fact that it's rare for different kin parents to bear children, is why it's uncommon seeing mixed breeds which make up approximately only 10% of the world's population. Mixed children will usually inherit some traits from both parents but will not inherit all traits together.




Draconigena originates from the continent of Agrestis and are commonly seen in the city of Arbor though they have spread to other lands as well in recent years. Their normal appearance is that of any Moratalia often seen wearing robes or other medieval clothes. The only outstanding thing is that each and every of them have a familiar which is a manifestation of their magic prowess. This familiar can blink in and off from existence however its master pleases. Furthermore, in the past each Draconigena had the ability to change into a full fledged dragon form but over the centuries they weren’t allowed to use it and thus many have lost this ability. They tend to live in family clans and are known to be very religious with a wide variety of different rituals, traditions and ceremonies of the magical kind with offerings for a good harvest or incantations for good weather.

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The Grande has the tallest, most sturdy and bulky built bodies of all kin and prefer wearing an earthly colour scheme ranging from dark browns to light beige fitting with their steampunk themed society. They got the longest lifespan of all kins being able to reach several thousand of years of age. They originate from Asper and can now mostly be found in the cities of Grenze and Klem’s End. Their diets consist of rather healthy energy giving foods and they reproduce sexually with only one specific life partner. If the other dies they won’t find another. They also only have one child every hundred years and after half of their lifespan is over they can’t reproduce anymore. They have one monarch called kaiser who lives in the center of the Grenze in a big palace who is often seen in public talking to its folk and people and tries to hear their pleas.

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The Videri originate from Campester and rarely ever leave their high-tech city of Futurum, and have been rendered mostly extinct after the main story. They look like mortalia who prefer short hair, but in addition they also have blue lines as markings all over their bodies in addition to enhancing themselves with cyber-implants and mechanical structures to better their performance. Clothing wise they prefer it to be plain and practical which often means tight bodysuits and lab coats. The color pattern is mostly sterile white sometimes with hints of blue or green. They prefer efficiency in everything, even their food. Thus they eat light, processed and easy to digest food with lots of nutrients but it’s known for having a very bland taste. They originally reproduced sexually but as technology grew they have moved over to mixing the best genes from the parents to fabricate children in a lab.

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Ales are generally built slim and tall with large wings based on real life birds, with only a few of them deriving from a more muscular branch of the kin with stronger wings. They are mainly found in the temperate zone of Fiery and tend to prefer more open landscape cities with room enough to fly that are less crowded or mountains and heights where they build their nests. Their offspring look like normal wingless mortalia until they reach puberty which is when their wings start to sprout from their backs by slowly and painfully breaking through the skin. There is a ritual for those close to the youngling to help cut open the back to get the wings out more easily which shortens the process significantly. Wardrobe wise this kin prefer light but modern clothes without too much extra accessories hanging off that could get in the way of flight.

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Canida looks like mortalia but with an animal tail and ears which can vary in color and shape depending if they are Lup (wolves), Can (dogs) or Vul (foxes). After puberty they can fully transform into their animal whenever they want, and those with enough training or rage can transform into a werebeast version of their animal but this one tends to be harder to control. Canida can be found all around the planet and are omnivores but favor meat over everything else. Their society uses a hierarchy where the strongest become the leader and get the right to mate and have the entire pack raise the young. Most Canida, with the exception of Vul, stick together in larger packs under one or two strong individuals known as alphas. Once an alpha forms a pack, a tattoo-like sign appears on the body of the members (which also extends to other kins).

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Humanoid appearance with dog ears and tail along with the ability to shapeshift into a dog form and weredog form.


Humanoid appearance with wolf ears and tail along with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf form and werewolf.


Humanoid appearance with fox ears and tail along with the ability to shapeshift into a fox form and werefox.



Cetus can be found close to water or in oceans, lakes and rivers and thus have plenty of seafood in their diets. In landform they look like mortalia with the exception of their fin-shaped ears, while in their sea-form they resemble mermaids. In this form their skin color changes and gills appear on their chest. They prefer wearing little clothing but enough to be sociable, however, it is also a common trope that they’re bare chested, even the females. They even give birth underwater, to usually only one child that gets taken care of until the age of seven when it’s tradition to throw them out to live on their own. This tradition is a source of great dispute between the coastal and deep-sea cetus. They’re also known for their speed and strong water magic along with the ability to communicate underwater through their voice similar to dolphins and whales.

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Live in coastal areas and have begun doubting the tradition of throwing out their kids at age seven after having more contact with surface dwellers and seeing how they handle childcare. Some of them have lost the ability to give birth underwater.

Deep sea

Live in deep sea areas and have little contact with land dwellers and often shun by other kins. Some have even lost their ability to transform into landform at all.



The Feles kin originate from the woods of the temperate regions, but have made home all around Fiery. They have five forms they can change between at will; mortalia, cat, demi (looks human but with cat ears and tail), werecat (human sized with lots of fur and sharp claws) and beast form (tall beastly cat monster). Every person has a distinctive color pattern and felinesque eyes, even in human form. They tend to speak chinese or japanese and used to have a tense relationship with Canidas, though it has gotten better in recent times. Their kin can sense each other at close range and measure the other one’s strength which makes it so that hardly any fights are necessary between two of the kin. Clothing wise they like blending in with the culture they surround themselves with but traditionally wear asien inspired outfits such as yukatas, kimonos or cheongsam.

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The kin mortalia resembles real life humans with their society and appearance, and are just as versatile and can vary in colors and size depending on their heritage. They can be found all over Fiery with different cultures, traditions and clothing depending on where they live and their environments. They are omnivores who reproduce sexually and the normal family size usually consist of 1-3 children. They focus on a lengthier childcare than certain other kins and value bonding with their young. Mortalia do not have subcategories like some other kins but are instead divided by their special traits inherited from ‘the elder kins’. A few, however, can express all three traits at once which results in giving them albino-like features such as white hair and red eyes which enhances their lifespan, intellect, and magic abilities further. These individuals are referred to as Eboris and are quite rare.

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Humans with more powerful magic abilities.


Humans who are generally stronger, taller and live longer.


Humans with superior intellect and brain capacity.



Mur can be found all over Fiery although the Avi-subgroup will be more often found in the cold south, while the Salio-subgroup mostly populate the warmer north. They’re small-figured bipedal mice/rats and appear as such as well with a small snout, short fur all over their bodies. They also have mouse-ears and tail, as well as their slender fingers and nails often grow longer than with other kins. They are therefore, together with Lacerta, the kin which looks the most alien even though their body shape can look very much like that of a normal Mortalia. They usually walk on the balls of their feet but can even walk on all four to move faster. They are omnivorous with the shortest life-span of every kin with 100 years at most. They can reproduce sexually and well-known for being very fertile and creating strong family bonds living with several generations together.

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Rat-like Mur. They’re the tallest of them almost as high as an average mortalia. They’re also the strongest of them and even a bit more furred as the others.


Typical mouse-like Mur with big ears. They’re great at getting information and the most knowledgeable of them all.


Jerboa-like Mur with long and fluffy tails and strong legs made for big jumps. They’re the fastest of all Mur.



The Serere are plant-people born from the seven Elder trees around the world and still tend to live close to those areas. They often have plants growing from their bodies which is influenced by their elder tree. Their bodies start off as small and chubby with a lively green color but will become slender and taller as they age along with changing to more yellow and then brown/black-ish tones when they are old. Another special trait is that they bleed green which also results in a greenish blush color. They will often produce their own clothing by letting plants grow from their bodies and wear them like normal people would wear fabric but can also wear normal clothes in which case they tend to prefer something light and more natural. They can survive perfectly fine as long as they got sun and water but are also able to digest normal food.

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Squama is known for their sturdiness and muscular build along with their splitted tongue. They all got different color patterns and their pupils range from round to more slitted reptilian-like. They dress sparsely mainly just covering their private parts in tribal or countryside fashion, but in the city they adapt to the other kins as well. They originate from the desert and subtropical zones but can be found anywhere with a warm enough climate. They are omnivores but tend to favor meat and select lifelong partners to lay eggs with that either need to hatch on their own or can be placed in a nursery and thus it is not common to form family bonds. From the moment they hatch they instinctively search for safe areas while feeding off from their internal egg-sack until it runs out which is when they are grown enough to survive on their own.

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Upper half has normal mortalia looking (except tongue and eyes and some scales here and there). Lower body that of a snake.


The most reptile looking of them all. They look like a mortalia turned reptile. Reptile like heads, often with horns. Their bodies fully scaled often in rougher scales with a tail and claws.


They have horns, a tail and leathery wings. They’re less scaly. Scales mostly around the horns, wings and tail, but also around their feet and the joints. Or back of their hands. They often have claws as well. The types of wings and tails can vary.




The Cealest was once created out of white magic and can take over a human’s soul making them able to change between their hosts form and their spirit form. In spirit form some look like giant animals, others more humanoid or non-corporal. They used to live in the subspace separate from other kins where they were safe but are after the main story free to live wherever they wish without being hunted. In the past they formed pacts with other kins which allowed them to appear in the normal world without being found. That way they could be on Fiery and their partner could use their powers. They feed off magic that they absorb from the world itself and are thus immortal where if one dies they can simply fuze their spirit with the soul of another kin. That way a new person is formed with no memory of who they were before.

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The Phintias was once created out of dark magic and can take over a human body by merging with the host into a new being retaining all memories. Visually they may take the form of either the new body, the old body or a mix of both. In addition they are able to morph partially or fully into phintias form which looks more like demonic creatures often with wings and horns. They are essentially immortal since if one does die they can just fuze with a new host. Usually this is only done with people also at the brink of death, because then the chance is bigger that the person will give away the body freely. If they try to fuse with someone who doesn’t want it, then the newborn Phtintias is incomplete and the result will be chaotic (like having two personalities fighting over one body or not being able to control their powers).

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