Dates and Mates

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
4 4911

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

mikhail and shiro meet a few times for some playtime of their own

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Ghost Bird Princess

Sitting himself up in one of the trees, Shiro was out on a field study today. Traveling to a supposedly haunted forest that was always layered in a fog so thick that no light could fully penetrate it. As difficult as it had been to hunt down a specific spiritual bird that called this foggy forest home, it was finally right in front of his eyes. Resting on the tree, it hardly took much note of the disguised not-quite-human, thinking they couldn't see it.

Making notes on the transparent feathers as one was preened into freedom just to disintegrate in thin air, he leaned a little closer trying to make out more details for his field journal. Sure, the fog helped mask him, but it did the same for the specimen he was trying too hard to get the form just right on.

Whether it was an animal or some other being, he cursed at the sound of a snapping stick that sent the see through bird back into the air. Sighing, it'd be a hell of a time trying to find it again in the thick soup.

It wasn’t often that Mikhail found himself alone in forests, less so without a target in his mind of why he was there. He just wanted to walk by himself, away from the likes of civilization with only himself in his thoughts. He wasn’t sad per say, but he had many moments where he just wanted to sit and think things over and realize the many lives that passed him by in what was considered a mid ranged life.

Stepping on a stick, he paused as a creature flew up into the air, left just staring into the thick fog where it vanished to before he whistled after it with the natural sound whistle early morning birds would do. A strange creature that part of him wanted to pursue but he stood still for a moment, before his legs started taking him after the bird that was eerie but unique it couldn’t be helped.

“Where are you going, good sir? Do you too need quiet time to think?” He asked as he followed it’s path, speaking softly as his light pink colored eyes looked around the area as he went. Careful of every placed step in a place such as this one. “Maybe we can have a sit together, if you care to?”

He knew he did well with animals, which was probably a saving grace as he preferred even animal companions when humans were unavailable. He was, as his father started saying, a disney princess just waiting to happen. A phrase that left him wrinkling his nose but he knew it was said in all good fun.

About to leap from the tree, Shiro paused when he heard something whistling after the bird. Thinking it another one searching for company, he was sort of right. It was something else looking for company, but not another birdy. Squinting into the thick soup of fog of course didn't do him any good. Anything less than a foot apart he doubted he'd be able to see enough details to pick out what was currently just a dark blob of a silhouette.

Wanting to stay on the safe side, he merely followed the larger shape at first. Dashing from one tree to the other to let them blend in with his own. Able to catch their words though, it'd be strange if he wasn't able to pick out the owner right away. A young master he never seemed to fail to run into at some point or another. Of course simply going up to them normally would be too dull. Curious about how easy it would be to sneak up on a vampire chasing after something else, he cast silence not to muffle any mage spell, but to conceal the sound of his own footsteps.

Letting them at least lead him till the bird he was trying to keep track of stopped, he hoped the other wasn't a screamer if they did happen to get startled. Quickly stepping forward, he lightly pat their shoulder without a word to see what they did.

“Yes, hello there you pretty bird. Do you want some company? You’re a very fine looking follow.” The dark red haired cooed as he gently picked up the creature. His fingers lacing into the semi ghostly feathers that felt so wonderful against his fingers.

Too enthralled in his new feathery friend, he jumped slightly and turned quickly as a hand touched his shoulder without prompt. Taking a step back, the bird started flailing his wings until Mihail started cooing more at the bird that desired sweet words of comfort and his undead heart returned to a normal pace.

“Oh, Shiro. I didn’t notice you here, my apologies.” Looking over the other with their bright red hair, he tilted his head as he looked him up and down. “I can see you too have become one of the furry kind, are you here for some heavy petting of your own befor our foreplay or...?” Adding in that flirty tone as he was more than happy to have some fun skin on skin action with a familiar face that he knew was quite fun.

Swishing the gathered tails against the ground, Shiro shook his head with that coy smile. "That's quite alright young master, it simply means I'm doing a fine job." As deliciously tempting as that offer was, the kitsune was still more dedicated to his work above normal play, though that might not take too long with a certain someone cooing at the bird he wanted to examine. "Quite the way to phrase it, but no, unfortunately I'm actually after a quick sketch of that bird there." gesturing towards the tamed animal, he brought out the journal to show off one that was only outlined. "I've been having trouble getting close enough to put in the details. If only I knew someone with a good affinity for the wild undead~?"

Awwwwing that Shiro didn’t want to have some personal play time and was still very much set to do whatever it was he was doing, Mikhail lifted up the bird that was resting on his arm and cooing back at him. It’s semi solid beak pressing against his face as if trying to steal some of the vampire’s gentle kisses along with his soft words that calmed it so.

“Not just the undead now, I’m good with many animals as it is.” Holding the bird a little closer to Shiro, it did scoot back away along his arm, resting against Mikhail’s body as he chuckled and stroked along it’s ghostly body that showed it’s background from it’s semi transparent ways.

“Can you be still for Shiro please? I promise he’ll bring no harm to you...” He cooed sweetly at the creature of interest, getting nervous noises but agreed in the end as the bird crept back to the hand. Still for the other to sketch, waiting for that end praise and sweet freedom that also marked some play time for Mikhail.

The vampire just hoped that SHiro was fast at sketching, he didn’t often like to be left waiting too long.