
3 years, 5 months ago

Sometimes you need to cry alone in the dark

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The soft purple orin sniffled as night started to wash over the realm. She had spent the day wallowing while she delivered the mail. For once even Indarias didn't yell at her. It must've been a good day then? No. Not for her. She slowly pushed the door closed, her wisps going off to collect things that she liked. She hated this part. Was she cursed? Maybe. Orins seemed to like her one moment but then the next they were whisked away from her. Maybe she wasn't pretty enough? Wasn't outgoing enough? Too much of a screw-up? Yue plopped down by the door as her wisps returned with her comfort blanket.

"Oh...what am I going to do? I keep wasting my time on the wrong Orins...being led on to believe they like me...and the next moment poof! I'm nothing. It's the Tarte situation all over again." She was silent for a moment her wisps buzzing in response, "Oh I know I didn't talk to her...eep...not like I could with Loopsie being about...or Aether...but Cherry seemed sweet. She talked to me and one talks to me." Her wisps were silent after that cuddling around her face to comfort her. 

"You think..maybe...It's not meant to be? That others see my kindness as expected? I worry that if I stop being nice they'll leave me. I even overheard Indarias saying how I might be kicked off the dream guard..." Yue sighed hiding her head under her hooves, "I'm never ever ever coming out of my shell again. Hold me to it. I just want to do my work, eat, sleep, repeat." Yue mumbled. Her wisps buzzed with worry, moving about the room again to find something to comfort the little orin. One returned with a pack of old letters. 

Yue slowly looked up as they held the letters out to her. Letters that she had written to each of her crushes over the years. Yue sighed as they started to read them to her, "Idel was a miss. I couldn't and can't talk with her and now we work together." The letter fluttered to the floor as they pulled out the next one, "Yuki is my friend now and with Morax." Another letter fell to the pile, "Opal is like my fangirl now that I'm on the Dream Guard. We're friends..." They rummaged through the stack of letters pulling out a more fresh one, "Ambi? I ran away from her she probably thinks I'm a weirdo."

Her wisps seemed to collectively sigh before pushing the letters away from her. Yue laid her head back down and sighed as well. Fate had decided. For now at least. One of her wisps left her side to turn on her 'Life Sucks, Sad Times' Playlist. In reality it was the only playlist Yue had ever made...

Yue stared silently into the dark, the only light being created by herself and her wisps. 

"At least. Even if I'm not perfect...I'll always have you three." Yue whispered smiling slightly at her little wisps. They collectively bounced together in agreement before returning to her side.