Blindfold and Green talk about Orange

3 years, 5 months ago
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Author's Notes

Before reading this!! it could be mildly triggering?? i tried to make it not be but um just in case it ends up being like that i wanted to put a warning! Smexual stuff IS brought up but nothing bad. there is also a LOT of cussing-

Blindfold and Green Crayon talk about stuff

“And, y’know what he said??”

“What’d he say?”

“He was like, ‘Oh you and that Blindfold seem pretty close, green! D’you like her? If so you better claim her before any other guy can get their hands on her’ like, how fucked up is that??”

“He told you to...Claim me…??”

“Exactly! That’s how i reacted! The dude’s really a stupid asshole! You dont ‘claim’ people-”

“Yeah that's kind of… different… Does he do stuff like that a lot…?”

“The dude’s always trying to ‘give me advice’ or askin some weird ass questions… Sometimes he even tries given me SEX advice! Or askin’ sexual shit about you. Like dude, you're just a friend that happens to be a girl- and like- i dont want to talk sex with my BROTHER, expecially the brother who fuckin- who-...” he stopped.

“The brother who…?”

“It- It’s not important, lets change the subject i finished talking about whatever-”

“Green, what did he do?”



“Just! Shut up about it already! Jesus, can’t you fucking tell when to shut up?!” he snapped. This seemed to startle Blindfold. And make her somewhat upset.


“...No- no no, Blindy, you’re fine- I just-- Dont like thinking about it- I’m just so used to- y’know…”

“Scaring people?”

“Yeah- That…. Wait- No not that- What??”

“Whenever something you dont like happens you like to... scare people away…”

“I- What?”

“Well, it scares me at least when you do it-”

“I- I didnt know i scared people- I’m sorry- i dont mean to scare you- I’m just prone to… Outbursts…”

“....Can you maybe try not to do it around me…?”

“Oh-- yes! Definitely that’s fine! I’ll try to hold back- I didnt think- I only want to scare people when i need to, like when orange is around-”

“...Why do you scare people away when he’s around, anyways? I know you say you just like pranking him but.. It feels like there’s more to it than that…”

Green sighs. It had been so long… Plus, he’s almost let it slip out to her so many times… Maybe it was time to tell someone. It’s all he could think about after all…

“He… Isn't the uh… Greatest guy… I mean that’s pretty apparent, the guy’s sketchy as fuck- It’s just- uh- he did  few… Not so great things….. To um- me- uh- yeaaahh…”

“...Not so great things? Did he hurt you?!”

“Well i mean- yeah- er- well- its hard to explain- uhm...”

“Do you want a hug and to cuss him out before you explain cause that seems to help you talk sometimes-”

“.....yes please…”

Blindfold hugged him, giving him a reassuring nuzzle, then let go. Green took a deep breath.

“Orange is an asshole and no one likes him and i wish i could kick him in the fuckin balls without bein yelled at hes so profoundly idiotic and a fuckin bitch ass moyherfucker god why cant he get out of my fucKING LIFE-”





“You ready?”


Blindfold hugged him a bit again, then he began to speak.

“Soo… the whole reason I hate him, the graaand ol’ reveal… Well… Get ready for a ride that's quite fucked! In more ways than one.”


-insert green explaining here because there's no way i'm going to have people read that-


“Soooo yeah….”

“That’s not… okay….”

“Oh yeah, it definitely isn't okay-” He lets out a nervous laugh, twiddling his thumbs.

“.........Pack up your stuff”


“When we get back to your house, i'm going to help you pack. We;re living together and feather and I’s house now.”

“...Blindfold you dont need t-”

“It all… makes sense now- I thought you joined my club just to… mess with me, but then accidentally ended up thinking i was alright- But no- you joined because you needed to join, and i didnt even.. SEE that- Green there's no way im letting you stay with your brother.”

“I- wow… so you… Dont think im…. Weird or some shit…?”

“Weird for what HE did?! No! I think you’re amazing!”


She hugs him tightly. He takes a moment, then hugs back. Something he… Didn't do often. 

“I’ll help make sure it doesnt ever happen again.”


“No! Thank you for telling me-”

She nuzzled into his arm, and he patted her. 

It… really felt so much better telling her… Granted the memories weren't gone but… Maybe he should tell her things more often.

Author's Notes

and i didnt even.. SEE that- 

blindfold you used to be blind of course you didnt see that