Everything Is Blue

3 years, 5 months ago
25 days, 8 hours ago
46 239809 3

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

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Chapter 1

“Sir, please .” Kimbra pleaded as she accompanied her elderly boss down a lengthy corridor.

Despite the man's old age, Kimbra found it challenging to keep up with his pace. She maintained a brisk walk, almost a jog, to remain close behind. The sounds of her black high heels clicking against the white tile floor echoed off the walls. Her lab coat brushed against her legs as she continued walking.

Kimbra Wulfe lived and breathed science. Ever since she was a young pup, the world around her filled her with awe and wonder.

That's why she worked for EcoTech. The leader in modern technology (or at least they consider themselves as such).

Dr. Ainsley, a green reptilian creature, established the company over forty years ago. EcoTech's purpose was to produce eco-friendly tech — to help the environment — and most important of all ; to serve those in need. Kimbra admired that the doctor spent so much of his time and wealth into EcoTech's cause. He never married nor had children, so he preoccupied his days with work.

Kimbra wished she could be more like him. Someone smart and successful who expressed no regards to those who doubted them. All she ever did was doubt herself and make endless mistakes.

Rookie mistakes.

The mistakes that risked the lives of those around you. The mistake of almost mixing chlorine trifluoride with water because you rushed to finish cleaning the semiconductors. It was only her first month at the company, but Kimbra should have known better.

Dr. Ainsley caught it and merely laughed the incident off. He became Kimbra's mentor when she started interning at EcoTech during her last year of university. She often fought for his approval, grasping at any form of validation she could obtain. The young science-lover lived solely for her job.

She was pathetic.

Other EcoTech employees pushed their way through the crowding hallway, struggling to return to their respective workspaces. Chaos ensured as new projects were being introduced during the next several hours.

One of those many projects was Kimbra's — her entire life work.

After so many years of late nights and overtime, the scientist had her project accepted by the company's administration. The same group that sought to deny her promotion last year. She suspected Dr. Ainsley chose her side back then, insisting that the administrators grant her the job. EcoTech higher-ups always had it out for her. No matter how hard she worked, how many wonderful ideas she offered them, they were dissatisfied with her. Her peers always found success easier and swifter, yet it took her ages for her project to be recognized.

She never figured out why. Their treatment towards her seemed needlessly cruel.

It wasn't fair.

On another depressing note, Kimbra could not choose her sponsor. All of EcoTech's projects had to be funded by an individual or corporation, as EcoTech couldn't cover the full cost. Kimbra thought it was unfair. They deserved the right to appoint their own sponsors. The administration refused to listen to her, only brushing her off as usual.

Kimbra hoped Dr. Ainsley would hear her out. This sponsor is what could make or break the project for her. A terrible choice may turn C.O.R.E into a sheer disaster.

And just another one of Kimbra's many mistakes.

“Sir, please…” She hurried to his side, matching his pace. “Let me choose the sponsor for C.O.R.E.”

Dr. Ainsley waved his scaly hand, brushing off the scientist as he unexpectedly stopped in front of the conference chamber. “Kimbra, I told you several times, we are doing this by the book as we always do.”

He suddenly peered into the room for a moment and back to her. “You are ready to present the C.O.R.E project, aren't you?”

His somber eyes gleamed behind his spectacles. They were full of optimism. Hope for a brighter future. She couldn't fail him, not after everything he's worked so hard for.

Kimbra paused, not wanting to abandon the current topic so quickly. “Yes I'm ready, but sir... this is my project! I should be the one that names my own sponsor! Especially if I have to work alongside them for the next several months.”

“Dr. Wulfe, it may be your project... but EcoTech is my company.” Dr. Ainsley told Kimbra firmly before disappearing into the conference room.

He would not listen this time. Dr. Ainsley put his foot down and sided with the administration.

Perfect, just… just perfect.

Kimbra ran her fingers back through her purple hair as she sighed in defeat.

I can't go through with this. What if I screw up and make a mockery of myself? Everyone will laugh, and you'll be known as a complete and utter failure.

A loud male voice spoke up from behind her, pulling Kimbra out of her dreary thoughts. “Well, if it ain't the prettiest little thing in all of St. Canard!”

Kimbra smiled at the sound of the heavy southern accent as she turned around. In front of her stood an older white dog. He dressed in formal western attire, generally lighter colors with a black bolo tie. His aged face appeared warm and friendly.

“Now Mr. Barksdale... this is a professional environment.” Kimbra teased, feeling calmer about the project presentation now that an old acquaintance was here.

The gentleman only laughed at her comment as the two exchanged a brief hug.

Mr. Barksdale owned the Barksdale Water Bottle company—the most well-established brand in the city of St. Canard. They previously sponsored several of EcoTech's projects. Last year, Kimbra worked with Barksdale on the C.O.R.A.L project and found the CEO to be an absolute delight. He was charming and loved telling tales about his ranch back home.

And he cared about the environment as much as EcoTech did.

“Little birdy told me you went and got yourself a project!” Mr. Barksdale released her from his embrace and took a step backwards. His huge smile caused his bushy gray mustache to turn upwards at the ends.

“Yeah, I managed to talk those stuck ups in administration to approve C.O.R.E. I'm surprised they haven't fired me yet.”

“I wouldn't fret too much bout' them.” He patted her on the shoulder. “Say, you do know that I'm one of the endorsement choices?”

That made Kimbra's worries wash away. “Maybe Dr. Ainsley will choose you!” She eagerly spoke, appearing more confident in herself.

“Unless he goes with someone else.” Mr. Barksdale brought her back to reality.

True. Ainsley liked to shake things up and him picking the same sponsor twice was highly impossible.

“Who's the other possibilities?”

“Lemme show you.” Mr. Barksdale peeked into the conference chamber. He ushered Kimbra to stand by his side. She stepped over and settled beside him, looking into the room full of individuals. It felt wrong to spy on them, but Mr. Barksdale didn't seem to mind.

“I'll give you a rundown of the other four. That fella over there,” Barksdale pointed over to a caramel colored ram in an olive green sweater. “That's Jamie Woodoff of Westwood Furniture. He's pretty nice, nothing much to say about him.”

The ram was chatting away with a petite blue bird. He said something to make her laugh.

“The little lady beside him,” Barksdale motioned to the bird. “That's Cassie Fletcher of Arctic Records. She's all business but has a soft heart.”

"Isn't that Brice Cawson's record label?”

Brice Cawson, one of the most influential rock stars at the time. That man made every woman in St. Canard swoon. Kimbra's friend group dragged her to a concert several years ago, and like everybody else, she turned into a fangirl.

Mr. Barksdale shook his finger at her. “Now don't you go in there fangirling over that sorry excuse for a musician.”

Kimbra held her hands up in defense. “Okay okay, I won't!”

Well, she'd try not to at least. No promises.

Mr. Barksdale continued to point out everyone to Kimbra. “That's River Reiff.” He shifted their attention to an elegant, dark furred feline. “He owns the Rieff designer brand. He's a well-known fashion designer here in St. Canard. Kind of mysterious looking, but he's a pretty big nerd.” Mr. Barksdale laughed as he nudged Kimbra with his elbow. “Kinda like you, huh?”

So far, the possibilities looked reasonable. Kimbra could handle working with any of these four.

“And the last one is—”

Oh. My. God.

A familiar character in a brown suit caught her eye. His black hair and assertive demeanor was easy to spot in a crowd.

“What the hell is Bud doing here?” Kimbra frowned, cutting off Barksdale as she watched the grayish brown hound chat away with Dr. Ainsley.

Anyone who had a television in St. Canard knew who Bud Flud was. He owned the Sparkling Crystal Pure Flud Water company and constantly ran commercials for his business. His slogans were annoyingly catchy and all he ever did was tell lies to market his water.

She found him revolting. A disgrace to modern science.

The thought of working with Flud was repugnant to her.

Mr. Barksdale was taken aback by her sudden hostility. “Wait... what's wrong with Flud?”

Kimbra looked back, stunned that Mr. Barksdale would defend another water salesman. “Isn't he one of your rivals?”

Mr. Barksdale let out a sincere laugh. “Darlin' I'd hardly consider Flud Water to be any sort of competition, but I consider Mr. Flud a pretty alright fella.”

Despite Barksdale's own opinion, Bud Flud was still a disgrace to St. Canard and Kimbra did not want him setting foot in her lab.

“He is not an 'alright fella.” Kimbra ranted. “He's a sleazy, selfish, capitalist who cares about no one but himself.”

Mr. Barksdale only raised an eyebrow at her.

Kimbra not noticing it at all, simply added on to her string of insults. “And his recent advertising campaign is a sham.”

Mr. Barksdale smirked. “You sound pretty hung up on Flud.”

“Don't you start.” She scolded him, not in the mood for taunting. “I want nothing to do with that pitiful excuse of a man.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, glaring back in Flud's direction. “He's a pompous ass who thinks he knows everything.”

Barksdale only chucked and patted the raging scientist on the back. “See ya inside.”

Mr. Barksdale then entered the conference room, leaving Kimbra alone in the barren hallway. The awkward silence caused her to overthink. The countless ways this all could go wrong whirled through her mind.

Take a deep breath Kimbra. Relax. You got this. You didn't move thousands of miles from home to this junk of a city just to come out a failure.

Get in there and prove yourself.

Kimbra deeply inhaled as she pushed the door open, making her way into the room. No one paid her any attention as she strolled past to the end of the table. They became too caught up in their conversations with one another.

Figures .

Kimbra cleared her throat. “Good afternoon everyone.”

The small group dropped their discussion and fixated on her. She positioned herself at the front of the room, beside a large presentation easel. A white cloth draped over it, covering up whatever information it held. Dr. Ainsley gave her a thumbs up in an attempt to reassure her.

It didn't help in the slightest.

“I'm delighted that you all could make it. I'm Dr. Wulfe, head of EcoTech's project department.”

“Don't forget the mottos, dear.” Dr. Ainsley chimed in.

Kimbra hated the mottos. EcoTech didn't need lame catchy phrases for them to market their ideas. According to Ainsley, they had to sell the idea of C.O.R.E to those five entrepreneurs. The only way to make her dream a reality was to play their game.

So catchy mottos it was.

Kimbra sighed and put on a phony smile. “Our company prides itself on working for a better tomorrow.”

She dramatically pulled the drape off the easel, revealing the blueprints and concept art for C.O.R.E.

“Here at EcoTech, your choice matters.” She stated, finishing EcoTech's motto as she let the white cloth fall to the floor.

In her opinion, the last line was a blatant lie. Your choice only counted if you were someone. Nothing the lower levels at EcoTech did ever matter unless it was a colossal screw up.

Kimbra pushed those thoughts aside, so she could present her work. “The Central Optical Reactor Entropy, or C.O.R.E as we fondly call it, is a breakthrough in modern science.”

She reached over and tapped the blueprint with her index finger, pointing out the individual parts. She had to simplify the presentation, as her guests didn't have degrees in science.

“The reactor core uses sunlight and neighboring molecules to generate energy,” Kimbra began her explanation.

The next several minutes she spent going over every detail of the C.O.R.E project—from the turbines to the smallest bolt. Kimbra's excitement grew the more she explained C.O.R.E. For so long had she waited to tell the world of her idea. One she so yearned to make a reality.

Kimbra concluded her presentation. “Any questions?”

There’s an achingly long silence. Apparently none of the executives had questions for her. Kimbra shifted her weight, counting on one of them to ask something. She ran out of things to mention, and standing there made her appear inexperienced.

Someone for the love of god say something.

Bud smiled warmly at Kimbra as he lifted his right hand, to her dismay. As much as she wanted to skip him, she couldn't. Dr. Ainsley would never trust her with a project again. She had to be fair. She had to answer whatever ridiculous question that the salesman would give her.

The scientist exhaled through clenched teeth. And put on a smile.

“Yes Mr. Flud?”

“So I was just wondering…” The canine began as he lightly tapped a pen against the table. “How exactly does this project benefit us?”

Kimbra's smile didn't last.

Of course the selfish capitalist needs to know how the project would benefit himself, she thought.

Kimbra wished she could say it surprised her.

“Okay Mr. Flud,” She planted her hands on her hips as she explained. “Think about how costly it is to power your factory.”

That did it. Kimbra knew anything regarding his company would grab his attention.

Bud set the pen down and focused on Kimbra. “I'm listening.”

“Imagine if the project is successful. Imagine if we're able to make this accessible to every resident and building in St. Canard. The cost of powering your factory will go down by seventy percent.”

Bud leaned back in his chair, content with the answer. “Well sweetheart, I, for one, am sold on this little project of yours.”

“Of course you are.” Kimbra muttered under her breath, loud enough for only her to hear. Then she spoke up, “anyway that's our project, and I am more than happy to answer any remaining questions. Thank you for coming.”

Bud disappeared not long after the presentation had ended. The other four remained behind, taking a moment to speak with Kimbra or Dr. Ainsley. Kimbra felt relieved that Bud had taken off so soon. Maybe he lost interest in the project, and she never had to see him in person ever again.


After Jamie, Reiff, and Cassie departed from EcoTech, Mr. Barksdale approached Kimbra as she put away her presentation. He preferred to give the others a chance to speak with the brilliant young lady.

“Darlin' that is a mighty fine creation you got yourself.” The aged dog leaned against the table. “Color me impressed.”

Kimbra smiled. She appreciated his support. “Thank you, Mr. Barksdale.”

“Who do you think the doc will choose?”

Kimbra shrugged as she stacked papers together and set them back into a binder. “I don't care who Dr. Ainsley picks.”

Which now, Kimbra didn't mind who the sponsor turned out to be. Four of the potential sponsors appeared to be very solid choices. Each of them were successful in their own respective field. All of them were somewhat tolerable to talk to. She trusted Dr. Ainsley to make the appropriate decision for the company. He always made the right choice.

The scientist then remembered the last possible sponsor. The one she utterly despised.

Kimbra dropped one last comment to Mr. Barksdale before retreating upstairs to her office.

“As long as Dr. Ainsley's choice isn't Bud Flud.”


Three weeks after the C.O.R.E project presentation, EcoTech hosted a rather large birthday party for Dr. Ainsley. Now no one at the company knew how old the founder was, but they all assumed he was in his late seventies. The event was strictly formal wear, as Dr. Ainsley preferred those types of parties.

Kimbra desperately tried to get out of going. She made excuse after excuse to avoid attending. Dr. Ainsley told her she had to be there. Apparently, he had chosen the sponsor for C.O.R.E a few days prior.

Tonight, Kimbra would meet whoever that person would be.

The scientist stood at the entrance, glaring at her reflection in the glass door. Her curly purple hair hung off her shoulders. The red cocktail dress she found in her closet outlined her small figure. Kimbra didn't hate dressing up, that's the only fun part. What she hated was socializing with a crowd full of people. If she wanted to see any of them after work, she'd call them herself.

She didn't want to go in. It felt unnecessary, all the social events and parties did.

Kimbra let out a breath and stepped inside the fray.

Dozens of employees filled EcoTech's lobby. More strolled through the corridors, holding glasses of wine in their hands as they engulfed themselves in chat with their fellow man. Kimbra didn't want to speak with anyone. She dropped by to wish Dr. Ainsley a happy birthday and stick around for a minute. After that, she would immediately head home and eat ice cream on her kitchen floor as she had her third midlife crisis this week.

Kimbra you're only in your twenties, you can't be having a midlife crisis now.

Standing by a table full of sweets stood a blue-haired feline and a slightly taller lion. Immersed in deep conversation, the two hardly noticed when the snow colored canine approached them.

“Well I'm surprised Miss I-Hate-Social-Events is here.” Neil snickered once he recognized her. His sun-soaked yellow mane for once had been neatly groomed.

Leslie elbowed him and tucked a strand of blue hair behind her ear. Neil Clawson, one of the technical engineers for EcoTech. He was always paired with Leslie Furberry for projects, as they formed an excellent team.

And Kimbra wanted the best. She persuaded Dr. Ainsley to let her have them on the C.O.R.A.L project. Kimbra never found it easy to make friends. She was introverted and antisocial. She had trust and abandonment issues. Yet somehow, someway, those two befriended her.

“Hey, I had to come.” Kimbra plucked a small red velvet cupcake from the table. “I'd feel awful if I skipped out on Dr. Ainsley's birthday party. Besides, he said a sponsor for C.O.R.E had been chosen, and I'd be introduced to them tonight.”

Leslie gasped, moving close by Kimbra. “Are you excited?”

“Eh, I don't really care that much.” She dipped her finger in the cupcake icing, eating it first.

Kimbra did care.

She cared too much.

Ten minutes later, another influential figure strode through those shiny glass doors. Someone who could talk his way out of any predicament. A man that once he had his eyes on something, he worked his tail off to get. The most well-known face of commercial television.

Bud Flud himself.

The sleazy CEO adjusted his blue tie and tucked it back into his suit. Elegant parties and crowds of people had never phased him. He was used to this sort of stuff. Sometimes Bud even hosted his own extravagant parties.

This was nothing unusual to him.

Bud felt out of place at the event. These individuals were scientists, not businessmen. They discussed physics and other nerd stuff that Bud could never comprehend. He was simply here for business.

Now where was that old lizard?

“Ah, Mr. Flud!” Dr. Ainsley, out of nowhere, welcomed Flud with open arms. “I'm overjoyed you found time in your busy schedule for a tired old man like me.” He saw Bud walk in, and slipped away to greet him.

“Now Ainsley,” The black haired canine chuckled. “I can always spare time for a fellow businessman.”

The two exchanged a brief handshake.

“Let me introduce you to our lab boys.” Ainsley led Bud away from the entrance and to a group of ambitious men.

As they headed to them, Ainsley told Flud about their testing facility below EcoTech. St. Canard wouldn't grant him a permit to build EcoTech any higher, so instead, Dr. Ainsley built below ground.

He's honestly mad, Bud told himself, questioning if taking the sponsorship offer was actually worth the trouble.

The lab boys were in deep conversation, something about quantum particles. One excitedly flared his arms around, while the others stared in awe.

What is wrong with these people? Bud mentally asked, were all the scientists here like this?

“This is Pete, Johnson, Mac, Julien, and—” Dr. Ainsley paused, noticing a member missing. “Hey, where's Craig?”

A mallard, who Bud assumed was Pete, spoke up. “Hospital, remember? Last week Mac shot him with the modular laser.”

Mac, an average looking duck, shot Pete a dirty look. The two then started arguing in the background.

“Ah,” The elderly reptile tapped the side of his head, remembering the incident. “I ought to tell that secretary of mine to send him flowers then.”

A long ramble about the facility and their experiments escaped his mouth. Once Ainsley had initiated a discussion on something, he usually found it impossible to find a stopping place. In the beginning, Bud was listening to him. Ainsley lost him when he got to the part about everyone in the facility needing to sign an NDA and waivers.

Just boring legal stuff.

Bud's eyes strayed to the other side of the room. The doctor's rambling faded out.

“I'll have someone give you a tour of the place tomorrow, alright?” Ainsley adds, not realizing that Bud had stopped listening to him.

No response.

Dr. Ainsley's eyes drifted over to the talkative proprietor beside him. Only now was Flud completely silent, somewhat in a daze.

He was watching Kimbra.

The CEO glanced to where Kimbra stood, talking away with her project team. A glass of wine rested in her left hand as she used the other to make slight gestures. The doctor glanced back at EcoTech's current project sponsor.

Bud was still watching Kimbra.

Of course, he knew why Bud held his view on Kimbra. She's attractive—Bud is a bachelor—so it wasn't hard to figure out.

Kimbra overworks herself anyway, Ainsley told himself. She could use a small breather. Get Bud to talk to her.

Dr. Ainsley loudly cleared his throat. “See something you like?”

That startled Bud out of his trance. He acted like the doc caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing. Which technically , he was.

“What?” He stammered, his dark eyes darting back to Ainsley. He fidgeted with the cuff of his suit sleeve.

“I see you're infatuated with one of my employees over there.”

“W-who?” Flustered Bud as he proceeded to mess with his cuff sleeve.

Deny everything.

"Dr. Wulfe,” Ainsley motioned over to the scientist. “I noticed you staring so intensely at her.”

Bud didn't respond. His face felt uncomfortably hot.

Was he blushing? Why was he blushing? Was he just embarrassed or was this something entirely else?

“She's a marvelous young lady,” Dr. Ainsley laughed. “I know exactly why you can't keep your eyes off her.”

“Well I mean—” Bud shifted from one foot to the other, not wanting to have this discussion.

“Go on, go talk to her.” The doctor encouraged him.

“Is that really a good idea?”

“Come on, Flud,” Dr. Ainsley smiled. “What's the worst that can happen?”

Bud scoffed at all the possibilities. “She could toss her drink in my face for one thing.”

“Guess that's a chance you have to take.”

Bud gave himself a pep talk as he made his way towards Dr. Wulfe.

You can do this, Flud. You built your organization from the ground up. Not only that, but you've talked to people in higher places.

“Pardon me…”

Kimbra looked over her shoulder and found Bud Flud's award-winning smile. The one that appeared on thousands of television sets in St. Canard.

Great, just great, Kimbra thought. Who the hell invited him?

“Bud Flud,” the water salesman extended his palm out to her. “You must be the lovely Dr. Wulfe.”

She bluntly refused to shake his hand, not evening bothering to acknowledge it.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Kimbra icily said as she glanced around the room for Dr. Ainsley.

Maybe he'd have the uninvited gentlemen kicked out of the building. She speculated that Flud just talked his way into the party. It's what he did with everything else.

“I'm your sponsor.” Bud frowned at his empty hand and placed it back to his side.

He didn't understand why his new 'partner' was being impolite. Women usually fell for his irresistible charm, so he didn't know where to go from here.

Maybe she just requires a little more persuasion, Bud told himself.

“You?” Kimbra slowly blinked several times as she tried to process the new information. “You're my sponsor?”

Bud nodded his head, taking one step closer to the scientist. He leaned down a bit, and smoothly whispered, “usually I don't mix business with pleasure, but I can make an expectation this time.”

Is he… flirting? No way! Kimbra's mind scrambled for a reply. She didn't know how to respond. What do you even say to something like that? Should she throw her drink in his face? She should throw her drink in his face.

But she didn't.

“Okay, ew… That's incredibly unprofessional,” Kimbra set down her wineglass on the table in front of them. “Besides, I rather have a sponsor who doesn't dress like a used car dealer.”

“And you say I'm unprofessional.” Bud ignores her insult, instead returning to the topic at hand. “I just think that since we're partners-”

“No...no no no.” She shook a finger at him, renouncing their partnership. “I'm not your partner.”

“We'll be working together for the next seven months,” Bud placed both his index fingers closely, side by side. Gesturing their newly formed partnership. “Partners.”

She rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her annoyance of Bud. “I'm going to talk to Dr. Ainsley about his little… error he made.”

She excused herself as she wandered off, scanning the room for her employer. Of all the men in St. Canard that Ainsely could have chosen, he just had to pick Bud Flud. Kimbra struggled a bit, working to locate him. People either kept trying to talk to her or were in the way.

Bud followed a little more slowly, not wanting to set off Kimbra again. No one warned him that the director of EcoTech's project department had a temper. He'd keep his distance, but stay close by in case she went through with confronting Dr. Ainsley.

As if she would.

Kimbra caught a glimpse of a scaly green tail. She made her way towards it, coming upon the doctor chatting away with the guys from the testing laboratory.

“Ah Kimbra!” Dr. Ainsley recognized his favorite employee and raised his glass to her. “Come, have a chat with us. We're discussing quantum physics. It's absolutely fascinating!”

No, thanks.

“Why did you pick Flud?” Kimbra questioned, skipping the small talk.


“Yes, Flud.”

Ainsley nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “I thought he'd be the best choice for you.”

“I am not working with...with him !” Kimbra pointed in the general direction of Bud, who remained close behind her. “Dr. Ainsley, he's literally a con man! You cannot force me to work with him for the next seven months!”

Bud loudly huffed, “I find that highly demeaning you know.”

He had followed her, wanting to defend himself and make certain he remained on the project. Ainsley chose him for a reason, and he wouldn't let some uptight know-all ruin this for him. Bud didn't care how attractive he found Kimbra to be. It cancelled out whenever she opened that mouth of hers.

He walked on a thin line of wanting to ask her out, or lock her in a janitorial closet.

Right now it was the latter.

Kimbra quickly turned to the salesman. “What's demeaning is the fact you think it's perfectly fine to waltz in here and pretend to care about a project. You only want to sponsor me so you can benefit that company of yours.”

“Now that's just outright slander!” Bud snapped back at her. “You barely even know me!”

“Fine, prove me wrong, Flud.” Kimbra stepped towards him so that her face was inches from his. “What's the reason you wish to be my sponsor?”


Bud felt as if the entire room were glaring daggers into his soul. He didn't have an answer right away and god forbid if he said the wrong thing. The party would turn their backs on him, and Ainsley might even kick him from the project. He needed this. His company relied on the publicity it would provide him.

Just spit out a good sounding line, Bud thought to himself. He did it all the time on television. Why should this be any different?

But these were scientists, actual smart people who knew more than him. Scamming his way into their hearts would be more of a challenge.

“Well Mr. Flud?” Dr. Ainsley motioned for Bud to reply. He appeared eager to hear what the salesman had to say. They all did.

“To...to help the environment?” Bud replied as he tugged at his shirt collar. “Since… coal as an energy source is uh… one of the largest contributors to global warming.”

The entrepreneur hoped for his own sake that he was repeating all that right. He heard it a few times on the news, but never paid that much attention to it. His answer seemed to displease Kimbra, which he had no idea what that meant.

Most of the room nodded in agreement and then went back to their usual chitchat.

To Bud's relief, they all accepted the answer without a second thought. He actually did it. He lied his way into this ridiculous project.

Unlike the others, Kimbra knew better than to trust any word that came out of Flud's mouth. He only knew lies and catchy slogans. He cared for nothing but himself.

That isn't someone Kimbra wanted to work with for the next seven months.

“You might have everybody else here fooled, but not me. I don't trust you.” Kimbra spoke to Bud in a hushed manner. “Just stay out of my way, and we won't have any problems.”

Before Bud could respond, Kimbra disappeared into the crowd. That left him standing alone with Dr. Ainsley, wondering what kind of mess he had gotten himself into.

Bud dreaded working with her.

“That went terribly,”He exhaled sharply. “I have never in my entire life met a woman that belligerent.”

The reptilian snickered, holding a glass to his mouth. “I'm not surprised.”

“You knew how she'd react to me?"

“Come on now,” The doctor laughed. “She'll warm up to you… eventually.”

He took a small sip of his champagne as he listened to Bud. Ainsley had his reasons for pairing the two together. Now… the first month they might be at each other throats, but he knew things would work themselves out. Bud Flud was the best choice for C.O.R.E, whether Kimbra knew it or not.

Bud rubbed the back of his neck, doubting Ainsley's judgement. “I don't think working with her is such a great idea. She obviously hates my guts.”

“Dr. Wulfe just requires time to warm up to you. Give it a chance.”


Bud agreed that he'd attempt to get along with that menace of a woman. He'd endure her aggressive temperament and insults. He'd overlook her surly and standoffish attitude towards everyone.

For the sake of his dying company.