Imaginary horns

3 years, 5 months ago

For those who listen.

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People told me that there was a strange little town deep into the mountains of Norway.

They told me that everyone there had weird rules, crazy people and strange traditions. They told me to keep away from that town and to visit different places in the country. That a lot of other places in Norway were full of adventures to have..

So naturally I completely ignored their warning and brought a ticket going straight to that little town! If this town got such a strange reputation, I HAD to see it for myself.

So I took my travel bag, set foot on the bus and took a seat next to the window, watching the cold, snowy scenery fly By.

As i did that, one by one the rest of the travelers left the bus until I was all alone, driving to the very last stop.


The cold air brushed against my face as soon as I stepped outside. Doors behind me closed and I was left alone in the middle of an empty street. Just over a few hundred meters from the first house in the small town, nested by a mountain.

That's my stop!

So I start walking, already lost in thought on what I may see there.

It's such a strange way to describe a town. "Weird". This word is so subjective. What is unusual to one may be normal to others. I know I seemed weird to some as well. Did I really ever understood why? Nope.. So maybe I won't see anything strange here either.

" Hi! I don't think I have seen you here before. "

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of someone's voice. Quite a sweet voice if I may say so. It doesn't startle me as much as i would think.

When I turn around i see a lion with a bright pink mane greeting me.

If I can take anything from his uniform this lion is a mailman, delivering quite a big bag of mail for such a small town. His bag is practically crammed with letters, pushing it to it's limits. And when I look at the lions head, I notice a strange looking hat with custom made holes in them. Why would someone want a hat with holes in them?

"Yeah, I'm just visiting for a couple days."

My answer is greeted with a warm smile and a friendly wave to follow.

"Then come on! No use standing out in the cold."


Encouraged by the friendly invitation I run up next to him, eager to spill out some questions that are already running trough my head. I open my mouth to ask them when the lion speaks again.

"My name's Cotton by the way."

"Oh, you can call me Cat."

"Cat.. I like that name. "

He comments with a smile that almost makes me forget how cold everything around us is. But no use getting distracted now. I have some questions about this town that I gotta ask.

"Is there a different town nearby? That is a lot of letters to deliver and I read that there aren't so many people living out here. "

"No the letters are all for this town only. There are only 34 of us, but we all like to send a lot of letters dedicated to each one of us. It's kind if like a daily tradition at this point."

"Isn't that very expensive?.."

"Not at all. I don't actually ask for money as long as I don't need to deliver out of town, but don't tell anyone that, okay?"

He winks at me surprisingly confident that I - a random stranger will keep that information to myself.

Well, I will! But that's not the point.

"What started this letter sending tradition if I may ask?

"A quite shy, mute member of our community actually started it all up. She moved to this town some years back wanting some silence and piece from people. I guess they weren't so kind to her because she was very, very wary of strangers. We made sure not to bother her too much. "

"Well.. We bothered her in our own ways. Bill was just too excited to have someone new taste his dishes, so he kept leaving her food by the door in hopes she will like it. Others just kept inviting her to tea parties, birthdays and what not until one day when I checked her mailbox, she had written individual letters thanking each one of us. She said she doesn't want to go to tea parties, but misses conversations with others even if only by writing. So after that we all started writing letters to her and other people we cared about. It's quite nice actually. "


Cotton stopped by someone's house and opened the mailbox, reminding me that we already made it to the town.

Pulling out a few letters from his bag, he carefully looks them over making sure nothing has bent or teared. These letters had a heavenly journey compared to my Amazon mail, that's for sure.

"I believe you are staying here? "

He speaks and I quickly glance at the address. My ears perk up. That's why this house looked familiar. This was the place I fond on AirBNB. The only place to stay in this town.

It's cold and i want to go inside already, but just in case I don't see the lion again, I can't help but ask.

"Oh, I was wondering.. What's with the holes in your hat? "

"Oh these?" He points at his hat and smiles both with confidence and a hint of worry.

"It's for my horns."


Like a fewer dream he is gone to the next house and I'm standing by the bright rainbow colored door with some mail in my hands to give to the person inside. I ring the doorbell and can already hear some music start playing inside the home.

Soon after the home owner basically runs outside in their bright pink house wear and before I can even greet them, I am wrapped up in a tight hug.

"It's so nice to finally see you! You are even cuter than I imagined!"

Suddenly letting go they quickly try to explain themselves.

"Sorry cutie! I know some people don't like it so if my hugs ever bother you, please tell me!"

Before I'm even able to process their words they are overwhelmed with enthusiasm once more and jumping up a few times open the door wider, welcoming me inside.

"Welcome, welcome! I got your bed ready, full of fluffy plushie friends, I have a warm dinner, hot cocoa with marshmallows and sprinkles if you so like. And oooh~ I'd love to play a game of uno with you and my friends!"


"Oh, but where are my manners!?"

They shake my hand with both of their soft paws and with a big smile on their face greet me.

"My name's Casey! But you can call me C. I'm the owner of this sparkly pink palace!"

Their hands shoot up in a dramatic motion and I swear some glitter flew out of their sleeves.

"Um.. Hi. I'm Cat."

I introduced myself feeling just a bit overwhelmed by the energetic greeting. I don't think I have met anyone quite like them before. But they don't seem bad at all. Not to me at least.


Not even ten minutes later there is a fluffy pink blanket around my arms and a big mug of hot chocolate in my paws. It's filled up with so much whipped cream and sprinkles that I can't even see the liquid itself.

"So you came here to find out why people call the town strange? "

Casey asks and I nod, confirming their words. Is that glitter on the table? Gosh, there is so much bright colors and glitter everywhere, I feel like in a dream.

"Those people always call us strange or 'weird' when they don't understand something. Not classy at all if you ask me. They should at least attempt to understand us. "

Casey crosses their long legs over each other and takes a sip of their drink, letting whipped cream stick to their nose.

"What do you mean?"

The curiosity takes the better of me, but I feel like I already know the answer. So does Casey as they take another sip from the drink, hesitant to answer.

"Well... Each one of us in this town got some type of 'quirk', if you must call it that, that makes them unique. Sadly some people just can't deal with that. They want everyone and everything to be the same boring ol' normal, so they don't have to wrap their heads around any new ideas. People used to call me 'extra'. Too much glitter, too much pink, what's with all the rainbows and 'oh can you stop with all the hugs'."

Casey looks like they are getting mad, but soon this look is replaces by just a hint of sadness.

"Don't get me wrong. I tried to fit in. Acting normal just wasn't for me. This is my normal and if its called being 'extra' to them, so be it. I'll be extra fabulous!"

Casey laughts and shoots me a soft look that could catch the attention of even the most dense, half asleep furry.

"So be understanding of people here. We are all just trying to be happy the way we are."

I nod in agreement, already feeling how much this means to not only Casey, but everyone in this town.


I couldn't stop thinking about Casey's words. Were they really just people that the world decided to shut out for some reason? But why? Why alienate someone like that?

The snow crunched under my feet as I walked down the little town's streets. A lot of houses still had fairy lights up even though Christmas was over months ago. Houses were decorated with colorful walls, accessories and sometimes even pride flags.

One of the homes even had a big top hat on it's roof. Defiantly something I had never seen before. I wonder why this place isn't a more popular tourist attraction by that alone? Not to mention the view!

I sit down on one of the heart pattern painted benches and look over at the mountain where the sun slowly hides behind the icy peaks. This place is beautiful.

"Hey, Cat! Went out for a walk?"

I'm startled by a familiar voice and soon see Cotton coming my way with huge, fake horns on his head. That reminds me of what he said earlier. The holes on the hat were for the horns, but he wasn't wearing horns at the time.

I suddenly realized I hadn't said a word. And now I can't help but ask.

"Why are you wearing horns?"

"Because it's comforting to me."

He answers and now I feel even more confused.

"The same way you wore a hat with holes in it when you didn't have horns on?"

"I had my horns."

Cotton gets a little impatient, angry even, but soon calms down, explaining what he means.

"You just couldn't see them, but I always have horns. You may call them imaginary. Imaginary horns if you may. Horns that you can't really see, but they are always there. Like feelings of love."

Cotton speaks looking at the sun slowly sliding down the mountainside. I can tell he's worried.

"They feel comforting to me. And I know its silly, but when I imagine them or when i feel them atop of my head I feel more like myself. I feel confident, like nothing can stop me. And even if they are just imaginary, it means the world to me when others can see them too. When people don't tell me I'm crazy and just..accept me the way I am. The way I know I am. And you know..its not really hurting anyone if I think this way. Even if I really am wrong. "

"I don't think it's wrong."

I say without really thinking, surprising even myself.

"I think its important to have something that makes you happy. To have something to make part of yourself. If you feel like it makes you enjoy life more and be more comfortable in your skin, who am I to say no? I think I want you to be happy more than try to prove that something that is dear to you doesn't exist. "

Cotton's eyes go wide with surprise and I feel like I catch a glimpse of water in his eyes.


He simply replies and we watch the sun go down in comfortable science. Just two people coexisting.


The few days I spent in the town were the most fun I had in a while. I met so many interesting people! They each had their own story to tell, their own hobbies and cool ideas. They all wanted to share those parts about themselves, but also they didn't define them.

I learned that looking from another perspective can actually be pretty fun. It can reveal so many new things I didn't even see before and most importantly, no one here judges people for living in their own strange ways.

They are accepted by each other and I guess that is one of the many reasons why I was sad when I finally had to go. And the thing is.. I feel like I have my own type of imaginary horns as well. Something that is just a little bit strange, a little bit different than people are used to. But its still a part of myself.

But its okay. Because I know there are people out there willing to listen. I'll find them. And I will listen.