Level 1

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
1 1151

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Explicit Violence

Mosomi's Story

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Author's Notes

Hello! This is the first chapter of what I hope to be a full-length novel (one in a series of 3 (maybe even 4!). Please let me know what you think of it! Enjoy! ~Ayla

Session 1

Session 1

Date: 7-Oct-2236
Time: 0730
Doctor: Nyia Waul

Patient Information:

Last Name, First Name- Avanell, Mosomi

DOB- 14-Jul-2206

Gender- Male

Physical appearance- Clothes are dirty; blond hair is unkempt; scratches and bruises apparent and visible on arms, face, and neck. 

Power Level- 1

Session Audio Transcribed:

Nyia: Good morning, Mr. Avanell.
Mosomi: ...
Nyia: So how are you enjoying-
Mosomi: I’m not enjoying my forced living situation. You should let us go.
Nyia: You know I can’t do that. I don’t have the authorization necessary to process discharge orders.
Mosomi: Sounds like a load of bull sh-
Nyia: Please mind your language while we’re here. These sessions are being recorded for later analysis.
Mosomi: Honestly, I could care less. I’ll cuss if I want to.
Nyia: Right. So. Could you please tell me what started this attempt to break into The Center?
Mosomi: I’d have to go back to when I was five. Is that really necessary?
Nyia: If that is when this started, then yes.
Mosomi: I was five when you so-called “doctors” fucked me up. Happy?
Nyia: Mr. Avanell [sigh], please tell it to me as though you’re describing a movie or television show you’ve just watched. That would be most helpful.
Mosomi: Fine. I hope you’re ready for a long session, doc.
Nyia: However long it takes, Mr. Avanell.
Mosomi: [sigh] Mosomi looked at the adults...

...on either side of him, both holding a hand firmly. He looked forward to the glowing blue stone and then to the monitors surrounding the pedestal it was resting upon. It seemed like a bunch of work for a glowing rock. He tried to pull away to go closer to the rock, but the adults held him in place, not letting him move much at all. He frowned and tugged harder. 

“Let me go!” He grunted, leaning forward with all of his might. The adults exchanged glances and then looked to the group of doctors who were behind the computer monitors. They nodded, and suddenly Mosomi fell onto the floor. 

He whipped his head around, glaring at the two adults who just stared at him passively. No one even asked if he was alright! Annoyance fueling him, Mosomi turned to look at the glowing rock again. He’d show them! Quick as a flash, he dashed up the three steps and jumped to touch the blue stone. The air around it seemed fridged, but all Mosomi felt was fire raging in and around his body when he touched it. 

An eternity appeared to pass before someone pulled the young five-year-old away from the glowing stone. His body twitched as he lay curled in the fetal position, gasping for breath. He was faintly aware of people milling about, some pressing objects to his body, others stripping him of his clothes. Mosomi couldn’t care less as long as they put the fire out.

“Holding steady at 98.”
“Check his eyes.”

Mosomi wanted to hold them shut as someone forced one of his eyelids open, shining a light before letting him go. 

“Bright blue, sir.”
“Take him to the recovery unit and notify his family.”

When a blanket of darkness offered itself to Mosomi, he took it gratefully.

Nyia: Do you remember what happened next?
Mosomi: Yes. It’s more or less ingrained in my brain at this point.
Nyia: Would you feel comfortable going on then?
Mosomi: Do I have anything better to do?
Nyia: Not for about three hours.
Mosomi: Wonderful [rolls eyes] I could hear someone talking...

“I think he’s waking up.”


Mosomi slowly opened his eyes to look around, his vision blurry but his attention being drawn to whoever had pronounced his name wrong. After a few seconds, his vision seemed to steady and was able to see who it was around him. A nurse and a young boy who didn’t appear to be much older than Mosomi himself.

“Mosomie! He’s awake nurse!”

“Muh-so-mee.” Mosomi corrected with a groan, trying to sit up. A hand pushed him back down and he noticed the nurse near the head of the bed, not looking at him but at a screen. “Yes, yes, I see that he’s awake Terrance. Please, go back to your room though.”

“But he’s awake now, Miss Fae!”
“All the more reason to let him rest, Terrance.”
“Aw, but I could just-”

Mosomi saw a hand shoot out to stop the boy from touching Mosomi. The nurse had a weird purple glow to her eyes as she slowly released Terrance’s hand. The young boy turned without another word and left the small room. Mosomi thought it was strange but the throbbing in his head pulled his thoughts in another direction.

“My head,” He muttered, tears springing to his eyes, “My head hurts…” the tears began to fall and the more he cried, the worse the headache seemed to grow. 

“I know, Mosomi. Just hold on. I promise it’ll be over soon.”

The nurses' words seemed to do little to help as the throbbing turned into shooting paints that radiated from the base of his skull down his spine. His mouth was open in silent screams, the pain too much to even vocalize as his body tensed and relax over and over. His vision seemed to explode in colors at the same time. Between the bursts of red, yellow, and blue, Mosomi noticed the room’s color seemed to turn black and white like someone had removed all color from it. 

The brief thought was a point of comfort, something he focused on as the pain continued to shoot up and down his spine and circle his skull. Nurse Fae sat at his bedside, her eyes glowing purple as she rubbed his arm gently, murmuring words Mosomi couldn’t quite understand. It became easier and easier to focus on the colors, or lack thereof in some cases, the longer he lay in the hospital bed. 

After nearly half an hour, the pain faded to a dull ache at the base of his skull. Nurse Fae helped him sit up, the purple glow gone from her eyes. She offered him some water and ice chips, though his stomach growled for solid food. When he was able to speak at last though, food wasn’t what he requested. 

“When can I see my Momma, ma’am?” 

Nurse Fae’s expression was pained as she hugged him gently. 

“We are your family now, Mosomi. You won’t see your Momma or Daddy again.”
“You… you’re special now, Mosomi. Your parents wouldn’t understand it.”
“My Momma would! I want to see her!”

Nurse Fae stood up and gently touched his forehead with her palm, “Sleep.” she said as her eyes began to glow purple again. Fatigue seemed to slam into Mosomi like a wave he couldn’t escape. 

Author's Notes

Let me know what you thought of this and if you'd like to read more! Thank you!