Destiny Forbidden

3 years, 5 months ago

Explicit Violence

The backstory of Zex!

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Long ago, in the land of Crystalga, filled with luscious green grass, trees with spotlights of sun, and riverbends flowing in the distance, I was born and raised.

Running in the fields was my favorite past-time. I loved to jump, skip, and play with all of the little creatures of nature. Climbing trees, enjoying the breeze, and almost scraping my knees.

My name is Zex. A name given to me by the ones that bore me. I can’t remember their faces. Hell, I can’t remember their names.

I never believed in God. I thought it was just some myth as a child. Some fantasy that made those who believed in it seek false comforts.

That all changed.

As I was keeping my balance across a log sitting over the riverbend, my foot slipped. Not even I could cling to the bark quick enough. The wind blew at my back as I was ready to face a watery grave.

Then, it happened.

Velouria, “God”, flew across the riverbend and caught me inches before the water could take my life. I was in disbelief at first. She looked like a bipedal wolf with wings, but her halo signified a status beyond this world. Heaven?

She got a good look at me, her eyes darting around at my clothing. An unbuttoned shirt with night purple pants. Simple wear for the time. She smiled.

“You might be the one,” Velouria whispered to me before flying away. I was baffled. Me? The one for what?

A year passed, and I had managed to build a sword out of sticks. The leaves on the sides of the stick didn’t make much difference, aside from softer swings. I was playing with one of my “swords” one day when, all of a sudden, Velouria appeared right before me. I had to jump back and take deep breaths before facing the angel once again.

“Hello Zex,” Velouria spoke in a calm, but soothing motherly voice, “My name is Velouria. You have caught my eye, little one. Your excitement, feelings of adrenaline rushing through your bones, and the dreams of wanting more out of life.”

The Silverwing Quill. It is the tool spoken about in books across millenia. The tool that keeps balance to the world.

“Would you like to become my apprentice, wield the Silverwing Quill and eventually become the one to carry on my legacy?” She asked. I was flabbergasted at first, don’t get me wrong. However, something about her voice felt reassuring. It gave me confidence and excitement. It was like she knewit was my destiny.

Or so I thought.

The second I nodded my head to say yes, she started to hand me the Silverwing Quill. However, something was holding me back. Tremors shot up through my body and created excruciating pain. I tried to resist it, hoping that it was like a test. Alas, I screamed in pain. This was no mere test. It was a feeling neither me or Velouria could shake well enough to have me grip the Silverwing Quill with my hand. She pulled the Silverwing Quill back and shook her head.

“No,” she said, “The quill will not cooperate with you. I have a feeling it is because of the darkness that is deep, residing in your heart. It will not fight the darkness for you, Zex, so it seems you are not worthy after all. My sincerest apologies, Zex.”

Needless to say, I was pissed. I stormed off without a word. Who cares what I think, though? Loneliness, something I had throughout my childhood, must have been my darkness. Funny.

A day passed. That was when I saw Chris the shiny Zorua, reading glasses and all. He was small, unfit for anything so intense as wielding the Silverwing Quill. Velouria left it for him as a present in the bushes, and decided to step back.

If darkness was my friend, then it was the comfort I needed from the tears that rained down my cheeks at the sight of an excited little pest attaining a powerful relic. He wielded it without fail. It was mine. Darkness may have kept me from it, but it was rightfully mine. He took that away from me.

I ran away as fast as I could through the forest. My sorrows led me to an open road. The sound of a truck horn rang in my ear drums.

I turned and saw death touch my face.


That was years ago. I was given a one-way ticket to Hell. I rose through the ranks of Hell’s positions for years, doing congenial tasks such as cleaning the lava pits and torturing lost souls. I attained devil horns and wings.

Eventually, I was given the position of combat leader. Anyone or anything that came to Hell uninvited would be murdered gruesomely by my minions or by me.

I sat back on my throne, summoning a picture of me as a child to look at every day.

The present year. I had not gotten over what happened to me when I was young. I never will. I can’t fight a god, but I can fight a god’s apprentice.

I had been given the power to return to the world of the living at will as top commander of Hell.

With my Hellfire Blade in hand, I will cut the Silverwing Quill wielder down to size.

Chris the Zorua, you are not worthy to be the wielder of the Silverwing Quill. It was mine to begin with. If I have to prove my point, then I will.

I will end your life.