
3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

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Chapter 1

Little brat

He cursed to himself as the smaller human held onto his leg for dear life. Though however as he prayed the child would scream and cry, unlikely to him he only heard laughter and giggles. Shaking his leg in hopes that the weaker human's brain would raddle hard enough to the point she'd become smooth brain, he held his breath in giving the tan colored kid a death glare. "Unhand me this instant Misasaori." He ordered. Only for his command to fall on deaf ears.

"Hehe Zankoku-san you look like your constipated." Misasaori spoke in-between chuckles. The tall male only rolled his eyes at the comment. Out of all the children he had meet and killed why did this one have to be the Kami of death's vessel. He crossed his arms thinking of a way out of this situation, rubbing his chin still pondering. He hadn't notice the child who one second refused to let go was now climbing the tree behind him. As the summer breeze brushed against him, his long black silk hair flowing lightly.

The child swinging back and forth on a branch humming to herself. The humming becoming noticeable the male quickly turned around to see the child smile back. Her smile so bright as if it was its own sun, caused the male to squint his eyes at her. Unknown to her smile or him glaring at her, she simply shrugged it off and continued to climb the tree. "Koku-san why do you always look constipated?" She asked sitting herself on a branch. Deciding to listen if he had anything to say, that is she knew he would snap back for such rudeness. Hanging her legs on the branch as she was flipped upside down, now looking at the male with what she assumed was a frown.

"For a ten year old you surely know how to get on someone's nerves." He put his hands inside each of his kimono sleeves, looking away from the child. "I told you to stop calling me by that stupid nickname." He added his voice deep and agitated. The child let her arms dangle, swinging herself closer to the male in a attempt to aggravate him more.

Of course she would push his buttons, why wouldn't she. Please for the love of kami let this stupid brat fall and break her head open.

The male prayed to himself as he looked up for a sign. Sighing he realized why would the Kami's ever bless him with that request, he was convinced this was his living hell. With a unamused look stuck on his face he stepped back from the child, hoping its grubby little hands wouldn't touch his face. "Hey koku-san how did you even get those marks?" The child spoke up still dangling upside down from the tree. Oh she finally asked that? It was about time. The male's unamused looked quickly turned into a sadistic smile. "Ohoh you want to know about my past I see?" He replied back with a look of confidence. Surely proud of showing off the markings. "EH? Past? I just wanted to know since it makes you look even uglier, I mean if that was even possible." Misasaori shot back with a serious tone crossing her arms.

Zankoku had enough, kicking the tree with his brute force causing it to shake the child off, hitting the ground with a hard thud. "Ouch koku-san it was a joke don't take it so personally." He heard the child squeak out. He simply sat down now satisficed with his payback, he faced the smaller human arms still inside his kimono. "Well I guess I'll tell you since you had been nothing but pure bliss to me." He spoke with sarcasm. Smirking as another small gust of wind blew by.

The sun had reached it high for today as the shade protected the two from the summer heat. The hell spawn smiled and sat beside Zankoku, happy to spend time with her new favorite stranger. As she listened to his 'story' with gasps and excitement, she rocked side to side waiting for him to finish.

"Did you live??" She asked him, eyes sparkling with interest. The male stopped speaking as glared at the kid next to him, "What do you think stupid brat?" He said with annoyance. "No I died after falling off the cliff, but the Kami of life and death decided to punish me for my killings." He added. Putting his hand into his sleeve to pull out a red mask. Misasaori quickly grabbed the mask inspecting it. Tracing her small fingers around the golden teeth, as she looked closely at the mask still entranced by the beauty the male snatched it away. He sighed stuffing it back into his sleeve, continuing on the story.

Misasaori simply replied with an 'oh' look. After Zankoku was finished explaining how he came to be. "You know out of all the things to make you a demon you had to choose the lames 'death'." She air quoted death since he technically was alive. Zankoku rolled his eyes at the comment, "It wasn't lame I had to get away to not die by the hands of the villagers." He said, justifying his death. The child shook her head in disagreement, "No no Koku-san if you die again I'll be at your funeral." She smiled patting the males back. He whipped his head to face her, angry at the fact she even thought she was invited to his funeral.

"For a stupid brat you surely know when to push my buttons." He growled.

"What type of flowers would you like at your funeral?" She ignored his comment thinking of all the flowers a ten year old knew.

"Who said you were invited?" He yelled hoping to get through the brats head that she of all people were not invited to his non funeral