Trivia - Akumu

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
1 1158

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Here you can find more information about the nightmare mess which is called Akumu.

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1 - This or that?

Original post -

  1. Coffee or Tea? - Tea. Akumu enjoys many kinds of tea, especially fruity tea and black tea, but since she can only stay awake by drinking lots of coffee, she has less time for tea. And she hates it.
  2. Hot or Cold? - Cold. She loves the cold because in hot temperatures, she gets warm easily. Besides, you can always warm up with a nice cup of tea.
  3. Sunrise or Sunset? - For the aesthetic, she likes Sunsets more, because the night rises and she adores to watch the stars. But since Sunset means she will go to sleep soon, diving into her nightmares again, she prefers the Sunrise, when most of her worries dissappear.
  4. Neon or Pastel? - Neon. She loves everything which glows in the night, especially violet and blue glowing stuff. Also, she adores dreamcore.
  5. Books or Movies? - Books. She prefers to read the manga instead of watching the anime, since for her, she can take her sweet time with reading and doesn't have to follow fast movements.
  6. Rural living or urban living? - Rural Living. She is rarely in the capital of demons, except when she needs to go shopping, but otherwise she hates to go into the city. She just stays on her little island, taking care of her trees and just enjoying her loneliness. Or at least tries to.
  7. Cats or Dogs? - Cats. She adores cats, especially kitten calm her down a lot. They have a deep connection to the dream world (at least according to Akumu), so she loves having them around her.
  8. Stability or Adventure? - Akumu wants stability, but ever since Dante got locked up, she drives more and more for adventure. Her wrath keeps her going, and she is willing to fight against all those demons who made her life hell. Her desire for revenge and wrath just grows.
  9. Brutal truth or blissful lie? - Brutal Truth. Akumu despises lies, since those are what lead to her love being locked away. You can scream at her all the things you hate on her, and she will get angry, but it's better for her then lying to her how much you like her. If she then finds out you were lying, the outcome will be much more rough.
  10. Warm Colors or Cool Colors? - Cool Colors. This demon loves herself some blues and violets and purples. She doesn't like the color yellow at all btw.
  11. Coziness or Opulence? - Coziness. Akumu barely cares for luxury, she just wants to cuddle up somewhere and sleep as relaxed as possible.
  12. Work or rest? - Rest. In reality, this being is extremely lazy, she barely does her chores and Honey always has to remind her to clean her room. This lazyness comes from her melancholic personality as well as her being tired all the time.
  13. Baths or Showers? - Baths. She doesn't like water in her eyes or in her ears, as well as standing up while cleaning herself. She rather enjoys a bath with some shampoo, while trying to relax with a manga or with Lo-Fi music.
  14. Late Nights or Early Mornings? - Early Mornings. Akumu has to take care to not go to bed too late, because it causes even more nightmares. But thanks to her going to bed early, she wakes up on the early mornings to see the sun rise in summertime. Just to fall back asleep again for some hours.
  15. Tradition or Innovation? - Innovation. She loves all the new stuff that comes up, and she also wants the society of Demons to change, since they all still fear other demons with darker powers, and Akumu can't stand this "tradition".
  16. Sweet or Savory? - Sweet. She loves her coffee with lots of sugar and sweet teas. The only Savory things she eats are sour cream crisps.
  17. Spicy or mild? - Spicy. The feeling of spicy things in her mouth makes her hyped up. She easily cries thanks to spice, but she just enjoys the feeling a lot. That's why she always tries to drink spicy sauces pure, just to cry her eyes out because it burns like hell.
  18. Beach or Forest? - Forest. She loves resting underneath the shadow of a tree and just relax for a while while listening to music or reading something. Also, she tends to let her thoughts wander while doing so. Don't disturb her btw, she will attack you.
  19. Chaos or Order? - Chaos. Since the current order only brought despair to her, she prefers beautiful chaos, where everyone can express themselves.
  20. Leather or denim? - Denim. She loves the smell of Leather, but always feels bad since it's made out of animals. So, she rather wears denim or, even better, comfy pants.
  21. Peace or Passion? - Peace was never an option for Akumu. She always was all about passion. Passion for the things you love, you adore, you grave for. She despises rules and would do anything to break them. Well, except murder. When she's not wrathful.
  22. Open Space or Closed Space? - Since Akumu was bullied, she prefers closed space. A small place, where she can be all for herself, especially because social interaction tires her quickly.
  23. Company or Solitude? - Akumu enjoys a little bit of company sometimes, but rather stays in solitude. She enjoys the silence and just being alone with her many thoughts, who always rush through her head.
  24. Fire or Water? - Fire. She can breathe fire and loves to sit beneath a candle, while almost falling asleep to lo-fi music. In reverse, she's actually scared of water/drowning, so she stays away from the ocean. She can only relax in bathtubs.
  25. Shame or Pride? - Shame. Even though Akumu loves to express herself, she is ashamed of what she is. She knows she doesn't need to be ashamed, but the past made her believe she is a mistake.
  26. Fight or Flight? - Fight. Akumu will always raise her fists to fight, but loses 99% of the fights. This is why she trains a lot in small dungeons.
  27. Past or Future? - Future. She tries to forget the past, but can't manage it. She just hopes everything will be better in the future.
  28. Give or Take? - Depends on the person. If it's a stranger, she would rather take then give, since she doesn't trust strangers at all. But if it's someone who has a similar fate, she will become softer, almost naive, and would rather give then take.
  29. Loud of soft? - Loud. Even when she relaxes, she listens to her music on a high volumne. Her ears are not sensitive at all, and she sometimes screams to get her point across.
  30. Risk or Safety? - Since her past happened, Akumu is willing to take a lot of risks. This becomes more and more visible on her body, since she gets more and more scars.