
3 years, 4 months ago

Archimedes gets lost in thought while alone with Ambros.

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The softest sounds of crickets left Archimedes cast away from reality. The delicate breeze against her face had her comforted beyond words. How often was it they had these moments?  Gazing up at the twinkling night sky, with no one but themselves around. It was rarer than Archimedes would like- she loved the quiet moments so much. The grass was soft against her wings, a few of the green knolls tangled in her fingers as her head nuzzled more comfortably against Ambros' stomach. She crooned gently in her soft dove voice, wings pulling closer to her body with comfort as her pale blue eyes closed behind the red brim of her glasses.

They rarely spoke in these moments, but never did they need to; all they needed was to be next to each other to know there was love between them. Archimedes had felt it when they first fell asleep together after her father died, and when they had learned she was pregnant. She had even felt it when they found something to argue over. From when they'd met, to their wedding, to now, Archimedes had never felt more love for anyone.

She could feel his adoring gaze against her, making her heart race all over again as if it was the first time he'd laid eyes on her. She snuggled a bit more into him yet again, seeking his embrace- which he of course offered, pulling her closer. Archimedes crooned softly once more. Her eyes opened after a moment, meeting his. For what seemed like an eternity, they just held eachother's gazes with admiration and love.

She lost herself yet again, thinking quietly about every moment like this they had shared throughout their years together- married and before. She couldn't help but giggle faintly, recalling the first night they'd spent alone stargazing. They had still been employed by Mann Co, and couldn't do much anywhere around the area of the bases, so Ambros had gone out of his way to make a deal with the RED Team, just to get he and Archimedes a night alone, a comfortable place found on the roof of the RED base with no one but themselves and the stars.

It had been the first night they said "I love you." to each other, and even after leaving Mann Co. in favor of the children, the spot held sentimental value to Archimedes. Similar to the first restaurant they had visited together; it had become a regular date night visit, and one night, Ambros had proposed. Archimedes had been so in shock that she started crying, though immediately said yes. Even the annoying and rude waitress they always saw in the restaurant had congratulated them and smiled.

Archimedes could think about these things all night, but the calls of the children wanting attention nearby in the house snapped her out of her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she hugged a bit tighter onto Ambros before they reluctantly got up. They returned to the house, spent what remained of the waking hours with the kids, and went to bed. Archimedes stayed awake for awhile, nuzzled up against Ambros' chest, smiling softly. As she began to drift off, she simply spoke;

"There's no one I'd rather spend my life with than you.."