Alone in the Darkness

3 years, 4 months ago
941 1

After fighting with Indarias, Primi is the one to fix up Alatus. But their relation isn't all sunshine and rainbows and Primi has had enough.

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Author's Notes

Fair warning this dives a little into Primi's backstory and guilt. So expect some angst :)

"Are you crazy or just dumb??" 

Primi's voice was out of character. The panic, the anger. It wasn't like him. Alatus was sure the other was about to hit him, but instead, white orin simply sighed and looked off to the side, "Indarias could've done much more than break your leg ok? He's the leader of Dream Force for a reason..."

"He deserved every bit of what I just did-"

"Yeah! But what if he did more than just that?? What if he broke your horn? What if he hurt you beyond repair??" Primi's voice was starting to raise. He took a sudden breath and stopped himself. "Sorry...I just. What would I do if you didn't come home? What about me, Alatus? Did you ever consider that?" Primi whispered staring at the floor, his hair falling in front of his face. A soft sniffle emitted from behind that glowing curtain. Alatus slowly pushed himself up to try and give some comfort to him, only to have his angel snap at him as he moved closer. Primi took several steps back and shook his head, "I. Can't. Do. This. Right Now." Primi mumbled shaking away his tears and looking up, "I care a lot about you Alatus. I just want that to be reciprocated. Taking fights that you can't win for what? What are you hiding now? You aren't any better than him."

Alatus tilted his head before looking off, "It's too much for you to know.." He tried to say only to be cut off again. 

"Too much??? What Am I a child?" Primi scoffed shaking his head, "I was on the Dream Force too once upon a time. I've done shit that I don't even want to remember. I have blood on my hooves. I'm a murderer. Yet it's too much for me to know? Please Alatus. Your excuses only hurt me more." Primi turned around, his tail wrapping around his back leg, "I'm leaving. You can heal on your own right? Or just call your partner over whatever her name was.." Primi started ruffling his wings as he headed towards the door.

Alatus was in shock. Primi never acted like that. It didn't even sound like something he would say. Alatus shakily stood and moved to his side, gently biting Primi's wings to get him to stop. Primi let out a soft sigh, his head moving down a bit, refusing to turn and make eye contact with him. Alatus moved to lay his head on Primi's back, gently brushing his hoof against the others.

"I'm sorry that I'm an idiot," Alatus whispered, getting a quiet laugh from the other. "I just...just want to protect you. Everything I'm doing is to keep you safe. Sorry that I didn't keep you in the loop. I promise I'll share everything from now on." The warrior lightly nuzzled the other to look up at him. "I know you're not a child. I know you've been through a lot. We both have, We've both lost orins dear to us. But..I don't want to lose you too. Please...Please stay, Primi." 

The white orin sighed, lifting his head to look at the other. He slowly rolled his eyes glancing away for a moment. "You are the worst." He said simply, before looking back and gently touching his horn to one of Alatus'. "Remind me why I fell for an idiot like you."

"You're definitely a moronsexual," Alatus mumbled back, eyes half closing at the feel of Primi's dreams mixing with his own. "But I love you."

"I love you too. Sorry, I yelled at you." Primi whispered back putting the side of his head against the other's, "Sorry for a lot of things. I was just really scared."

"You had every right to be. It's ok."

"It is?"

"It is."

The pair was quiet for a moment sinking to the floor as things settled between them. Primi adjusted to lay his head under Alatus' moving his wings to cover both of them. A soft blue and white glow was the only thing lighting up the dark room.  Primi's bright blue eyes slowly closed and he sighed. Really when they fought it was over little things. In reality, they rarely did fight. Alatus usually called the shots and Primi happily would go along. This was probably their first big one- Primi was glad it was over with fast. Everything was resolved with a few promises and nuzzles. Perhaps that's all he needed in life. Reassurance. Primi couldn't help but wonder why Alatus fought with Indarias in the first place, but now was not the time to pry. His glow flickered with his worry, getting Alatus to hum slightly against the back of his head, whispering that it would be ok. That he wasn't going anywhere. Primi wanted to believe that. He took a short breath, opening his eyes and glancing up. Alatus' hair was mixing into his, his front hoof was snug up against his own. He seemed...peaceful. Weirdly peaceful for someone who was just beaten up. 



Primi moved his head slightly to rest on the other's hooves, "Alatus. Promise me you're not going anywhere." Primi felt a light nip on the back of his neck, followed by a buzzing hum. 

"Promised. I'm not going anywhere. now your turn." Alatus whispered, "Promise me you'll tell me when you're scared."

Primi smiled a little gently kissing Alatus's hoof, "I promise. thank you."

"For what?"

"Reassuring me. And also for making me stay..."

Alatus scoffed and shifted to more protectively be near his darling, "Anything for you, Little Bird. Anything for you..."