3 years, 4 months ago

Oliver visited Miles's coffee shop after a long time of being absent due his period of last exams. Miles missed his presence a lot, maybe way too much.

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Just a small one shot based on the "cliché idea" of the coffee shop Au. Pretty wholesome and lovely!

Oliver belongs to me!
Miles @ strahldelune  

December, the month where students had their last exams. The time when they spent hours and hours reading books with the intention of have a grade that could help them to pass the year. Some of them didn't mind in study, they only read once and the information could be stuck inside their heads until the final exam date. Others preferred to study a night before, so their memory could make some effort to keep the most important information there.

For Miles' coffee shop, it was the occasion when he had the most busy times. Students used to appear at his place as soon as he opened the doors. He was used to that. Every year happened, and he slowly created a mental schedule for keep himself active during these season. At his age, the only things that mostly kept him entertained where reading a book or check the news. Luckily, he always carried a new one inside his suitcase. He was a man who enjoyed being updated about the new reading "trends".

He could get himself a chance to read his break, between 3 and 4 pm, mostly where students were doing their exams. Miles was able to read at least twenty or thirty pages in a sitting. He liked to focus on his lectures. It was a way for himself to introduce into the works, feeling that he was some extra character in those interesting stories. His love for books was introduced by his father at the short age of 10 years old, he remembered that book about different breed of dogs.

"This book is really interesting, although I never though I would just say that from a fantasy genre book" He said for himself as he finished to read the last paragraph from the page. Lately he was interesting in try new things, specially after the special recommendations that he got last time.

Special recommendations from a very special individual. He thought about him for a while. "Definitely was finishing one of his exams" He thought as he occasionally looked at the door, expecting for someone new to come. Maybe a stranger, or maybe it would be him.

He always arrived at the exact hour, 5 pm. It was the time were the guy always came to his store expecting to get some tasty pastry and a hot mug of coffee. Miles always liked his company, even if he didn't say that much sometimes, he felt that it was enough. The older guy just kept looking at the showcase from time to time, since he already finished his daily reading.

Many students seems to come to his direction, some of them seemed pretty tired. Miles laughed, it reminded him also about this student in particular. He thought that his appearance was kind of funny, not in a bad way. He always had the messy hair, as he just woke up. Tired eyes, wearing oversized sweaters mostly. He couldn't help but feel a lil bit of tenderness by just looking at him. Miles just sighed pleased, he actually just knew so much about this young guy with only just having him on his store.

After some minutes, he could recognize that spiky hair and those big glasses. He seemed a little bit tired, as usual. Miles just made sure that the tables were clean and in order for a second time. It was already everything in order, but it was not a bad idea to check it twice. He approached to the door, slowly, pretending that he didn't see him coming. Miles just started to push one of the chairs from a table, since he felt that it was out of place. While he was doing this, he could feel the door being pushed and the sound of bell telling him that a new costumer just arrived.

"Welcome back, Oliver." Miles said with a soft voice as he noticed him taking one seat near the pastries' counter.

"Good afternoon, sir!" Oliver yawned a little as he rubbed one of his eyes with his wrist.

"Exams are finally over?" He asked as he approached to the counter again, looking for a big mug already.

"Yes! Finally over, I can finally relax a little, I guess?" Oliver laughed "Ah, the same as always, if you don't mind..." He touched his chin, thoughtful.

"Americano and a piece of Oreo cheesecake? On it" He said with a big smile as he started to make the coffee for him.

Oliver stretched his arms and legs, as he was a cat that just woke up from a long dream. He could give himself a treat. He thought he deserved it. Oliver was a guy who liked to focus on his studies a lot. He was almost over with his Chemistry Engineer career. One year to go. He sometimes couldn't believe that he was able to reach his main goal. His effort worth it and he could tell that. He was pretty proud of himself. Hopefully he reached the top 3 this year as well. He wished the best for himself.

Miles didn't delay that much in do the coffee mug for him. As soon as he finished it, he put it aside for a while as he was getting a big piece of cheesecake for his companion. He didn't mind to give him a larger potion that usual. He knew it was for the best, specially since he was pretty conscious about him finishing his hard exams after a long period of time. "That's the best thing that I could offer for now" Miles thought as he was finishing to put everything on a little wood tray. He always cared a lot of the presentation. That's something that people appreciated a lot of Miles. He always cared a lot about details.

The smell from the coffee shop made Oliver already hungry. Miles always used the best ingredients, he could tell that. He was pretty dedicated to his job. No wonder why his coffee shop was always visited by many people during the day. He preferred a lot the coffee and pastries from his place, there was a really special flavor on it. Reminded him of old grandmas recipes. It felt really home made. Specially the sweets, Oliver wondered if Miles learned to do those because of his family, or he took some baking classes.

He was thinking way too much about the pastries and stuff that he blinked twice when Miles placed his order in front of him. Oliver gave a little laugh as he just made a little pleased sound. He was craving for get that dessert for a while, even his stomach started to make some noises. Miles could notice that and he laughed as well. The young guy felt quite embarrassed as he just pretended that he didn't hear something coming from his body. He just held the ford for be able to give it a try to the dessert. Oliver approached the bite to his mouth as he happily started to munch. He missed that taste so much.

"Ah, delicious as always..." He murmured almost for himself, as he also gave a little sip to his coffee. That combination felt like heaven for him.

"I'm glad you think so, it's been a month or so since you ordered one. Too busy, hm?" Miles asked softy as he just looked at him enjoying the cake.

"Oh, I think I was way too busy... I only managed to come here a couple of times. I guess, you missed my presence a lil bit..." He said jokingly as he just noticed how he was almost at the half of his piece. Oliver was really hungry.

"I guess, you missed my presence a lil bit..." As soon as Miles heard him saying that phrase, he just stared at him for a while. He definitely did. Oliver sometimes didn't come at his place when he was way too focused on what he was studying. Sometimes he felt quiet worried that he was overworking, or not getting enough rest. Miles had him always in his thoughts. Pretty much all the time.

"Sure, I did... I think you are like my number 1 costumer. You should get a tiny star on your forehead" Miles giggled as he crossed his arms, just paying attention to his companion.

"I deserve a little discount... Perhaps?" He suggested with a funny voice, as he gave a big bite to the rest of the cake, almost finishing it.

"I honestly don't mind, you deserve more than that, to be honest" Miles whispered almost for himself.

Sometimes, Miles was afraid to start talking with him. He didn't dislike him, but he had the fear of opening himself way too much to him. He actually liked Oliver very much, and he didn't want to make it that obvious. Especially, since he felt really comfortable by doing random conversations with him. There were occasions when Oliver told him about some personal problems that he had. He knew he was looking for an advice, something that Miles didn't mind. But, there were days that he just wanted to give him a warm hug and tell him not to be that hard to himself.

He looked so peaceful when he was not caring too much about university's stuff. Miles wishes he could just stay forever looking at him. It gave him so much peace. However, there was a big insecurity inside him. Would he accept his feelings? Maybe, Oliver was interested in someone else from his university. Perhaps he found someone else around? Miles felt quite sad for not being able to give the first move, but at least, he could show his gratitude to him by just giving him small gifts inside his coffee shop. "As long as he is happy, I'm also happy" He thought with a big smile as he just noticed how Oliver finished drinking his mug of coffee.

The young guy gave a little sigh as he finished all his meal, it was really tasty and it made him feel warm. They were in winter, and this food helped him to recover almost all his energies. A good among of sugar it was needed sometimes for sure. Oliver cleaned his lips with a napkin, as he just smiled for the satisfaction that he felt.  He wishes he could get those pastries all the time with him, sometimes he thought that Miles was lucky enough for being able to cook really delicious stuff. There were times when he even considered learn how to properly cook pastries for be able to do those in his own house. However, the university consumed almost all his time, and he mostly buy all his food in a 24 hours store near his apartment.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Miles said as he noticed that all was cleaned.

"Of course! Your chocolate cheesecake is my favorite so far. Wish I could get a whole cake mold..." Oliver smiled.

"About that..." Miles said as he quickly move to one of the product's shelves that he had, and he held a whole jar of chocolate chip cookies. "This is a gift" He approached him again as he placed the jar in front of him.

The younger guy opened his eyes a little bit surprised, he also loved those cookies a lot.  He felt a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden gift, although it was not the first time that he did that. Every while, Miles surprised him with nice details such an extra cookie, a piece of his favorite cake, a bag of his favorite coffee brand, etc. He appreciated that a lot, but he sometimes felt that he didn't deserve that. He joked with him a lot about getting extra gifts, but he knew that it was part of Miles' job, and that extra cake could be also some extra money for him.

"Oh Miles, you didn't have to!" Oliver gave a small laugh, as he looked at his companion.

"It's alright, you don't need to worry. Sadly the cheesecake was almost over, and I know that you love these. A gift for celebrate your last exam!" Miles smiled as he fixed a little his glasses.

"Thank you...really" Oliver said almost for himself, as he showed a sweet smile on his face. A smile that said a lot.

Oliver sometimes was not that open about his feelings. He was not the best at expressing them, since he usually became a mess every time that he wanted to show how he felt. He was very shy, and he usually just preferred to stay on silence before he could be dominated by his own nerves. This was a situation when he usually tried to say more than he could. With the time, he actually enjoyed the company of Miles. He was very gentle, not only because of the gifts, but also for his whole treatment in general. He seemed to be a genuinely good person.

His eyes were looking at the jar, but slowly, they started to focus on Miles' eyes. But, for a moment, he didn't notice that Miles was also looking at him, something that made him a little bit nervous. Miles also realized that, and he discretely went to hold his dirty dishes, as he could go to the sink and wash them. At least, he seemed to don't mind about him just randomly focusing on his sight, but again, he felt that he got caught somehow.

Now that he was alone, Miles could feel like breathing again. He just felt quite touched for exchange sights with his companion. Oliver's expressions were so calm and sweet. He seemed really curious when he looked at him in the eyes. Miles wondered if he just did it as an accident, or if it was on purpose. He was not sure, everything seemed a lil bit confused. His feelings were playing him again, but he felt that he could deal with this. He really thought that.

Meanwhile, Oliver also got a moment for think about what he was really feeling. The way that Miles's eyes looked at him. He felt something, he felt like an invitation for take a step forward. The young guy focused on Miles again as he seemed to be done with the dishes. He placed them in a safe area were they could dry without problems. Oliver just smiled a little as he waited for his companion to come again at his place. Miles just came back, looking calm as always.

Both of them didn't say a word for a while, Oliver decided to check his phone for a couple of times. At least he could have some control of his own thoughts by just looking at something that was not exactly Miles's face. The older guy just seemed to look at the showcase from the shop. Looking at the people go, and the cars just passing by as well. It was so calm. He didn't feel awkward at all, he felt that the atmosphere changed somehow. Oliver also could feel that as well. The beginning of something else. Something really special.

"So, tell me, how was your day?" Miles spoke gently, focusing now in Oliver again.

"Tired, but now, pretty well, thank you for ask". Oliver noticed how Miles smiled him back, he felt something warm inside his chest.