3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

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It was a dark stormy night when Flara was born. a big storm had rolled in. The whole family was on edge as Flara's mother went into labor. the delivery was long and hard as the storm rubbled around them shaking all the everblooms causing a few to come crashing down. The strom slowly disappitated as the light came peeking through the grey clouds. laying in her mothers arms was Flara. the whole family gasped as they set eyes on the dark fiery colored child. they took a few steps back as the small child lets out a few coos her fiery colored ears and atenna coming to stand at attention. twiching with each sounds. her eyes opening and squinting as the light and sights flooding her vision. the smell so delicious as she took in the sight of her small familt huddled inside the large everbloom.

Her mother seemed to dote on the young child in her early moments of life teaching her the beginnings of what was good and what was bad. her father and sibling seemed to not have much to do with her. for that she did not under stand well. but at her childish age she paid no mind to it. just seeing it as usual bahavior. as Flara aged and grew her curiousity got the best of her at times. she noticed she had an extrodinary sense of smell and her huge curiously of all the amazing and vast plants and things that were around her. she would go out daily and seek out as many new plants as she could find.

Flara in her adolescence had found that her life had become quite lonesome her mother no longer doted on her and her father and sibling seem to not even know she existed. Flara paid no mind to them most of the time. While discovering her own unique abilities and tastes. she found that she loved to cook and create dishs and potions out of the wonderful and unique plants she would find. her family integrated her into the colony as she got more knowledgable in her dishes and potions. they seemed to only pay her mind when they needed or wanted a dish or potion made.

Flara during one of her outings ran into a mysterious looking Alvulp draped in a raggedy cloak and walking with a cane. torn wings could be seen peeking from beneath the cloak. stopping suddenly she gasped and held her small paw over her mouth. her ears twitching as she shivered with curiousity. she was freigntened but dared to speak to the stranger. "hello there who are you. i am Flara" she spoke in betweens squeaks of fear laden curiousity. the strange Alvulp spoke in a raspy tone laden with old age. " why hello my dear child. i have been searching for you for some time. i have sought you out to hand you this" the Alvulp hands her a hand sewn journal that had vibrant pictures of plants and herbs and many uses. but it was also filled with blank pages.

Looking through the book Flara quickly got excited yet very confused on why many pages were left blank. she looked up her emrald green eyes glittering as her flame colored ears twiched rapidly. "why are the pages blank. and why are you giving me this, you still havent told me who you are. what do you want of me" a million questions spurted out of her mouth like a child questioning their parent. after a moment the Old Alvulp held up a paw and silenced the excited young child. once Flara grew silent the stranger spoke. "now now dear youngin dont get ahead of your self all your questions will be answered in time. for you are destined to be more then you think you will become. and those blank pages are for you to fill with wonderous things you find and discover.

Flara's eye grew wide as she listened intently clutching the book to her chest. her elerald orbs glittering with wonderment. the Stanger turned to walk away leaving a very exasberated Flara to sit and think upon what just happend. when Flara looked up to ask yet another question the mysterious stranger was gone in the blink of an eye. blinking a few times the young Flara stood up still clutching the book to her chest. running as fast as her little paws could carry her. not thinking she could have flown and gotten to her destination faster but she had forgot she could fly in her excitement. settling in a small everbloom she had found a few days earlier she laid the book alongside a few important trinkets and odds and ends that Flar held dear.

Flara fell asleep in the everbloom that she had deemed her special place. she hid her most important and precious things deep inside of it. for her sibling had a bad habit of stealing anything and everthing that Flar held dear. getting up she walked to the middle of the colony. the new journal on her mind. she bobbed and weaved though the other Alvulp's that didnt seem to even know she was there. she could hear small whispers here and there and some adult Alvulps rushed their children away from her the moment they stared and tried to ask questions about her. reaching a big black kettle in the center of the colony, she let out a heavy sigh as her mind wandered and raced about all the pretty pictures of the herbs and spices and flowers held within that book.

looking deep into the cauldron she had found her calling and passion. running back to her secret everbloom she pulled out a satchel made of weaved grass blades. tieing it over her should to hang at her waist. she walked back to the cauldron in the center of town. she had thrown in some honey necter and tree sap. mixing some bright yellow dandelion pollen. tossing in some shima mushrooms and a few of her favorite spices. she grabbed a big stick and began to stire the conction she had made. a glorious scent wafted about the colony as many Alvulp's came out of their home and followed the glorious aroma.

lost in her own doings Flara did not notice the ever growing crowd of Alvulp's circling around her. it wasnt until she heard many different whispers all speaking in hushed tones about the glorious smells radiating from her cauldron. looking up her eyes grew wide as she did not understand. An older larger Alvulp approached her conction and inhaled deeply as their mouth started watering. they snatched her stirring stick from her and swirled it around the viscious fluid. they took the stick out of the liquid and licked it. their eyes growing wide as they smiled. this is amazing what is it.

taking a few steps back. Flara was not use to being noticed at all. she smiled sheepishly and spoke. "its food. i call it a soup". the bigger Alvulp pndered for a moment and gave her a soft smile. "its good what ever it is" then they turned and walked away. all the other Alvups started walking away and mumbled to themselves "at least shes good for something" and "maybe she should cook for the colony from not on". one of the head Alvulps approached her later that day and spoke to her. "Flara your job now is to prepare meals for your colony and use your knowledge to aid us to grow and prosper". she nodded sheepishly at their words and sighed softly. she tought to herself "geez now they notice me. but hey look at the bright side i get to do something i love".