
3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
1 770

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content
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Author's Notes

Non Explicit Sexual Innuendo


It was too bright. Damien tried to screw his eyelids shut but the rays of the hot summer sun peeked through the blinds and lit up the room, completely oblivious to him and his wishes.

He sat up with a groan, shielding his eyes with his right hand while they got used to the brightness. With his left hand he searched the other side of his bed for Alex, but his husband seemed to have gotten up already, the sheets were cold.

He was very tempted to let himself fall back into the bed again, but Alex teased him enough for his tendencies to sleep in, and Damien was not going to give him any more ammunition than necessary.

As he sat there contemplating, the bedroom door opened, and Alex stuck his head in.

“Oh, you’re awake after all. I was worried I might need to set off Scout on your face. Coffee?”

Damien laughed. “Please, not Scout! He has the worst morning breath! And yeah, a cup would sound great, thanks.”

His husband smiled and left him again. Scout, apparently having heard his name, entered instead and huffed at Damien excitedly, his tail wagging from side to side.

“Good morning, big boy! Do you want to go for a walk, huh? I bet you want! Let me get ready and we can visit Paint together, how does that sound?”

Scout began to chase his tail, which Damien took for a yes.

He changed his boxers, looked for some socks that looked like they should fit together, put on his fancy cowboy pants – that Alex also made fun of, but it was not Damien’s fault his husband had no sense of style – and, lastly, a light brown shirt.

On his way to the bathroom, he snuck a peek at Alex tinkering in the kitchen. Despite his lack of style and appreciation for cowboy culture, Damien loved that man. And he really knew how to make a good coffee.

After brushing his teeth and washing his hair he spent a second to admire himself in the mirror. Turning left and right, he admired the way his muscles looked in the light. He could make out the sixpack he had worked so hard on those last months and years, and wished it were more socially acceptable to go grocery shopping topless. Running his hands through his still slightly wet hair, he winked at his reflection one last time and then went to join his husband in the kitchen.

Alex had his back turned to him, so Damien entered as quietly as he could and put his arms around the other man’s waist. Alex sighed and rested his head on Damien’s shoulder, looking up at him.

“Hey, Damie. You’re wet.”

Damien chuckled and pressed a quick kiss on Alex forehead. “Yeah, thanks. I love you, too.”

His husband grinned and freed himself from the embrace, handing Damien a cup of hot coffee instead.

“Freshly brewed just for you. If that doesn’t say I love you, I don’t know what does.”

Damien took a sip and closed his eyes. “It definitely does.”

Alex leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms, watching him drink. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“I’m taking Scout and we’ll be visiting Paint right after I finish drinking, we haven’t had a nice long ride in a while. Maybe we will go down to the river so she can bathe a bit, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it in this heat. After that, I’m planning on heading back. Maybe we can do something together, go for a walk or something.”

“Something, huh?” Alex asked, looking at him with mischief in his eyes. “Speaking of heat.”

Damien blushed. “Uh.”

His husband grinned. “Ride fast, my cowboy, and come back to me faster.”

Damien wasn’t sure if he could possibly get any redder and gave Alex a quick kiss on the lips instead of replying.

“Let’s go, Scout!” he called on his way to the door, where he grabbed his hat and propped it on his head. A man should never leave his house without a hat.

Scout came running out of the bedroom, his claws clicking on the floor, and almost crashed into Damien’s legs.

“Exited, are you?” he asked his dog while fastening the leash to his collar. “You can run while I ride, how’s that sound? Let’s get going, Paint’s waiting.”

“Bye, I love you!” he shouted over his shoulder. Then he opened the door and stepped outside.