Evanya [Kyome]

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
1 459

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

Different stories about Evanya; Her day, her dreams, and other prompt stories.

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When NPC Noir gives Evanya a little cactus as a gift~

Flash Prompt (Jan 26, 2021)

Noir's Cactus Gift

It had been a while since she had seen any other kyomes, even feeling a little down about it lately. Evanya loved her dreamer, but some times she really just wanted to have a friend to talk to when she wasn't with her creator.
One night she noticed a Kyome who had amazing fashion! Noir was just the absolute coolest, being in a band was also a big cool factor. She had seen them at a show they were playing and knew she had to meet them, after all bass players were definitely the bees knees.
Once the show ended she went over and asked if she could get his autograph, telling him how much she loved his playing. He was so nice, and they even had a small chat. They ended up deciding to hang out again to chat more; gosh how excited she was to have a friend.
They hung out a few times, and were starting to get close as friends. One day when they met up though she got a surprise she was not expecting. Noir was sitting at the diner table with a small cactus plant.
"Oh, what a cute plant!" She said with a smile, assuming he just picked it up on his way over cause he saw it in a window or something.
"Oh hi! I actually wanted to give this cactus to you. I hope you like it!" he said with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face.
"For me?" she seemed to be in shock at the idea, having never actually received a gift from anyone before.
"Yeah. I saw it and thought of you... and wanted to thank you for being such a good friend" he said looking a bit worried that maybe it was a dumb idea.
"Y..." a few tears start running out from under her mask "You really... got me a gift?" Her lip trembling a bit at how touched she was.
"Of course!" He said seeming to try to gauge why she was crying, it was just a plant after all.
"I've never gotten a gift before... I don't know what to say" she says as she goes over and gives him a tight hug "Thank you" she says as a few tear drops fall on his shoulder.
The rest of their visit went well, a lot less tears at the very least, talking about their dreamers and music.
When she got home she placed the little plant on her night stand beside her bed. Drawing up a quick little name tag for the cutie, she stuck it on teh front of the tiny planter. She felt the name she gave it was rather cute and cleever, the name written on the tag saying 'JuNoir'.