
3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
2 5060

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

What would happen if humans became corrupt enough that the Pokemon had enough, and decided to destroy everything?

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Prologue/Intro/Brief History


Varosha is but one place of many in the world. There were many people living together in Varosha in harmony. It was a good place to retire to. Despite its size, it was the most harmonious continent in the world. Food from around the world could be found in many places, Pokémon from all corners of the world were able to be found, whether as partners or in the wild. It had a very diverse climate, depending on where you went. A place for every Pokémon. Other continents and regions could not compare.

The leading place in peace and harmony, Varosha was the last to know about what was happening elsewhere.


In smaller continents and regions, petty fighting was common. Violence was high. Hardships were a part of everyone's life. A few desperate, albeit determined, few decided to rise up. Being highly intelligent, a select few banded together to attempt to create the ultimate weapon; The Gods Ball. It surpassed a Master Ball in the way that it would automatically capture any Pokémon, and it had no limit to how many Pokémon could be captured with it. It was highly advanced, with settings allowing you to choose which Pokémon you wanted to send out, all without the fuss of having to mess around with multiple balls. It bypassed the PC systems, so when used, one could potentially have dozens of Pokémon with them at a time.

To get to the point of The Gods Ball, they started off with not-as-great prototypes; capture rates being similar to that of Poke Balls, but still functioning as different levels of regular balls; the Poke Ball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball. They simply named them 'Improved Poke Ball,' 'Improved Great Ball,' and 'Improved Ultra Ball.' They were a success and a huge hit. What they didn't advertise was the ball's abilities to house more than 6 Pokémon. Once this was discovered, however, the prices dropped and the the creators were in a pinch. They pushed forward faster than ever on the ultimate capturing device, and after a decade, were finally successful.

The first legendary Pokémon they tried it on was Kyogre. Without Kyogre in the depths of the seas, things began to change. Slowly at first, unnoticeable to those living on ground. But as more legendaries were sought out and captured by the trio, more change became noticeable. Other legendaries began noticing. They banded together after Kyogre, Groudon, Cresselia, the bird trio, and Entei and Raikou had been captured. That is when the war broke out.

The Pokémon, although they had previously been born with the unsaid inability to harm humans, tossed that idea out the window. Without the ancient Pokémon in their homes, things for Pokémon got bad. Although at first the idea was just to capture the legendaries to restore order among humans and help the world be a better place, it became a challenge, a game. Who could capture the most legendaries? The trio stopped caring about anyone but themselves and capturing all the legendaries.

Legendaries who had previously been hostile convened and decided they needed a plan of action, something to deter the trio from coming after them. At this point, the ones that remained wild were Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Victini, Reshiram, Yveltal, Giratina, and Suicune. All other legendaries had been captured by one of the three humans. It was decided that they needed to begin the destruction of humanity. There was much discussion about it; the debate lasted an entire week before it was set in stone. Each Pokémon was assigned a continent to take care of. Simultaneously, they began their assault. Mewtwo was assigned Varosha; he had a weak spot for humans, so it hurt him greatly to have to be so destructive to the most peaceful continent known to both human and Pokémon.

In Varosha, it was just another peaceful day. The destruction began on the west coast. The news was unable to spread due to Mewtwo being thorough in taking out all communications. However, as the days wore on and families were unable to reach loved ones further west, suspicions began arising. A dark cloud of dust and smoke slowly moved eastward. A few humans with trained Pokémon were able to escape and give warning. An emergency plan was put into effect; with the help of Pokémon who valued the lives of their trainers, a large underground shelter was built in three days. On the fourth day, the destruction reached the east. Many people who had heard of the potential sanctuary had flocked there. Those that had helped build it were the first ones in. A few Pokémon and their trainers were placed outside to try and keep order, but eventually they, too, retreated, to protect themselves from the violence outside.

Pokémon and human alike were fighting for a place in the shelter, as only a limited number could be allowed in. Out of the ten thousand or more that had flocked there, only a tenth were able to get in. The rest fought, and many lost their lives in doing so, and continued to do so, even after the gates had been closed and sealed with strong psychic energy. As Mewtwo reached the shelter days later, he pondered on whether he should force entry; he decided against. Fighting was still going on outside, with none taking notice of Mewtwo himself. He continued on, leaving the place and the fighting to take care of itself.


A mere one thousand people were able to make it underground in Varosha. Only half were people who'd made it before the fighting. The other half had fought for a place. Many had severely injured, if not killed, other humans and Pokémon for a place. The latter half was confined to the outskirts, the place closest to the surface. The first half had the more luxurious interior, if it could be called that. They were divided, and called themselves 'The first half' and 'The second half.' The second half didn't respect those in the first half, but they got along due to the population being as low as it was. The first half was wary of the second half, scared that they would lash out and fight for a place on the interior, but luckily, that did not happen. Tensions were high for the first couple of years, but things smoothed out, and eventually, the two halves mingled with each other, and the bloodbath that had happened prior to the sealing of this place was all but forgot. The new way of life was accepted. Love was found, new families were made. Pokémon found love as well.


Unbeknownst to those who had retreated to the safety of the underground, there were a select few who survived aboveground. Those select few had gained the approval of Mewtwo himself and were allowed to live. However, once he left the area, the rest of the wild Pokémon were free to do as they wished. Many decided to try and ignore Mewtwo's approval and finish off these humans. Not many were successful, but the attacks kept on coming. The few that survived above ground became hardy, always expecting and ready for a battle at any level of threat, whether it be a few juvenile Pokémon, or a few strong, adult Pokémon. Most of these folk had been in the dark about the shelter in the east, so are unaware of it and are convinced they are the last ones alive.


Of the thousand or so people that now live in underground Varosha in the east, a couple were Professors. They helped take care of the Pokémon, and with the help of a couple of other enthusiasts who were eager to go topside, have convinced others that they should start exploring aboveground. However, for this, they need volunteers. And they aren't looking for young kids who are naïve. They have set up a rigorous and somewhat annoying application process to determine whether or not they should allow someone aboveground. There are different reasons one can choose to go above ground, and depending on the reason specified by an individual, will determine what kind of Pokémon they receive, if the application process goes well.

The Professors themselves have not been above ground yet; they cannot leave the underground for extended periods of time, as they are looked to for keeping order and peace, and also perhaps the most knowledgeable humans in the underground. They are needed there.

The trio who had been capturing the legendaries is nowhere to be found. They seemed to have just disappeared. No one knows if they died, or if they are hiding in plain sight, or just hiding out in general. One would assume that things would be going back to normal quicker with them gone and the captured legendaries released, but there has been no word or sign from the trio or other legendaries, so it's safe to assume that they are hiding out somewhere, not wanting to reveal themselves, for fear of being thrown to the wolves for the near-extinction of humanity they had caused.


Were not too happy with Mewtwo's initial decision. However, despite their unhappiness, each one had found a select few to save in their respective continents as well, whether they wanted to admit it or not. Although Mewtwo's continent had the highest concentration of survivors, it was also the one that had the most destruction otherwise, and potentially the most violent wild Pokémon left. All of the legendaries retreated to the skies. They built homes there, to watch over their respective continents, with a psychic portal created by Mewtwo on each, to teleport each one to his domain should the need for a meeting arise. A neutral plateau was also created, but only accessible by Mewtwo's personal plateau. This is where the legendaries wait. They know that one day, humans will resurface, repopulate, and seek to potentially lash out at them for what they had done.

That is what the neutral plateau was created for. Humans who had become strong enough to take on the wild Pokémon that now roamed most places of the earth would be approached by one of the legendaries and, if requested, will be escorted to the neutral plateau to convene with the other legendaries, and, if all goes well, earn the respect of all seven. How that would happen, remains to be seen.

Author's Notes

This idea was thought up of pre-Galar Region announcement and will have a slightly more realistic take on Pokémon than what is seen in the anime and games. This was also created under the premise of only one legendary existing at a time of its kind; i.e. one Latios, one Mewtwo, one Celebi and so on, which differs from canon a bit.