DND Session 3-4

3 years, 3 months ago


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Kas and Melvick

The place is packed with people

Several folks off to the right hand side are taking care of crates labeled as confiscated goods

Kas asks about if any medicine or the like shipments have come in

They head to the basement and there are files down below

Spends about 2 hours looking for info

Uther- The Rosario- The Airedale- The Hopewell- The Friezland

These are the ships in the last month that were being investigated

The Hopewell is the only non-restricted boat, had an undisclosed amount of weapons on board

The muskets were confiscated and were of Odajani design

All the other ships are restricted

Under each ot has a case and file number of where to find the files 

If they are in the restricted area then there was something bigger to be on the look out for

Hopewell did leave port 12 days ago

They need to go to the confiscation area

Tells Melvik to be careful of the poison coating things and to send a message to Zakkar to warn him

Kas finds out that lots of people have come from the boats lately so its possible that the attackers came from a boat that dropped off 13 people recently

They look up the ships

Uther- Belerick- impounded before it was scrapped- multiple illegal items- month and a half ago

When scrapped the stuff is used for other things, the crew were arrested tried and hung

The crew of airedale attacked the rosario with cannons included- 2 ½ weeks ago and both ships were forced out

The friezland left the night before cuz undocumented slaves, did not tell about slaves on the ship and were found out then forced to leave, half the crew is no longer on the ship, left 21 people ashore

[discord kinbrmon] hands notes over ships leaving more and more passengers, underlined friezland and twentyone crew members from the night before being left, along with the uther and its contents that is now being looked into, plus the contents of the weapons, possible more than just attempts of assasination are coming, but full blown revolt (sealed in wax only meant for Zakkar) noted that whoever must know should be told

alright if you can run that as fast as possible that would be appreciated, melvik, lets go look at the naughty goods now shall we? whoever comes in with me, wear a bandana (says in a whisper to only two gaurds not including melvik)[end discord]

Theres a pissy dude yelling at Melvick “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM”

[There is always a convenient box for Kas to stand on to be the same level for the camera- I now need art of this XD]

The poisons were taken out and destroyed, the guns are missin- Uther and hopewell

Uther had poisons, Hopewell- guns

The 1 poison they are looking for is not mentioned

They drag the captain of the guard into a room cuz they now have issues

Captain Isadora Gould- halfling, same height as Kas

Commander Dirk

Tells them that the guns are missing

Commander mentioned hed keep an eye on things and keep a look out for outsiders