Mihira's Origin History

3 years, 7 months ago

A quick blurb on how there came to be Sergal's in Reshu's Magical Earth.

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Mihira is the only child of Yaji (father) and Naggo (mother) Tylirn.  Both were civilized southern sergals working at a secretive Talyxian Rooter research station under the outskirts of the Golden Circle.  

The team they were part of were exploring portal technology to facilitate instantaneous travel between Tal and Eltus.  Such significant progress had been made with successfully 'porting' probes, and most recently several pairs of rice frogs that two forks of the research effort were now ongoing concurrently.  The first, and the main fork, was dedicated to preparing the portal for the first human test.  The second, new, fork was devoted to exploring the potential for modifying the techniques used to geolocate and then precisely maintain the location of the projected exit of the portal on the Eltus side for use in discovering and exploring new worlds beyond their solar system.

Naggo and Yaji were one of two team-pairs selected for the human test ports.  

More can be read in hopefully upcoming literatures about the events that led up to test-day, but suffice to say that the immediately preceding test was an extra-solar target scan test, and that following that test the portal was inadvertently left in a state that was unstable between use modes, a subtle state that the Tal-Eltus port procedures did not know to check for.

The test started uneventfully and as expected.  As Naggo and Yaji entered the portal face the instability overcame the lock on the Eltus end and in femtoseconds the portal was lashing through interstellar space randomly looking for a planetary gravitational well to latch on to.  In the span of 72 milliseconds the portal end stumbled on earth and, in human terms, momentarily locked.

For Naggo and Yaji, the only perception of this was a momentary quiver and a blink of darkness.  They stepped out in a lush green jungle, not at all where they were supposed to be.  Naggo, turning to face the port saw for a moment the lab directly behind her, then wink out of existence as the tenuous lock the port had achieved on Earth was lost.

In the hours and days to follow they waited in palace, surviving off the emergency survival gear and supplied they carried in their packs.  Rationing, they had enough for 27 days.

Again, more details to come, but because the the test environment was not designed for an interstellar lock, insufficient data was captured for locating where in the galaxy the lock had occurred beyond that it had locked within their galaxy.  In the years to come the data that was captured was run through countless simulations, and the Sol system was identified with a 91.3% confidence as being the solar system the pair arrived at, and 41% chance that within that system the third planed from the sun was the lock-planet (38% chance for the second planet, and a 21% chance for the fourth planet).

Beyond that, they could not further refine the location, let along where on either of the three planets the exit would have been located.  Yaji and Naggo were lost, and unable to be rescued.

Naggo and Yaji arrived on Earth in the forests of the Datar Hills in India on 23May1993.

After about 20 days, and realizing that they were likely not going to be rescued, both decided to set out and see what they could learn about this world beyond what they had ascertained from the time spent sheltering at their arrival location (that: the air was breathable, the biome would provide sustenance their bodies could use without at least immediately poisoning them (some small animals they captured seemed to eat the rations they fed them with no apparent ill effects, and their waste seemed to being consumed by the local decomposers), they had not yet died from disease from the air they had breathed, and, that there seemed to be sentient life as they had heard what sounded like aircraft flying above the forest canopy.

Within a 36 hours of their initial exploration they encountered undeniable evidence of sentience and ordered civilization: a highway.  To their surprise their form did not seem to generate alarm amongst those they soon encountered, though they did get frequent second and third glances from the diverse set of peoples they encountered.  There seemed to be a galaxy of variations of the same bipedal form they possessed, as well as an almost equal number of winged and quadrupedal forms, all with varying coats and skins.

They not long after found themselves in the city of Junagada. They managed with effort and many misunderstandings to communicate their situation to an apparent innkeeper that they had little choice but to trust.  The inkeeper was at first skeptical, but after examining their remaining survival gear came to trust their story.  With much pleading the inkeeper was convinced not to tell others, save for a son who taught biology at the local Junagadh Agricultural University, the price of their being allowed to stay at the inn.  

That encounter led to their learning about, and becoming residents of Junagada.  They found the local foods unexpectedly delicious, they gradually learned to communicate both verbally and through writing.  And after first working the help the innkeeper, and with some creative document creation that also helped keep their origin conceiled, the keeper's son helped them gain employment at the university as associate professors, Naggo in enginering and Yaji in physics.

After being settled for roughly five years they both felt comfortable to try conceiving (something that had considered not long before their becoming lost here).  Within the year Naggo was pregnant with three children, and in eight months she gave birth to Mihira and her two brothers.