Baby You're Like Lightning in a Bauble

3 years, 4 months ago
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The air was crisp and fresh after the rain. Birds chirped with glee as they fluttered from branch to branch. The light purple orin watched silently as raindrops dripped from the trees above and formed puddles down below.  It was that time of the year again. Early Spring. The air smelt of fresh flowers blooming in the meadow. Not that the orin could smell such a thing. But the sight was beautiful. Her hooves tread softly through the meadow, carefully picking flowers out and stowing them into her basket. It was that time of the year. Normally she despised this part of the year. Everyone caught up in an air of love and what did she have? Work. She had work. Delivering love letters in the morning and working to fight off Nightmares in the night. It was exhausting, to say the least. Normally she spent this season alone. Normally she spent most seasons alone...All seasons alone. Her thoughts swirled wondering when the last time she had gone on a proper date. That was long ago before Hikari had disappeared. had been quite some time since the disappearance too. Surely by now, one would've moved on. That's what Yue would like to think. She covered up her basket after filling it with bright pink and purple flowers. It was no matter to her. She had more important things on her mind. Like the first proper date, she had had in decades. 

Ambi. Her sweetheart. Yue admittedly had had many crushes over the years. But none of them ever seemed to work out for her. Always too shy, too scared to approach. Only recently did she finally get the guts to try and admit any feelings to anyone. Now while Ambi was the orin of Yue's dreams, she had yet to formally ask her to be her girlfriend. Yue had faint memories of Hikari always doing grand gestures and fancy dates to ask other orins out. Yue...Yue wasn't Hikari. Yue was Yue. A shy sweet orin that had troubles even talking to pretty girls. Let alone ask one out. So when one of her love letters got leaked to her crush she had to come out and admit it. Part of her wondered who would've done that to her! Arke perhaps? While they worked together she highly doubted that. Bright blue eyes glanced over to the wisps following behind her. Yue had a feeling about who did it. Lucky for them she was not mad. For once her wisps did something to prank her that actually turned out in her favor! Who could've guessed that Ambi liked her back! Or at least had some interest in her- Yue felt those weird butterfly nerves coming back. No time to be overthinking this! Yue had a date to plan out! Hopefully, with the help of her wisps, this would be the most perfect bestest date Ambi had ever been on! ...was bestest even a word?... Yue shook her head, pushing the door to her little cottage open and setting to work on supplies for their little picnic.


Ambi looked quietly down at the letter that Yue had sent her, ensuring that she was going the right way before looking to the meadow ahead of her. The sun was low over the realm bathing the meadow in a soft spring afternoon light. With each passing step, butterflies and bees moved from the flowers below her. Ambi did her best not to step on any flowers. The meadow seemed as if no orin had ever treaded through it...but the letter clearly said to meet her here. Ambi worriedly looked around. She figured it would be easy to catch sight of any other orin out here, but all she could see were endless flowers. Pretty..but she was going to be late for her date at this rate.


A familiar call caused the orin to slowly turn around. Yue was trotting towards her. Her soft white hair had been tied up in a bun, the ends falling gracefully down her back. Her normal scarf had been switched out for a soft blue and white dress of sorts, and her pack had been switched out for a picnic basket. While bubble baubles can't wag, Ambi's had its own way of showing her excitement. Pink lightning bounced on the inside of her bauble sending shivers through her back. To say she was excited about this date was a bit of an understatement.

"Yue-" Ambi returned with a little smile, tilting her head to get her hair out of her face. The two gently touched horns in greeting, before Yue motioned for Ambi to follow after her. Ambi watched as Yue seemed to know just where to step to avoid trampling the flowers. She was admittedly a little impressed that the other could hold themself with that much poise and grace. She did her best to follow in her footsteps, some part of her remembering how much Yue cared about the flowers that she cared for. "So, Yue. Where are we going? Your letter was a little vague...At first, I was worried that I was being stood up-" Ambi mumbled hearing a light nervous laugh from the orin in front of her.  The spirits in Yue's bauble swirled as if conveying her nervous emotion. 

Yue had to take a moment to find her voice. Her heart was racing which was surely being given away by her lack of talking. "W-well I got a little caught up at work. My uh partner and boss were arguing about something dumb. And apparently, that meant I had to stick around.  I hope I d-didn't leave you waiting too long e-eep." Yue whispered glancing back at Ambi. "But-t! I promise this date will be worth it. I used to go out to this hill all the time. It has the most amazing views.." The dream fawn chimed with a little wag of her bauble. Ambi simply smiled a little and nodded. She understood that Yue was apart of the force that protected the realm. But admittedly she knew very little of what that life was like and despite knowing Yue for a while, she rarely talked about it. Perhaps that was for the best. But as long as Yue seemed mentally sound she was sure she was doing ok. Hopefully. Ambi put that out of mind, for the time being, trotting up to Yue's side as they continued out of the meadow and started up a hill. 

Above them, the sun was slowly starting to set. Ambi had stopped for a moment taking in the sight of the stars slowly starting to appear over the realm, before hearing Yue distantly call for her. She caught up to see that the other had laid out a blanket with colorful flower petals scattered on it along with a variety of different Valentines themed treats. Ambi glanced up to Yue seeing that she seemed rather proud of her work before sitting down. "Did you bake these all by yourself?" Ambi asked softly seeing a little nod from the other. Yue carefully sat down next to her, their baubles gently touching each other. Yue could feel the buzzing from Ambi's bauble migrating into her own. Yue leaned into Ambi as they snacked on the things she made, quiet gentle small talk being exchanged. The sky above them slowly darkened to dark purple and blue hues, the stars slowly emerging to dance above them. The only thing that lit up the dark sky was the soft glow of a blue moon and the twinkling of the thousands of stars. Lucky for them it was a cloudless night. Yue couldn't have asked for this to turn out any better. 

Her blue eyes wandered from the sky to the orin beside her. Under the blue light of the moon, she looked so beautiful. If given the chance Yue probably could stare at her all day. Ambi looked in awe, blissfully unaware of the orin looking at her. Yue smiled a little, nuzzling the side of Ambi's head before closing her eyes just for a bit. Ambi glanced down from the ocean of stars to the orin against her, gently leaning back into her touch Yue had never been on a successful date. This was certainly a good first for both of them. 

"Hey, Yue?" Ambi whispered breaking the silence. Yue hummed softly opening her eyes at Ambi's voice. "I was wondering. If maybe you would..." Ambi paused glancing away as if unsure of what she was going to say.  Yue slowly rose from her tilting her head to the side. If there was anything Ambi had to say she would happily listen. Ambi pawed the ground losing her train of thought before glancing back to the sky, "There are millions of stars in the sky." Yue followed her gaze back to the sky above them. She nodded slightly as Ambi continued, "But you are the brightest star to me-" 

Yue flushed a bright pink before quickly looking back to Ambi. Ambi had ducked her head slightly, hair washing over her eyes. Yue slowly stood carefully walking behind her and putting her hooves gently around her, hugging onto her date. "You are the light of my life, Ambi. " Yue whispered unable to make eye contact with that. Ambi blushed leaning back into Yue, a sudden jolt going through her bauble which spread into Yue's stomach. Yue was used to shocks by now, but that one caught her off guard. She jumped up with a soft eep, causing Ambi to quickly get up to apologize. Yue was going to say it was fine before losing her balance from standing too fast. Ambi tried to grab the other to keep her from tumbling down the hill- but the lack of thumbs didn't help her. The pair tumbled down the hill back into the flowery meadow. An air of white petals flew up as they landed. Thankfully something soft broke their fall. The pair were all giggles for a moment before Yue propped herself up slightly looking at the orin below her. She felt her face flushing again. How was she here? How did she end up with someone so sweet?

Yue quickly scrambled to her hooves nervously laughing as she tried to straighten herself up. But the tumble down the hill had gotten her hair tangled into Ambi's horns holding her above the other. 'Well, this is rather awkward...' Yue thought to herself, slowly pawing at her hair to try and release herself. Ambi however seemed thoroughly amused by their situation. She laughed brightly lifting her head up to do her best to help. "I'm sorry! I guess I pushed a bit too hard-" Ambi said softly. Yue's blue eyes slowly moved to meet Ambi's bright purple ones. So gentle and soft. Yue's heart skipped a beat. A sudden push against the back of her head sent her falling back into Ambi, lips touching for a moment before she quickly pulled back, yanking herself loose in the process. She turned to glare at her wisps who were chittering with amusement over the situation but they were already retreating out of her grasp. Yue quickly looked back to Ambi and offered a hoof to help her back up, "I-I-I didn't- Um-" Yue started, but Ambi only smiled and stood up, carefully shaking the dust from her dress. The electricity in her bauble was jumping up and down from the excitement, face flushed a slight pink tone. 

"No it's fine actually-" Ambi started stumbling to find her words. Yue's expression softened and she glanced to the dirt below them. So much for this Valentine's Date being the best date ever. She took a deep breath and glanced back up, now enduring a rather awkward silence between the pair. Ambi slowly met her gaze with a smile. Her pink and purple eyes shimmering with hidden excitement. The taller orin took a step forward slowly bumping her muzzle against Ambi's. Lucky for Ambi, her bauble was made to contain electricity. With the friction in the air, she was sure that it would've cracked by now. Bright pink lines jumped in her bauble, racing with her own heartbeat. Yue pulled back after a brief moment, feeling much more satisfied with that kiss than their first one. The light purple orin giggled to herself, white hair falling over her face as she looked away. Ambi felt her heart slow as she watched Yue revert back to her shy self. How could she not fall in love with that adorable smile and little blush? Ambi slowly slid her head to rest against the other's neck. 

"I hope..this date was up to your standards," Yue whispered, obviously still worried about how well she was doing. She was never the outgoing type. Not the best at planning ahead. When talking to girls she liked she often clamped up and lost the ability to speak properly. Normally her communication was solely her wisps dancing around and doing charades for people. But Ambi's gently reassuring nuzzles and soft words...for once she felt...she felt a little confidence in herself. As if Ambi's presence gave her her voice back. Yue's head slowly lowered to rest against Ambi. Ambi hummed softly to Yue, slowly closing her eyes for a moment.

A quiet moment passed before she finally spoke, the lightning in her bauble calming finally, "I think this was the best date I have ever been on. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend" Ambi reassured, pulling back slightly to look into Yue's sparkling eyes, "Will we do this again next week, dearest?" The fortune teller asked with a slight cock of her head. Yue opened her mouth to answer but simply smiled and nodded, before tackling Ambi back to the ground. Thankfully...this time at least...they were at the bottom of the hill