taming the storm

3 years, 3 months ago

The somber rain showers of the English shoreline were a far cry from the heat of Cairo. Sixx pondered the locational shift in temperature as he sat upon a high balcony of the Joestar family mansion. Despite the weather, the tinge of salt in the air carried by the wind of an oncoming storm reminded him of his husband in it’s subtle unruliness. He smiled to himself as the wind gently tossed his hair not unlike the loving hands of his lord scratching his scalp to soothe slower evenings.

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The somber rain showers of the English shoreline were a far cry from the heat of Cairo. Sixx pondered the locational shift in temperature as he sat upon a high balcony of the Joestar family mansion. Despite the weather, the tinge of salt in the air carried by the wind of an oncoming storm reminded him of his husband in it’s subtle unruliness. He smiled to himself as the wind gently tossed his hair not unlike the loving hands of his lord scratching his scalp to soothe slower evenings. 

That was enough for him. The fantastical elements in his life bored him in comparison to the ignition within his body whenever he was in his presence. Each moment of contact was a reminder of whom he had to thank for his livelihood. Perhaps it was dramatic, as Vanilla Ice had put it, but the drama of devotion surely begs for theatrics at the least. These thoughts swam through his mind as he left the warmth of the blanket he was bound in to let the wind embrace him in the lack of his husband. 


Er...maybe the poeticism of imagining the seaside wind as his husband was a bit too dramatic. He was shivering. Perhaps the dramatics could be performed indoors.


Once inside, his ears twitched in the direction of the door, which was thereafter pushed open by a set of tiny hands. Sixx’s face warmed into a soft smile as the aforementioned hands tugged gently at his pant leg. Pleading eyes looked up at him in a trained “puppy dog” expression that only seemed to work on Sixx in comparison to the boy’s other father. 




The child whimpered, tugging again at his father’s pants to emphasize his distress. In a graceful, languid motion, Sixx scooped him into his arms and pressed his nose to his son’s. 


“Giorno, my love, what is upsetting you?”


Being in his father’s presence seemed to pacify the boy, as he relaxed his expression and softly responded.


“I had been playing with the birdy, and he flew away after a while, and I was alone. I didn’t know nobody else was home, not even ‘ami D’arby is here.”


Sixx gently hushed his child, rocking him gently in his arms until the babbling turned to soft breathing. Just as he looked down to suggest they play a game of cards, he realized that Girono had fallen asleep after tiring himself from being so upset.

Smiling again, Sixx walked over to place the sleeping child upon the nest of pillows and blankets found on his parent’s bed. A sense of pride now burned alongside the passion in Sixx’s ribs, love for the family he had created thanks to the man he loved more than any other.


The whispers of an approaching storm had now turned into a promise as rain began to fall outside onto the balcony. Thunder roared through the clouds as a clap of lightning briefly scared Sixx from watching his toddler sleep. The sound must have reached Giorno as well, as his sleeping body tensed for a moment before turning to retreat into the safety of pillows. 

That won’t do, will it?

Swiftly, he strode to the glass doors of the balcony and closed them with a final gust of wind tossing his hair in protest of being shut out. Soon after, another roll of thunder and lightning strike ripped through the sky. The room around him was illuminated for just a moment before being plunged into darkness again as the gust of wind through the closing balcony doors moments ago snuffed out the candles within the room.


Sixx jumped a second time as a cold hand clasped his waist from behind. The initial surprise wore off as he recognized the form behind him as another hand joined the first to pull him back into its embrace.


“All these years, and you have yet to fail at falling for my tricks, my pet.”


Dio cooed in a low rumble, not unlike the thunder outside, into Sixx’s ear. Leaning back into his touch, Sixx turned his cheek to accept a number of kisses as his own hands fell to rest on top of his husband’s.


“Perhaps I simply expected my liege to fall out of such a juvenile habit…”


He laughed from his chest, turning fully to watch the other’s expression drop for a moment before feigning offense.


“What a naughty mouth you’ve grown since moving-”


Dio growled playfully and swept Sixx into his arms, which earned a gasp that melted into soft giggles from him. 


“What ever am I to do with it hm?”


Further banter was muffled between messy kisses and incomprehensible babble that carried with the pair until they collapsed onto their bed. They only stopped when a small voice broke the relative quiet of the room.

Sixx shot up and crawled over to scoop his son up into his arms again while the toddler groaned sleepily from being woken up. Dio gave Sixx an apology through a brief glance and relocation behind him to gently wrap his arm around both his husband and son. Giorno easily fell asleep again, comforted by the warmth of his fathers arms.


This was the fire within him. Both the literal warmth of the living bodies that he cherished, and the figurative passion for those lives that he never imagined he could have before his life took a turn all those years ago. He was a fire who managed to tame a thunderstorm, and the sunshine they created made any weather tolerable.