Power Surge

When Bisma has a strong negative feeling, you know something is about to come. What she and her boss Seraph face though is beyond what either could have imagined.

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Seraph and Bisma would be finishing up one of their Rich Burning runs, toppling one of those disgusting rings of terrible people. Bisma would stop dead in her track while they were conversing, dead silence as she stared at a building. Seraph would try to get her attention, curious as to what was going on through her head. Though after glancing at the look on her face, it's clear from the sheer fear and malice that it ain't good.
Before he could get anything else in, she darted towards the building. Scaling it in no time, flying over it. Locking eyes with the person that got her attention to begin with. Flames spiraled before she even hit the ground, like a comet in the sky, if that comet was a raging fireball poised right at your core. The man she was going to kill barely dodged her initial assault with only an inch to spare. Her claw grazing his chest and clawing down his torso into the molten pavement. Heat and Anger radiated throughout the city like a tidal wave. No concealment, letting all of it free with an unholy compulsion. A mix of terror and anger painted on her face. After ripping her hand from the ground, she pointed at him.
"Who the Fuck are you."
The man is startled. His orange glow dimming a bit as trouble began to unfurl. Not only did he Feel her coming, she even managed to get a solid hit on him. Sensing that her bloodlust won't be sated until blood is spilled or answers are given, he precariously pushes a button on his belt. Using his clothing to keep himself together, despite the heat and pain from the injury, he tilted his head at the raging beast before him.
"Who am I? Who the hell are you? You're the one who attacked me out of the blue! Attacking a leader of the court like that is cause for death you know-"
"I don't Give a fuck. Who the fuck ARE you. Why could I tell you were here. Why does it Feel like I should Know you?" Her words were teeming with a venom unmatched anywhere in the universe. A vile ball of hate poised and ready to tear this man limb from limb out of fear.
"Who Are You." She'd say, the look on her eyes giving way that this is the last time she'd ask. The man stood there with a puzzled look on his face at that, unsure as to what this madwoman was rambling about before it clicked in his mind. What she was describing, and where he is at, it all starts to make sense. A familial bond. With a smile, he starts to straighten out, Bisma tensing up, clawing her hands in preparation with fire oozing off of her.
"Ah.. I see! I feel so silly that I didn't recognize your signal sooner. The signs are oh so apparent, and how your poor body undertook the diseases that you were left in. What kind of a Father would I be if I didn't recognize my own daughter." He'd say, the air going stiff as the once whirring fury in the air has turned to a still shock. Bisma wanted to deny that and say he was full of shit, but... between her previous caretaker mentioning her old father's name before and the deep rooted connection she feels here. She knew he wasn't lying.
"Bisma was what he named you right? Well, Bisma, my daughter. I am Ghiorsium Oganesson. Your true, blood father." His mouth curled into a smile.

You could hear a pin drop for miles, the silence that overtook the city in that moment was deafening. Bisma herself stood there in sheer shock from this bombshell, the man she thought was long gone, the man who abandoned her with that Monster. The man who she wondered about for all this time about what kind of person he was, if she'd ever meet him, if he ever even cared to begin with, if he was ever going to come back. All of that wonder, all of that mystery, all of that potential anything... Gone in an instant seeing the type of man he is. The connection she feels with him leaves her with nothing but disgust. She may not be able to know what he's done, but the aura he gives off is nothing short of pure filth and vile.
The silence broke with the fury whipping back up again. Flames pick up into a frenzy, Bisma's glare stabbing daggers into Ghior's soul. Even he was slightly perturbed by the sight of her.
"You? HA! Don't make me laugh. Nothing THAT disgusting could ever be related to me. You're presence alone makes my skin crawl." She'd spit, stepping closer to him. The street around her feet melting with her anger. Concrete, stone, wood, and glass bending to the heat, burning up in the frenzy. Glass shattering, wood scorching, steel melting into the molten slew of concrete at its foot.
"A small lil' thing like you, someone that doesn't belong. There's no way in Hell that we're related. And if we are? Then I'll take GREAT PLEASURE IN SCORCHING YOUR FETID BODY INTO ASHES." She'd scream, another wave of heat overtaking the street. Street lamps began to bubble in the fiery wake, telephone lines toppling, buildings bending, and fear in the air. For the first time, Ghior felt a twinge of fear of what he'd made. Staring into the maw of the Devil herself.

Bisma in her rage had finally gone into fight mode. Flames overtaking everything in their path with her fury. The fury of years of pent up agony, alone on these streets with terrible people around every corner. Fury of constant dread that her deeds will finally catch up to her, killing her. Fury towards him for leaving her in the hands of a Twisted person who had no business being near her. With one final, soul rattling war shout, she clutched one of the fallen telephone wires and ripped it from it's pole. Fire traveled down the length of it, igniting the rubber with heat alone. A molten slew of rubber, wire, and rock. With great passion, she swung it at the man. Missing him barely, dodging the attack, but the fire displaced from it caught him. Searing his membrane slightly and causing a good amount of pain. Hearing his cries were cathartic for her, a stress doll for her to enact all of her twisted malice. Something to vent her frustration. Though, as soon as she wound up for a second blow, a large blast of light filled the area. 
Standing between them was a monolith of a man, adorned in red armor and electronics. Towering over all present by a large margin, unphased by the heat. Glaring down at the little girl before him. Didn't stop Bisma from continuing however, as she let lose another yell as she whipped at him too. If he wanted to die with this freak, that was A-OK in her mind. What she didn't expect however was him catching the whip with his arm, letting the wire wrap around his limb and yanking it back, pulling her with it. In the blink of an eye, this monster of a man's fist was knuckle deep into Bisma's face. Electricity surging out as he overpowered and annihilated her with a single swing. 
Her body ragdolled a small bit before settling down in the road, face down with magic draining. Out cold, despite the heat enduring. As they thought it was over however, a shower of bullets hailed upon them, grazing both Rancin and hitting Ghior a few times.
Seraph's mask was illuminated in the haze. Standing above the blaze below with his pistol drawn and fired upon the duo. A steady flow of fire emerging from him as well, flowing much more calmly from his body unlike his aggressive cohort. Ghior looked at him with disdain and hate, wondering if he had a son as well, before he collapsed onto his knees. Rancin looked down at him for orders. 
"I'm leaving this fuckin' place. I don't care what you do with it, burn it all down and rip apart the inhabitants if you want. Rancin... The only order I have for you is to reduce that fucking miserable accident and her trigger happy cunt of a friend up there into stains on the road." Ghior spat, clutching his new holes intensely. Rancin nodded and stood up. As he turned to face his current foe, Ghior beamed out of the area, back into the sky where his ship was. 

Seraph watched the light fly up into the sky with a touch of confusion, that confusion quickly subsided when he returned his attention to the burly machine down below. Readying his gun once again. Rancin however didn't flinch. He looked at the hole in his shoulder and shrugged it off with a twitch. Holding his right hand high, revealing the coil behind glass within his arm, the air changed around them. The smoke began to flow another direction instantly, the clouds in the sky began to stop moving, and everything came to a deathly still. Silence aside from the crackling of fire. Around the red adversary tufts of electricity began to spark. Connecting to the metal man himself as the charge in the air rose. The coil inside his arm spun and sparked. The air glowed a slight bit in the heat, not from Bisma's fire but from something else. Something from this man. 
Sound cut entirely as lightning surged from the ground up into the sky. Silence encompassing all, the blast nearly deafening all nearby. Lightning rose up into the sky, webbing outwards, reaching all across the city before the blast reached everyone.
The surge of plasma and electricity ripped across the sky in a ruthless attack, striking multiple areas of the city, rich and poor alike. Reducing buildings into smoldering husks. Melting even the most reinforced of buildings. Standing at the epicenter, Seraph watched in horror as the city was bombarded in an instance. He already had bad vibes from this Court stuff and the hearings Mal was having with their messenger, but this. This was the final nail in the coffin for him. They've already shown their true colors, only wanting to dominate those they can, annihilate those who don't conform. Wincing in anger, Seraph wasn't going to let this stand at all. With a click, he was locked and loaded, hailing another storm down upon the lightning beast down before. Rancin primed his electricity for another attack, this time directed at Seraph, when heat rippled through his body. Bisma, now back in action, was standing up despite taking a direct hit from his lightning. Though her rage was more an indirect fury caused by the frazzled state of mind she is in, she's still not liking this guy as he is a danger to her and her friend. With Seraph laying siege above and the uncertainty of Bisma, Rancin switched to the defensive. The small woman began her assault once again, boring down at Rancin's plated arms with clawed violence. Tearing through the melting metal in blind fury. She lived up to her name, the Wraith Devil, in that moment as a tempest of flame erupted from her. Spiraling around her as she clawed at everything nearby. One would assume she was born from a fire elemental. Rancin knew he had to put a stop to this asap. Preparing another attack with his coil arm before a sharp pain reverberated throughout his torso. Another gunshot, this time from behind. A stifled grunt, wincing in pain. He turned his head, maintaining defense to see Seraph standing there, gun drawn and pointed at him, smoke wisping in the wind. 
That pissed him off.

The behemoth was sick of these games, being toyed with by two folk who looked barely over a thousand years old. He is an ancient king, he has faced much worse than two punk looking rebels. In a fit of rage, he grabbed Bisma by the face and spun around, lunging at Seraph with furious fervor. Bisma's flames spiraled around him as he barreled through Seraph. Dragging the two of them along and crashing them through a wall. The flames already weakened it a fair bit, allowing it to give without crushing them between it. The building itself however came down upon the three of them. Crashing into itself and fueling the intense inferno below. 
Amidst the chaos, Seraph managed to slip away while the rubble was crashing down, taking Bisma with him. Leaving the big man to dig himself out of the rubble. The poor teen was out cold, and Seraph wasn't doing so hot himself. That hit, while it was only one, was a heavy one. Bisma was far tankier than he was. Though, he couldn't just keep letting her take the hits for him. Especially in this battle. There wasn't an easy way out of this one at all, so for now he needed to hide her away so she could get out. Seraph wanted this to end quick, and he had just the idea.
The rubble was no match for the man. He plowed through it with ease, pushing it off of him in moments. The issue now was, where were his targets. Stepping out onto the street, he looked about with malice clear. However, the sound of several guns clicking stopped him in his tracks. Rancin turned to face what it was, a lineup of shaken police officers, many of which look no older than children. At the helm was a smug looking officer, the one that his boss was talking with, Formaldehyde. He spoke, but Rancin didn't hear nor care. Tired and angry, he powered his arm up. The police saw this and instantly took action. Half of them ducked for cover, while the rest of them started unloading their entire clip into the behemoth. None of which pierced his front armor. With a swing, Rancin unleashed a wave of electrified plasma. Surging across all the cops before him. Taking each and every one of them out with a single swoop. Their cars overturned and dead, bricked as if an EMP knocked them out. Formaldehyde was the only one left conscious at the end of it, only awake because of the drugs in his system. Unable to move. He started to cuss the man out, but now Rancin couldn't care less. Less annoyances to deal with, back to his original focus. 
Once again, a blast followed by a blistering pain as a bullet drilled into the gap of his shoulder plates. He spun to see Seraph once again standing there, mask obscuring his smug smile. 
"C'mon big guy... I thought you were the muscle. All I'm seeing from you is two-bit tricks and empty threats." Seraph taunted. Rancin clenched his fists tightly, audibly cracking his hands with the force of it. This man reminded him of another one of his foes, someone far stronger but just as obnoxious if not moreso. He wanted nothing more than to crush this punk into the ground. Seraph dropped his now empty gun to the ground, pulling out his stun baton, preparing for a long haul.

There were a few seconds of silence between them aside from the roar of the fire and the squeak of a dog in the background. Tension between the two of them rose. Seraph was far outclassed in strength alone. While he was strong himself, this man was a tower. Terrifying prowess in combat, he knew how to fight. As the rage festered, as did patience. Rancin was tired of waiting. His foe was right there, standing right in front of him wide open with nothing but his own strength to back him. 
No more tricks. 
No more games. 
He's going to crush this right here and now. 
The silence broke as Rancin grit his teeth, stomping on the ground. The ground itself cracking with his sheer power. Plasma and electricity surged around him in his own anger, rippling through the cracked ground. No more is he calm, collected as a fighter. He is out for blood. 
Seraph blinked once and his foe was already upon him. Seeing Rancin up in his face in an instant was off-putting, not expecting this speed from a man this size. Before the shockwave blew him away, Rancin grabbed hold of Seraph's vest and laid a heavy hit into his face. Smashing into his gas mask, cracking the visor and shattering the filter. Seraph didn't get a break just yet as Rancin switched to one of his non-broken horns, gripping it firmly, and throwing Seraph down the road. 
He flipped a few times, being thrown after getting hit wasn't pleasant, but he managed to stay up. Heavy breathed and focused, he can't let him best him right here. He held the position until Rancin began his assault once again. Bearing down upon the rebel with the same ferocity as before, but this time Seraph was prepared, sidestepping this man and leaping behind. With a well timed kick, he landed a clean blow of his baton into the wounds on his back. Unleashing the energy into him. He didn't expect the stun to work, but the hit onto an open wound absolutely. Rancin winced and yelled in rage. Grabbing hold of Seraph's arm and twisting it in ways it shouldn't.
With a snap, Seraph was once again thrown, this time downward into the concrete. He bounced off the shattered stone, pain fogging his mind slightly as the electricity from this mans touch was overwhelming. Seraph rolled several feet down the road, his body wincing in pain. Locked up and partially paralized. Rancin stepped up to him and looked down. His cold, lifeless stare boring down into Seraph. Wordless fury pressing down into his very soul. The large man kicked his adversary a few times before picking him up. 
"You and your kind are a stain in this vast universe. Much like the Illiven that plague our society, those who don't accept the will of our word have no right to live." Rancin said, his voice deep and intimidating. He looked around at the peering people amidst the dying inferno.
 "ALL OF YOU DESERVE DEATH. YOU WERE OFFERED A PLACE IN THE COURT, AND YOU SEND THIS... INSIGNIFICANT, WEAK FILTH AT ME AND MY SUPERIOR, THOSE WHO AREN'T WILLING TO GIVE INTO CHANGE, THEN I WILL SEND THEM TO HELL PERSONALLY." Rancin's voice carried a great distance, pressing into the mind of those around him with great intensity. His focus shifted back to Seraph, who was kicking and digging at Rancin's wounds. Rancin looked at him with disgust as he knelt down. Electricity peeled off oh him unto the street, onto Seraph, and all around as he dashed further down the road. Leaving a wake of energy, a shockwave of power from the speed he darted down the road. Seraph barely could keep conscious as he was dragged through downtown Merzen by this god of a man. Zipping into a power station, diving head first into the central tower. A cascade of electricity surged through the city, knocking down the grid for the time being. The city plunged in darkness.

Seraph struggled to get up, how he was still conscious, let alone able to move was a miracle. Perhaps it was willpower, as he still had a man to kill. Looking around was pitch black. Only the silhouettes of buildings and power towers into the revealed starry night. Confused, he looked around to find where his foe was, all while ensuring he was still using his ability. His search was cut short with a powerful zap in the distance. He turned to look down the dark walkway. Small red dots in the distance gave his foe away real easily, though they were approaching rather slowly. Rancin walked down the path within the darkened Power Station. Fixated on his foe standing before him. The remnants of electricity within the building surged out and arched toward the man. Lights flickered as he approached, surging through the system was his energy. As he rose his hand, he smiled. The area once again lit up, overclocking it as the energy had risen too high. 
Seraph however only smiled. Fully visible as his mask fell off a while back. Looking at him with the same smug look he gave him at the start of this encounter. His foe was rightly confused, but confusion quickly turned to panic as he noticed the lighter in Seraph's hands. Risen to eye level. He attempted to dart towards it, but in the end, it was too late. The gas all around them that came from Seraph's magic already reached a criticality. If ignited, the entire station and street he was dragged down will be sent to the stratosphere. Seeing the panicked look on Rancin's face was confirmation enough that this would work, as Seraph's smug grin turned into a twisted smile. 
"I'll see you in Hell." Seraph said, flicking his thumb, sparking the gas from the lighter and furthermore the air.
Amidst the dark of the night, with the blackout in full effect, people started shuffling to the streets. Confusion and disarray but still in the state of where maybe there is a reasonable explanation for all this. All calm was swiftly melted however as in the distance, light peered over the horizon. A stillness in the air as the light grew bigger and louder until the shockwave fully hit. A blast so large, one would be able to see it from the far side of the city. A disturbance so loud that it rattled the nests of critters for miles. The street and power station turned into a secondary star as the fireball ripped through the concrete and steel like tissue paper. A cascade of fire into the alleys and down the adjacent streets. A maze of flame, sending everything asunder. At its center, a mushroom cloud. While not a hydrogen bomb, the blast was so powerful it nearly caused a firestorm. Rubble from the torn ground was sent flying across the city. all layers felt the devastation, rain of fire and ash, concrete blocks falling from the sky, an ear splitting shockwave. While the area afflicted was mostly desolate, all were privy to the effects. 
After a few moments, the dust settled. A crater was left where the explosion took place, the street reduced to a smoldering walkway. It looked as if it were straight out of a horror movie, after the nukes dropped and sorrow all over. In the midst of it stood one solitary person. Seraph, who's shock-absorption saved his core from collapsing... but the pain had overtaken him altogether. Collapsing unto the smoldering rubble below and going comatose. Passed out, exhausted from the stress he and Rancin had put on his body. 
Rancin on the other hand felt the brunt of the blast. He was too slow to stop Seraph from detonating and therefore was hit from all sides. Had he not been beamed out of there as soon as he was, his armor would have given way and he would have been vaporized. He now lie in ruin. Armor and Mind shattered.