Safehouse confusion

3 years, 3 months ago

Charlie and Salem have a conversation. Also Salem doesn't understand money's worth anymore.

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Salem stood at the counter to the 'shop' as everyone left. She noticed Belladona get dragged off by Hollie and Aeron. She wasn't sure if Percy was going with them or not but it was amusing. Sierra seemed to be catching Eva up on everything, Nall and Chara were definitely close and were leaving together. Then there was a couple magi she didn't know. She just smiled at them before getting back to some of her work. She was finishing her meeting notes for Fawn, girl needed to focus on school so she had stayed home to study. She wasn't a magi and that was something Salem was clear on she needed to finish school.

Charlie had glanced around as the mostly red room began to loose the colors of soul gems and leg. She looked for the pink soul she had seen earlier. The one named Salem right? She at least thought that was where the voice came from. She remembered there was things being mentioned about how there are safe houses and stuff... plus her soul was pink which was weird. Charlie stood up and held onto the bar on biscuits harness as she walked towards the pink soul. Being now careful about where she walked. " U-uhm pardon me you are Salem right?" She asked in a quiet tone

Salem looked up at the voice. "Yes I am. How can I help you?" She hadn't met this magi yet but that was fine she heard there were new magi that were already close enough to be here today.

Charlie tried to put on a smile to seem happier before she rumaged in her bag to grab her phone. " Oh uh well are you doing ok? Uh with everything being explained it uh must have been hard and stuff right?" She asked awkwardly Really it felt like every time she talked to a person she became more awkward.

Salem shook her head. "No I was helping with the planning. I've been dealing with magi and magic longer then anyone else in the city." She explained. "Sorry I don't think I caught your name."

Charlie listened and thought for a few seconds. " Oh you help them plan?? And... you have been dealing with magi for so long? But uh... don't Eb and flow continue to ask you to become a magi and stuff,  since I heard they continue to ask if you dont make a wish." She said before she was asked her name and she felt embarrassed by forgetting. "Ah uh I am Charlie a new magi which uh you know. And this is Biscuit!"she said jestering down to what in charlie's eyes was a green silouette of a dog.

The name Charlie sounded familiar to her. She looked down at the dog and saw the seeing eye patch. Oh! "Your Charlie!" She grinned, the blind magi that could see souls. "Once your at a certain age or mental state they leave you alone. I grew out of being able to make a wish." She explained.

Charlie waited for the reply before she heard what sounded like Salem figuring it out finally. " Yeah! Uh sorry about forgetting to say my name." She said with a tiny awkward laugh as she continued to listen. " Oh so you can grow up or get in- wait so they specifically target kids then? To get them to make a wish? I wonder if there is something different about our souls then others?" She said going on a small tangent now wanting to learn more

Salem's smile dropped, she was glad that the girl couldn't see. "Um yeah, as you get older your soul looses its ability to make a contract." She explains. "Hell not even all souls can make a contract to begin with."

Charlie listens intently as she thinks. " So when you get older you lose your ability to make a contract and not all souls are able to make a contract? Then there has to be a reason for it right?" She asked thinking about it. What made magi so different from other people? Their soul's would be one thing right? But she hasn't seen a soul right before they became a magi so she wouldn't be able to figure it out... Maybe there was another reason?

Salem had no idea what to do. She wasn't someone that was in place that could just spill the beans. She shook her head. "Yeah the incubators are confusing little things." She explained.

Charlie nodded. " They really are but uh its alright! " She said before remembering what she came over to ask about. " Oh uh Belladonna put your number in my phone and I have people choose their own voice so I can tell who is who in text to speech. And uh I was wondering if I can get more information on the safe houses I think you mentioned right?" She said glancing down at the green soul of Biscuit again.

Salem nodded. "Yeah sure I can pick a voice." She wasn't shocked Belladona put her number in but was shocked the other didn't just put something dumb as her voice. "What do you want to know about the safe houses I've been setting up?"

"Alright great, uh here is my phone! No password or anything. " She said with a tiny nod and a smile. She was then asked what she wanted to know about the safe houses. " Oh uh well my sister doesn't know anything about being a magi yet but well... I want to ask her and see what she wants to do. And I would like for her to have a location or two incase one is closer to the firm she works at." She explained fiddling with her soulgem bangle.

Salem took the phone and started looking at the voices for her contact. "Alright. Just so you know the safe houses are for magi really. Fighting witches and well other magi can get really dicey and we can't just drag someone here and not all injuries we can bring people to the hospital for." She started to explain and then found a voice she liked and selected it to her contact. "Its not like she can't use them, it's more that they aren't made for her." She held out the phone. "Alright I picked a voice."

Charlie listened, Oh she misunderstood what a safehouse was then... she glanced down once more and was thinking about it. "I think I didn't understand what a safehouse was really then... I thought they were kinda like for the family not for magi, but I understand." She said with a small nod now wondering if there was another thing she was supposed to do instead when telling her sister about her being a magi and ..maybe some of the dangers involved. " I didn't really know so it is ok." She said before seeing the pink being hold something out. She took it and it was her phone. "Great!! " She said with a smile.

"She can still use them if she needs to." Salem offered. "We really only have my condo and house and this place right now. But I'm looking in getting some more locations." She explained. "I'm making them for magi but those that do know about magic can use them if needed."

Charlie listened to what Salem said. It wasn't meant for non magi though so she would feel guilty about it... "Its ok, I kinda made the mistake of well thinking...that. Its ok though..." She said thinking about it a bit more, her sister was resourceful after all... but it was normal to be nervous... plus who's to say her sister would even want to go to one of those places. "oh uh but its good to hear magi can use them if it gets dangerous where they are!!!" She said cheering up in her tone a little bit!!

Salem could tell that the other had worry. She saw her own twin go through a level of worry. "Hey it's okay. I know this is all a lot to take in and it's fine to worry about your sister." She sat her hand on the other's shoulder. "Hell the only reason I'm in all this is cause my own twin made a wish and I refused to let her do this all alone. When you tell your sister give her my number. I'm here to help any magi and their family." She didn't want families falling apart due to magic but it wasn't something she could always do anything about. She could though support where she can.

Charlie heard the other girl say it was ok but she wasn't sure still. She bit her lip and continued to listen feeling a bit anxious. "She is kinda all I have left... And I'm all she has left so it's... Scary." Charlie replied quietly having this kind of talk really didn't make her feel as good she saw the pink shape come towards her and set a hand on her shoulder. "It is good you didn't let her do it alone... Being alone with all of it sounds scarier then well possibly the turf war..." She said nodding. She got told to give her sister Salem's number "I will. It will probably help to have another person who isn't a magi to learn.. and luis said he would be there too when I tell her so .. it should be good" she said softly  she was still a kid and things like this scared her. Her sister getting hurt. Herself getting hurt. Although she was mature for her age she still was a kid at heart.

"I understand that, but you're not alone here Charlie. You have people around you that want to know you. I know it can be hard but you can come to any of us for help." Salem explained. "Yeah having non magi view on things can really help. Luis can help fill in any gaps that might need filling." She wasn't sure how many gaps the other will fill but she knew he would fill them.

Charlie smiled slightly "I know. I know I still have people around me. And a good sister and stuff. And.. I will! Everyone here has been super nice so far. " She said trying to sound happier. She knew it was bad her thoughts often went to morbid and depressing things "yeah. Cause there is probably a lot I would mess up while explaining. Even if I had kept track I probably missed things." She said calmly "oh uh sorry for taking up your time and being so ... Awkward. " She said feeling the need to apologise

Salem laughed a bit. "It's okay. First meetings are hard. And I'm also the only non-magi here today."

"yeah they are! It is like I back tracked and got even worse with them. Oh and I can tell although... Do you want to know a weird thing?" Charlie asked with a smile

Salem smiled. "What's weird? Is there like green mixed into my soul or something?" She guessed. She figured a level of Von's magic must still be on her.

Charlie shook her head no. "It's pink like a nice pink but pink. Most people have varying shades of blue with a few mixtures of purple every now and then. But I haven't seen colorful souls before meeting other magi." She explained "oh except for animals their souls are almost all pastels, biscuit is green." She said with a smile

"Maybe it's cause I could have been a magi." Salem offered. "That or its cause of my twin's wish my soul is different."

Charlie nodded "maybe .  I wonder if I can ask the incubators later. I know that souls are magic and stuff, so maybe your secretly a magical fairy in disguise or-!" She fakes a gasp as she is starting to have fun with this "Perhaps you have been a ghost all along boo!" She said with a very tiny laugh feeling a little better. "It probably has to do with potential for magic or the wish??" She said with a smile

Salem laughed. "I'm alive and going to say one of the later. I bet Fawn's soul is also not a shade of blue or purple." She commented. "She could have been a magi and also was part of a wish."

Charlie squinted for effect before moving her hand towards her mouth like she was telling a secret "don't worry if your secretly a fairy you can tell me" she whispered with a laugh. It was clear she was joking around a little "That would make sense. I want to meet Fawn eventually too then! I like seeing colors again" she smiled "oh do you mind me asking what wish you were a part of?" She asked curious if it would strike a nerve or something

"My twin wished for me to never have to worry about money." She pulled out a fifty from her pocket and held it out to the other. "So I can just pull money anytime I want. Here's a fifty for you."

Charlie smiled " That is a good wish, not having to worry about money is good!" She chirped back. She then watched the pink blob grab something then hold it towards her. She grabbed it and then heard what she said. "W wait even if it is a part of your wish fifty is a lot of money for a ... Well a thirteen yearold would you like it back? Who knows I might buy all the candy in a candy store or something?" She wouldn't but it was something to say. If she brought it home and her sister saw it she would freak out. If she spent it and brought stuff home her sister would also freak out. And she has no idea what to spend it on anyways.

"Keep it. Buy all the candy you like." Salem joked. "I know its a lot but it's fine."

Charlie felt more nervous... "No no. My sister will just be like where did I get this money who gave it to me. And like worry or something." She said trying her best to decline. "It is ..  quite a lot" she said nodding

Salem understood why the other would be worried about her sister finding out. "I know I've kinda lost touch with how much things can be. Sorry about that." God she really was out of touch with the cost of things.

Charlie looked at Salem and nodded. "It is ok! I just know it is a lot of money still and well its alright!! no worries!! " She said trying to make it feel less awkward. " Oh um speaking of my sister she is probably wondering where I went so early in the morning... " She mumbled a bit

Salem nodded. "Alright." She really needed to stop pulling fifties and giving them to kids. Twenties are better. Hearing her mention her sister. "Right of course. Its best you go home so she doesn't panic to much."

Charlie nodded as she passed the fifty back to the girl. "Yeah... although... maybe once she knows we could raid a candy store...for realsie?" She asked with a little bit of hope... candy stores are nice they are fun... "And yeah! I want to go do that!! Oh uh talk to you soon Salem... I need to have a good conversation with Cali" She said with a tiny wave before reaching down for the leash and begining to walk carefully using her stick towards the door.

Salem chuckled. "Of course we can. I could probably just buy the shop it's self." She watched as Charlie left. "Talk to you soon Charlie." She smiled at the girl and pulled out her current record book to put Charlie in there better.