Talk with the vet/ The truth

3 years, 3 months ago

Charlie and percy talk and pieces connect, she isn't sure if she fully trusts him yet. But she does appreciate the honesty... even if it scares her.

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Charlie had grabbed her phone and ended up sending a voice message to Percy... She knew she wouldn't be able to avoid witches or well danger for other magi... so maybe learning how to fight would be good... plus everyone needed to talk to either Percy or Belladonna to see how far along they were... she knew she wasn't that far along with her magi stuff...she hadn't even tried to transform yet.... She got a text saying it was alright to head on over. She wasn't sure if she trusted the GPS anymore after it failed so bad on her. At least this time she was able to figure out from the paces how to get there. She headed out towards the Belladonna household.

Percy was waiting on the front steps when he saw the girl approach, lighting up and standing as he saw her. "And good morning," he called out, coming to meet her. "Want to chill, or take a walk with me?"

Charlie noticed the soul gem of Percy quickly! Although the bright red color of the house was blinding a bit. "Good morning!" She said as she saw his soul gem begin to move. She was asked if she wanted to chill or walk. " I would like to walk!! Walking is always nice. So I know we needed to talk with all of you guys.. so uh how have you been?" She asked stopping seeing his soul gem at about an arms distance away

"I've been getting used to everything." Percy shrugged. "It's been a learning curve. How about you? I know how it is to be... well, new and everything."

Charlie understood. "Yeah getting used to everything can be hard, has uh everything gotten better since the last time we talked talked?" She asked thinking, she heard him say its been a learning curve and she nodded. "I get it... oh uh I have been good! I have made friends and talked. OH one of my favorite youtubers is a magi, he said he was your friend. Ah but... I have been thinking..." She said quieting down a little bit. " What are ways magi can die? I know we can die to witches and other magi... and probably normal ways but are there others? I want to know so I can prepare myself!!" She said with a smile

Percy blinked. "Magi youtuber- you mean the blonde kid? He's alright, I don't know him too well but he did buy me ice cream. We've talked a few times." He shifted. "Dying..." he blew out a breath. "May I take your hand, it's gonna take a bit to explain this one."

Charlie nodded with a smile. "Yeah Matty!! He is friendly. Oh you don't know him too well? hmm I met him in a store while trying to get used to people" She said calmly. She heard Percy sound like he quieted down a bit and thought. " Yeah you can. Is it that bad?" She asked thinking about what she knew so far.

"It is. I'm not gonna sugar coat it." He nodded. "My friend Ana, Mariana, she was the one who got me... comfortable when I first became a magi. There were two others back then, Vondila and Vanessa." He patted her hand, happy to link their arms and keep each other grounded while they talked about it. And... if she despaired, he could take her witch out on his own, or save her from her misery with a small bite. Not that he would ever look forwards to it, but he wanted to keep everyone safe and sound.

Charlie nodded in understanding. "I think I can handle it." She said trying to not feel nervous. "I have heard of Ana, she was Luis's sister... and then Vondila I have heard her name... and Vanessa was another yellow magi right?" She asked as he linked arms with her as they began to walk. She was nervous but she wanted to make sure she knew all of the ways they died... At least so she could be prepared. And it seemed there was definitely another way to die as a magi...She took in a small breath to calm herself down. Knowing about it can help prevent it right?

"Vanessa wasn't happy when Belladona came to the city. Bebe was an old rival of Vondila's, and they couldn't stand each other. Vanessa was Vondila's friend. When things quieted and an agreement had been come to, Nessa couldn't forgive Belladona, and grief overwhelmed her."

Charlie listened closely. So Vanessa wasn't happy when Belladona came to the city, and was a rival of Vondila. Vanessa was Vondila's friend... and ... oh. "Grief overwhelmed her... you didn't say killed her though... What happened?" She asked feeling a bit nervous... she was pretty sure grief overwhelming was the despair stuff she heard about on another day.

"The longer we exist as magi, the more experience we have with grief. Witches drop grief seeds, which can absorb our grief, but all grief comes from magi." Percy took a deep breath. "And I hope you know the only reason I haven't told you yet was because I wanted to make sure you'd be alright to hear it. That it would be safe, and that the information wouldn't hurt you."

Charlie felt the puzzle pieces click into place. Grief overwhelming...  meant... that was actually despairing.. the other way it was called right...? She did her best to stay calm as her anxiety spiked. So the contracts they made with Eb and Flow really did ensure they all died one way or another? And your soulgem getting darker meant it was bad. Percy didn't outright say what it was yet but he didn't need to. "I think I know where your going with this now. It is ok... I probably would have figured it out with well my questions eventually. I already knew that we were kinda sacrifices to the weird things but... magi become witches don't they?" She asked quietly. "No wonder Luis was confused when I compared the fairytale witches to magi at first..." She mumbled thinking about it... if all grief came from magi and the witches drop grief sees then... a griefseed might be what the soulgems became when despairing? She thought it out a bit more. "the energy thats released is us becoming witches isn't it?"

Percy shifted to hold out a grief seed. "You can hold it. Or touch it, just to see what it is, if you can't see it. With your wish, can you see grief seeds? It's what... what our soul gems hatch into, in the end, if we don't die in battle."

Charlie saw darkness from the grief seed, one that felt as though it was darker then the normal darkness around her. "I don't think I want to touch it or hold it. You just answered my question though didn't you...?" She asked sounding a bit more nervous now. "Maybe... I can help keep soul gems from getting darker with my wish when I know more?" She asked hoping maybe she could... it seemed the fate of magi was grim....

"I-" He blinked at her. That might... "Maybe. That might... but if you can, then we need to keep a close eye on you. Being able to do something that wonderful isn't as important as keeping yourself safe. Have you been in an airplane before? As much as we all care for and love each other, the rules apply here too. Put your own mask on first."

Charlie nodded. "I... maybe I can eventually.. I am a medic maybe for a reason?" She said thinking about it. But grief didn't just disappear. She didn't say it out loud. But if it were to happen the grief would probably have to go somewhere else.... "I am keeping safe. I don't want to die soon or anything... one brush with death in a year is enough for me. And no... I have been on train... and I don't really like cars anymore. Wait.. I think om confused. Rules? Mask?" She asked confused

"On airplanes, in an emergency, an airmask falls from the ceiling. You always put your own on first because there's no time to take care of others if you're about to die. Nessa... she was a yellow magi, and she was a medic too. She never put her own mask on first, even when we begged. I spent my first year as a magi either avoiding them or begging the girls to take care of themselves, but they never did." He stowed the grief seed again. "I hate to say it, it sounds... sad. And pathetic of me. But I was scared, and I loved them all. They were my older sisters, and I... in the end, I was the only one who got better from it all. Etsuko and Avril died. Ophelia got herself killed. I'm the only one of our little original team, it feels like."

Charlie listened as he explained. "I don't want to die and I don't plan on dying any time soon. I do want to help everyone though but... I know my limitations sorta... like with witches and labyrinths I want to stay near the entrance and help from there. Other magi...not a part of the team. I don't want to risk myself or my sister... My own wish... was sorta me putting on my mask first.. I didn't think to ask if people could be brought back... i found out they couldn't later.. I just wanted to see again. " She said quietly as she looked towards him. "Its not sad or pathetic... it hurts loosing people you are close to.. and well I never really felt better after losing family either.. It sounds like you also don't put your own mask on first?" She asked him quietly. Her soul gem didn't darken to an extreme amount it did darken but... it was an ok shade. she lifted her wrist up to look at her soulgem. so this thing would turn dark one day? "I don't think I am willing to succumb to my grief. so I should be good for awhile hopefully yaknow?" She asked giving him a smile.

"I'm not willing to die either. I've got a lot to do." He replies quietly, squeezing her wrist gently. "But... I'm not very good at putting my mask on first. I prioritize the people I love. It's hypocritical, but if everyone's taking care of themselves then maybe I can take care of myself first once. I... the few times I do, it gets thrown back in my face. The one I mentioned, Ophelia, she did that. She never let me be her friend, then she blamed me when I tried to take care of myself. I couldn't ever do anything right. And I'm the leader, so I do take responsibility for everyone. You're my little ducklings. Even if you get into mass chaos and commit war crimes, I still love everyone." He laughed quietly.

Charlie smiled. "Good cause a lot of people will probably be hurt if you do.  She listened calmly. "I could tell a little bit. It is understandable though to prioritize the people you love." She said as she thought a little more. "If it helps you... you don't need to worry much about me, I was able to figure out a bunch of things without help... although I appreciate it. Having a blind kid on the team can be a hassle. So I can figure out things by myself if needed" She offered. "I hope you get more time to yourself though, last time we talked you sounded stressed... and this Ophelia person doesn't sound like the best." She said frowning. "Being a leader sounds hard.. make sure to take breaks and stuff. Also.. I hope no one actually did... my sis can help with legal stuff if needed but like she probably wouldn't help someone who did war crimes." She laughed jokingly.

"You're not a hassle. You're a joy. You've caused me less stress than she did. And legal stuff is wonderful, sometimes things get... hard to explain. How do you say someone got eaten by a giant monster that used to be some fourteen year old?" He sighed. "Ophelia... didn't have a chance. I had to pick between her safety and Salem's. I promised Vondila that I'd keep Salem safe. It wasn't a decision, really."

Charlie smiled at being called a joy. She could say a few things about that with how conversations seemed to go with her. "I am glad I have caused less stress. I will try to keep it up."She gave him a smile "Lie your pants off and pretend you dont know them? labyrinths disappear after so there is no real way yaknow?" She asked quietly. She heard Percy say Ophelia didn't have a chance... he had to make a decision? "Did you...kill her? I thought you said you guys didn't kill each other?" She asked concerned. She didn't peg Percy as someone who would kill a person so this was a shock.

"I didn't kill her. But... I'm not going to lie to you, I was asked point blank by Alexander Rose if Ophelia had followed through on her deal with him to kill Salem, which we were gonna fake, and... I couldn't do it. I could see that he knew too much. He can read all of us too easily. I chose Salem, and within a week Ophelia was dead." He blew out a breath. "And... I've been trying to figure out if I'm a bad person for not feeling guilty."

Charlie took the time to process it and what he said. Ophelia wasn't his friend and didn't sound like a good person really... but death.. and they were gonna fake Salems death. but... it was choosing one death over the other.. the trolly problem.. she heard of this problem. But... if he did that to someone he did know whos to say she wouldn't be dead eventually if it came to it again. She stayed quiet and thought. "You sound like you were hurt by her. And you made a promise... You tried and she didn't she made you feel bad. Personally I would feel a little guilty but people react differently." She said thinking about it. If this type of problem came up she would have to get her own mask on first wouldnt she? Yeah... even if Percy and them were nice if it came up  she would be on the chopping block.

"I'm not trying to scare you. It's not a decision we make every day, it's all because of- of this situation we're in. Before Rose Corp came we were just friends who hung out on weekends and fought witches, and had meetings sometimes if there was a magi harassing us. We... All I want is to keep things safe, and make everyone happy. I'm sorry if I am scaring you, or ruining your trust in me. That's the last thing I want, but I do understand if it has tarnished your opinion of me."

Charlie felt a bit guilty with it... heck he was a kid too so making that type of decision must have been hard...even if he said he didn't feel guilty. She was quiet as she thought more. "I get wanting to keep things safe and make people happy...And you have been honest about this and telling me when you didn't have to. It does scare me... and makes me nervous...but everyone really likes you and you really do seem like if this wasn't happening you are nice..."She said doing her best to keep her voice calm. she was scared that wasn't a lie. "I just know... you guys dont know me as well and well... I would probably be on the chopping block if it happened again." She answered honestly

He shook his head. "No. It wouldn't be you. I, it probably doesn't sound like it from what i just explained with ophelia, but I'd jump in front of any shot for anyone. I won't let you get hurt if I can help it. Ophelia.... she was in that situation because she made deals with Alex and lied and attacked Maddie. Then she put Salem and Aeron in danger, and almost got both of them killed, and did get Aeron kidnapped. Its not- its not the same."

Charlie took a deep breath in unsure if she could entirely trust it. People do things they say they wouldn't in desperation like in the books she listened to said. " I hope you can understand why I'm a bit... Cautious? I'm just worried... You don't know how you will act agai- she made a deal and then lied then attacked an- " she paused hearing all of this. Ophelia did sound like a danger... And it really didn't sound the same. She was still cautious though. "I'm going to trust you but still be cautious. Is... This all I should know or is there more?" She asked wanting to make sure.

Percy thought for a moment. "I... would still recommend being cautious around Rose Corp. I understand and respect you needing to be cautious, but, well, they kidnapped and tortured my friend. They might try to sweet talk and ask you to join them, but they're less trustworthy than me on a bad day. Thank you for talking with me about it."

Charlie nodded understanding. "I don't plan on meeting any of them if I can help it. I might be catious with you , but I won't be running off towards them. That would be dangerous and stupid after everything I have learned about them. You might have made the choice with Ophelia... but they caused it to happen. I definetly don't want to join them." She said quietly. "And.. no problem."

He nodded. "Want me to walk you to the front of the neighborhood, or back to the manor?"

"Yeah I would. oh and thanks for answering my questions." She said with a tiny nod. She was expecting a nice calm talk but she had to ask about death nd more things came up. She sighed.

Percy smiled softly, taking her back. "Do you want to talk to Belladona? She might be more... easy than I was."

She nodded. "Maybe it would work? And... your ok...just..ya'now" Charlie said with a small shrug. She felt a bit awkward now and bad but also confused and it was a mix of emotions for her.

"I'll give you some space. If you ever need me, I'm here for you." Percy let go of her gently once they were in the foyer. "Your destination, miss."

Charlie nodded. "Thank you... and I appreciate it." She said with a nod. "Thanks.. I think.. I will check with Belladonna another day though." She said quietly. she needed time to think still

Percy nodded. "Of course. Have a good night?"

"Thank you. You to?" She said back to him as she begun her journey home. she had a lot she needed to think about