Run in with rose (Alexander)

crazy-luna Zeria
3 years, 3 months ago

WELL THIS was eventful, Charlie meets Alexander and well if that wasn't a mistake idk what is XD Thankfully Belladona saved the day with Biscuit

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Charlie ended up going on a longer walk then normal. Biscuit led the way valiantly making sure she was safe and not in the road. She looked around for any traces of magic but couldn't see them. She heard it was good for finding people or witches. Although she sure as heck didn't want to see a witch. It seemed she wasn't quite 'looking' where she was going. Her gps stopped making normal noise and made some weird glitching sounds and kinda sounded evil... it seemed to act up even more lately.

Alexander took a sip of his coffee and grimaced.  It wasn't good. He really needed to give up on trying coffee outside of the centre. It was never as good like Matty's. He smiled a bit at the idea of the other's coffee and took another sip.

Charlie continued forward not seeing the soul gem or person who was coming towards her. In fact she was looking down at Biscuit as she walked. She continued forward until she bumped into a person and heard something fall?

Alexander felt someone hit him. He had been glaring at the coffee when it happened and out of shock he dropped it. "Hey watch it." He snapped and turned to face to look at the person that hit him.

Charlie looked at the person and there was a soul gem. She backed up hearing the person snap, it was a guy. " I am so so sorry," Charlie said quickly "Oh uh sorry I don't think I recognize your soul gem either?" The girl didn't know who the person was and she felt anxious

Alexander looked at this girl. How did she know? He remembered the incubators telling him about a girl that could see soul gems. "Oh. My you have a special wish now don't you." He didn't bother putting energy into his face the girl was blind.

Charlie didn't know who he is but he said her wish was special. She thought for a few seconds and gave a light tug to pull Biscuit and their light calm green energy towards her. " Oh you know my wish? I am sorry I don't believe I have met you? Mind if I ask for your name?" She asked with a smile on her face. Charlie wasn't sure who it was but it wasn't a magi at the team meeting.

Alexander wondered how much she could in fact see. "My name is Alexander, and your name is?" He hadn't pushed the incubators at the time for the info not thinking the girl that could just see soul gems was a problem.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. Alexander was a Rosecorp magi from what everyone else told her, the one who ended up killing Ophelia... best to be cautious for this. "I am Lizzie, nice to meet you sir. I am sorry about your coffee though." She said with a small smile, she wouldn't be giving her real name, that would just be a mistake! She glanced down at the calming green energy of Biscuit again before looking to Alexander.

Alexander looked down upon the girl. "Oh? Lizzie? Interesting name to pick really." His voice turned dark. "So I'm guessing you've spoken to Percy then? You've hear how bad I am. How about the others? One tried to kill everyone in this city. One was willing to forgive them for physical relations. One tried to kill a magi that was just walking home from school. You know you really should learn to lie better in the future." He was pissed off with these magi in Seaford. They were just a group of pests. Organized pests that needed to squashed under his heal.

Charlie looked at him and squinted, so they knew her actual name already? She put her hand in her bag and clicked a button to turn on her phone, it was ready to send a message if needed. "Well guess you know my name already then, Should have guessed that if you knew my wish..." she said thinking, this didn't sound like a good situation. She held the leash on Biscuit. "Well how else would I know about the Rose corp without talking to one of you? I could have done research but I wouldn't have known you were magi." She said doing her best to keep her voice calm. She heard Alexander try to talk about how one tried to kill everyone in the city one forgave over physical relations, and then the one she knew for sure was Ophelia. "You think they haven't told me all ready and aired out their dirty laundry? " She asked "I don't need to get better at lying now though, too late for that" She said with a shrug. She thought about what to do, not say much more and to end the conversation quickly would be good. She wouldn't be able to hold her own on a fight, and if needed she knew where at least one magi safehouse was if she needed to hide out. Biscuit could run faster then her if needed as well so she didn't need to worry about her dog as much, scenarios went through her mind.

"Oh they really told you their dirty laundry?" Alexander wasn't sure about that one. He looked over this girl and noticed she was more stressed out. Clutching the seeing eye dogs leash. "True you could have googled me but not much would have come up. But then again what can you believe when you can't even see the truth yet? Then again its not like you really see much of anything. You're just going to hold everyone in a fight back, I bet you'll end up killing those around you as they try to protect you."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah they did. Simple enough. " She stated trying to stay calm. She looked up at the soul gem of Alexander to make sure it was good. " Oh let me guess it would have been good things like what was said on the tv thing? " She asked thinking a little more. The truth? " I mean you don't know if I do or don't know it." She said trying to sound more confident. How many more surprises does being a magi have? Magi were witches, they all were gonna die eventually, she could see souls now, its just chaos. " Your right I can't see much... But I will make sure I can hold my own in a fight.  I wont let them die in a fight trying to protect me cause I will be able to protect myself" She said trying to sound confident. she gripped the leash harder glancing down at biscuit who could tell she was a bit distressed and began to pace. " I might be Blind but I became a magi for a reason. If I was just going to despair I wouldn't be here after knowing all I know" She stated

"The company has had problems what company of this scale hasn't but no one is out there helping people like we do. We make sure people have what they need to live well no one else seems to care. Salem could fix all the world's problems but doesn't. Belladona's parents give to charities but their company doesn't do much." He leaned close to the girl. "Oh so you do know. Interesting." He grinned down at the girl. "Oh you want to be able to hold your own? Why don't you prove it then?" He wanted to see how well this one could fight. She would probably be easy but he also knew there was no hiding from her either.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. She stayed quiet. "It is good you help people but also bad things happen. Like Ophelia's death" She said a bit more anxious. Salem had other things to worry about, and well no one would expect parents to try to solve the worlds problems. She saw his soul gem move closer and finally made a move back. She could hear the smile in the voice. Anxiety spiked though her. "... With my kind of wish I would have figured out the moment I saw a grief seed for the first time." She said anxiously. He then asked why doesn't she prove she can fight and that is where she clicked record on her phone. "Im not an Idiot and I know I would have no chance fighting you. How about we just part ways instead of keeping up this conversation?" She asked glancing down at her dog again. She moved the leash behind her which caused Biscuit to walk behind her.

"Oh did they not say why I killed Ophelia? She died cause she had promised to do some work for me. She was a scaredy cat didn't want to fight us so she joined us. She died after she failed to do her job. Percy had left her out to dry. I might have killed her but Percy marked her for death." Alexander tilted his head a bit. "Oh you don't want to fight me? Are you really that weak that you know I'll kill you? If your that weak how will you be able to fight a witch? Your going to kill someone one of these days, so do everyone a favor and die first." He wondered what kind of chaos would her soul leave behind as a witch. To bad he wouldn't be able to see it.

Charlie blinked. "Ok. So? I already know that. I know about the choice that had to be made. And I know if it ever happens again what to expect. But you still think your going to shock me with everything? " She said as she began to back up more keeping Biscuit and the leash behind herself. She needed to de-escalate the situation. She was panicking internally, and it probably showed on her face. "Yeah I don't want to fight you. I'm Blind and have only been a magi for a short period of time. I am not an idiot and I know I need more training before doing anything. " She said trying to de-escalate everything. " How about you do me a favor and go. I have other places to be and you probably do too." She said trying again as she continued to slowly move backwards.

Alexander followed her he laughed. "Oh you don't like this? But I'm having so much fun. If you want me to stop then force me too." He grinned this was fun messing with this one, she must already have Percy's favor if she knows so much. "Your panicked and you bad at hiding it. Let me tell you a little fact. You are all going to die soon and its going to be fun to watch you all burn." He reached out and grabbed at the other's ponytail. "Now wouldn't it be better for you-" He tugged at the hair. "-To not suffer anymore."

Charlie began to panic she should have been quieter she should have just been like sorry. Her anxiety spiked. She backed up more. She looked down at Biscuit and threw the leash down. "Biscuit shoo." She mumbled. Her dog didn't need to get hurt in this too. Hopefully he would go somewhere safe? "... Please?" She asked before hearing him say she would have to force him to stop and she wouldn't be able to. She didn't have physical strength. She wouldn't be able to use her magi stuff since she didn't even know how it worked. She bit the inside of her mouth. " Of course Im panicked you have hurt others and-" She became quieter and felt awful, he wanted all of the magi here to be dead. Her ponytail was grabbed and she panicked worse. " Discord message Belladonna Luis Percy Help." She yelled in a shaky voice. She needed to get away. " THE only thing im suffering of is continuing to hear your stupid voice. " She said trying to pull her hair back.

Alexander glared down down on the girl. He pulled her up by her hair. "You think those three care about you? Belladona probably wants you gone she just doesn't say so cause of Percy. Percy is to pathetic to actually tell someone that they are waste of space and Luis will throw you out the moment he's learnt everything about you."

Charlie tried to get him to let go of her hair as she panicked more. "LET GO" She yelled angrily maybe someone else would walk by and notify the police?? "If they wanted me gone they wouldn't have warned me of you or all of the other... Rose cucks!! "She said trying to escape as she continued to try to hit or kick Alexander "Let me go you gremlin mean man kid" She said panicked worse. "Luis is my friend, Percy looks out for everyone. And Belladonna seems nice?" She was more or less unsure with Belladonna

Alexander pulled up harder causing the other to need to start going on their tip toes. "You must be really dense if you think all thats true. Luis cut up an incubator out of interest what makes you think he won't do the same to you? Maybe give your skull to Belladona as a gift. She does like dead things after all." Watching this one squirm was fun.

Belladona had been getting a coffee when she got a message from Charlie. 'Help' She looked at it confused and sent back. 'where are you?' She walked out of the cafe and waited for an answer when she heard a cry from not far off and saw Biscuit run up to her. She kneed down to look at the dog. "Charlie's not far from here if you're here." She took the leash. "Take me to Charlie." She ordered.

Charlie panicked worst she saw the glowing soul gem from the corner of her eyes. She reached her hand towards it hopeful "IF im going down then I WILL take you down with me" She said as she attempted to grab Alex's soulgem in a panic. She was barley standing on her tip toes at this point BUT if she was going down she wanted him to go down too. 

Biscuit smelled a familiar scent, He sniffed the air and looked around and saw a monochrome figure. His leashed was grabbed as he was trotting and the human said take her to charlie. He began to dash towards his owner and the dangerous person she was with.

Alexander saw the girl's weak attempts to grab his gem and grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Oh you going to take my soul gem? Sorry but that won't be happening." He twisted her arm to cause her pain and yanked her head away from the hand that tried to grab him.

Belladona followed the dog. She was wearing her prosthetic with the floating foot it wasn't great for running but she didn't really have a choice at the moment.

Charlie felt a searing pain in her shoulder and her arm started to hurt. "... Whos to say it wont" She tried to flail but her arm was in pain. She was angry and scared. At this point the tears started. She didn't want to die. "Hey you jerk why don't you go pick on someone your own size instead of a thirteen year old!!" She said angrily. She wasn't going to risk trying to grab his soul gem with her other hand, it had her own soul gem on it and she wasn't going to mess up like that. 

Biscuit continued to run his ears picking up on the noise. He gave two small barks as they approached the two.

Alexander kept twisting the other's arm. "Your a magi those kind of formalities mean nothing." He heard a bark and looked up. 

Belladona saw the pink and blonde hair and let go of the leash and rushed and decked the boy in the face. Her hand hurt but she didn't care.

Charlie felt her arm feel like it would break or something. curse these twig arms of lankiness "Just cause I am a magi doesn't mean anything you je-" She was cut off by Alexander getting decked in the face and the red hairclip of belladonna and the bark of Biscuit. HER dog is officially the best boi.

Alexander stumbled back letting go of the girl in the process. Did that little bitch punch him? He looked up but wasn't able to process what was coming at him.

Belladona once seeing Alexander let go of Charlie lift her leg and kicked the other in the face with her prosthetic leg. It was a good improvised weapon.

Charlie once she was let go began to stumble towards the ground before backing up. "Belladona!!" Charlie was glad but also this proved Alexander right. She wiped her tears and looked angry as the dog came up to her. She grabbed Biscuits leash. "Discord Message Luis Percy: Belladonna is helping!!" She called out before looking to Belladona unsure what she should do now. She didn't want to get too close incase her pigtails were grabbed again. And Belladona had more experience then her... "Is there anything I can do to help?" She called out as she gave Biscuit a small pet to help calm herself down.

Alexander tasted blood in his mouth. He looked and saw Belladona. "Well Cox finally chose to face me." He glared at the other.

Belladona streched her neck. "You okay Charlie? Did this fuck do anything to you?" She didn't keep her eyes off of Alexander. "Really Alexander I knew you were a pussy but this is just a new low."

Charlie was quiet and thought for a few seconds. " Im ok thanks to you being here. If not I probably would have been killed. " She called over to Belladona. " I tried to grab his soul gem and failed sadly... " She mumbled as she rubbed the arm that was hurting. She looked at the two soul gems and a leg and thought for a second. "I can tell you the rest later" She said  as she glanced to Belladona. She didn't want her to face this alone. Charlie held her walking stick in her hand and took it off of her wrist walking a little closer "Belladona take this... and give him a good whack!!" She said as she tried to pass her walking stick to Belladona. She wish she had a chance to smack Alexander in his face.

Alexander glared at the other two. "You took my fun Bella." He seethed. 

Belladona took the stick and swung it in the other's crotch. "Well my fun just started Alex." She grinned.

Charlie looked at Alexander and then Belladona's soul gem's she wouldn't be getting in the way. She was glad it seemed they would be alright. But she still had to wonder what would have happened... no what would have happened was she would be killed. But Belladona got there before she could be killed. Charlie honestly wasn't one for violence but she wanted to give Alexander a whack in the face. "Heck yeah" She cheered on Belladona. There was no guilt here that Alexander was being hurt!

Alexander hissed out in pain and fell in on himself. Mother fucker.

Belladona transformed and pulled out her scalpel and dropped the cane. "Now this is for a friend of mine." She swung the scalpel down nicking the other's ear and digging it into his shoulder. "Touch Charlie again and you won't be getting home again." She dropped the transformation and bent down and picked up the cane. "Come on lets leave the filth here." Touched the other's hand and held out the cane for her to take.

Charlie heard what was going on and saw Belladonna's transformation slightly along with the scalpel. Oh was it about to get really crazy? She backed up a little. But it seemed Belladona stabbed Alexander with it for a friend. Charlie felt a hand touch hers and it was Belladona's and her cane was passed to her. "Yeah, Oh.. thank you." She said quietly as she glanced back to look at the purple soul gem once more. She almost wanted to ask why not finish him off now? Wouldn't it keep everyone safer? "Hey... Belladona... why are you letting him go? He is already down... and already killed someone...wouldn't it be better to.. well make sure he cant hurt anyone else?" She asked in a hushed voice

Alexander cried out at the blade gutting in his shoulder. Fuck that was going to leave a mark. Noticing that Belladona was leaving him alive he got up and ran. He needed to get back to the center now. This wasn't going to be good.

Belladona saw Alexander run off and then looked at Charlie. Her question was valid but she also knew it wasn't time. "One person wants him to suffer and we need to get rid of all of them before we kill him. Alexander is the only thing keeping them all from killing us." She explained. "Also he deserves to suffer before he dies."

Charlie could have felt bad for Alexander being hurt but he was planning on hurting and killing her. She wouldn't be feeling guilty about that. "Alright, I am ok with that. But when it is time for him I want to get a chance to whack him in the face too." She said thinking a little more about it. " Hey...what makes us different from them if we try to wipe them all out too?" She asked wanting to know. She honestly would rather him be dead and her never have to possibly encounter him again. "Hey Belladona, do you think you could help me to become stronger, I don't want to get into a situation like that again."She said

"Those fucks are different cause they took one of our own and messed with them a lot. Harmed non magi to get us to leave the original sanctuary. Also took the sanctuary which has always been a peaceful neutral grounds in Seaford." Belladona explained, hearing the other wanted to get stronger she nodded. "Yeah I can help. I know it's not the same but I had to relearn to fight with my prosthetic so I think we can find you a fighting style thats outside the box."

Charlie nodded. "Thanks for explaining it. Your right... It was Aeron right? The one who got hurt.. and ... " She paused for a few seconds "It is horrible that they ended up taking the sanctuary, they don't follow peaceful grounds or anything and its... well you cursed in front of me before.. its bullhoky!!" she said feeling more or less angry. "Thanks.. It is ok... I want to be able to do good and not need a bunch of help... so if this works then I am up for anything you throw at me" She said lifting the hand with the cane into a fist like she was getting ready for a fight before using the cane again.

Belladona smiled at the other, she had spunk. "Yeah it was Aeron but also Salem and Fawn got hurt." She laughed a bit at the so called swear. "Don't worry you can say fuck around me." She joked.

Charlie nodded feeling more angry, she knew it was dangerous for everyone but that made her more upset. "Alexander is a... douchebag gremlin man." She said in a grumbling tone. "Thanks. I don't like to say them much... but with the... rose cucks it feels needed." She said quoting when Belladonna calls them rose cucks, they didn't deserve to be called by their normal name! she agreed with Belladona there

"Trust me he is trash. I wish I could have punched him sooner but didn't know he was a magi till last year." Belladona laughed a bit. "Good they can help with anger oddly enough."

"He is!! I want a chance to punch him eventually too. Well at least with my eyes you guys wont be surprised by a new magi contender anymore." She gave Belladona a smile. " And yeah it did. OH I should probably tell Percy and Luis I am ok... I kinda panicked and realized when I saw Alexander's soul gem come close and then my hair was grabbed so I just was panicked.." She said rubbing her head a little bit... it still hurt a little

"Yeah, thats good actually. It can be a pain to know when someone is a magi or not." Belladona explained. "Also the help text it might help to also get it to pin your location to us. If it weren't for Biscuit I wouldn't have known where you were." She explained. "Can you program in like a voice command that does more then one thing? It might help to have a sos type command that sends us a message with your current location."

"Yeah, so it can help out a little bit. Although... I was trying to keep my name a secret still from the rosecorp magi for safety but.. I think they know my name" She thought about it. "I was about to send it out but I got panicked. Biscuit got to you first which was good. " She said realizing she probably should have put her location. "Oh my sister has a tracker on her phone if needed, I think you need the app too for it to work?  I think I could help figure it out but I don't know?" She said unsure.

"Anything the incubators know they know. So yeah they know your name your wish the type of magi you are why you mad a wish." She explained. "Its a but. Yeah we can figure that out. Might want to set it up so it's not just Luis, Percy and myself." She offered. "We live at the edge of town so it would also be smart to have those further in town to know if you need help."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Then that means we can ask them the same things right? Or I can later so I won't be suprised...?" She asked quietly "Oh yeah that might be a good idea... sorry I kinda thought of you three first and I don't know anyone else that much.." She said thinking, it would be a good idea to have those further in town to help. "It would... I was honestly about to run before my hair was grabbed and escape to a safehouse... since I asked a bit about them" She said thinking... she was still a bit anxious

"Yeah... problem with that is you need to know the right question to get the full truth and that the incubators have been spending most of their time at the Rose centre. I haven't seen one long enough to talk since December." She admitted. The little fucks are avoiding them and it didn't make sense to her. "Yeah, I'm not even fully sure where Salem is setting up all the safe houses. There's her condo but thats the only one I know." She explained. "She hasn't asked me to put up safeties anywhere yet."

Charlie nodded. "I talked with them more then a few times because I wanted to learn what I was getting myself into... but I haven't asked the right questions yet." She said thinking about it. She was kinda glad she heard everything from Percy instead of weird little aliens. "I think I know of two of them? She mentioned them when I talked about possibly having my sister being safe at one before we found out they were for magi specifically" She said nodding. "Oh the safeties are good... can you put safeties on people to protect them?" She asked curious

"People no, rooms yes. There are some ways of protecting people from witches but nothing else." Belladona explained. "They don't even last that long. Its a safe bet to give them a way to find witches so they can avoid them. Thats what I did for my parents."

She nodded, that was sad to hear. " Alright then... Thanks for answering my question." She said nodding as she thought some more. "Oh they don't?... ohh... ok" She said nodding a bit more

Belladona looked at the other. "You want me to walk you anywhere? Or are you okay?" She wasn't sure what to do now after saving the other.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I think I got it... I will be alright... Any plans I had are gone... also has seaford been having gps breakdowns lately? Mine has been acting weird..." She said to belladona. She didn't want to bother Belladona more.

Belladona shrugged. "Honestly not sure about the GPS thing. I grew up here and never needed one." She admitted. "Sometimes witches can fuck with phones but thats only in a labyrinth." She explained not really sure how to help.

Charlie thought for a few seconds, ok so Belladona didn't know. " Mine has been acting weird and stuff... I wanted to map out the city so I wouldn't need it anymore but its acting so weird... maybe its my phone?" She asked unsure. she would have to ask someone better with tech. "I guess its not a witch then... hmm" She mumbled

"Sorry I can't be of more help with that." She shrugged a bit. "Maybe go to where you got the phone, they can always help."

"Its fine, I was just talking out loud and stuff. I can figure it out though." She said then heard the suggestion. "OH that is actually a good idea!" She said thinking a little more. "I think I am going to head home... I had enough of today... but I was wondering if you knew more of rosecorp... will all of them kill me at a moments notice?" She asked wanting to know so she could just run if needed after hearing a name.

"I have no idea to be honest. Most run ins with them from what I heard are mostly peaceful." Belladona explained and shrugged. "So I don't know why Alexander attacked you like that."

Charlie paused at this..." They have been?" She was surprised. She avoided them the best she could but also... she was concerned. "I...don't really know either.. I mean he wanted me to fight I said no... and then... well... " She paused more. Was it cause of her wish? It couldn't be just because she spilled coffee... Was it because she didn't want to fight? She bit the inside of her mouth unsure. "...I really don't know."

Belladona patted the other's shoulder. "He's an ass. I know you don't know this but I'm not white and he's called me a bunch of racist shit before cause I wouldn't follow him to do something. Don't really remember we were like thirteen at the time." She pulled away. "Probably cause you said no he lost it. He's a brat."

Charlie slightly jumped as her shoulder was patted before calming down again. "He really is the worst person isn't he. I am sorry he said a bunch of stupid mean things to you. It isn't cool. Wait you have known him since you were younger?" She asked surprised. "Maybe? Actually I kinda hope that's it!"  Cause she didn't want it to be because of her wish or  spilled coffee. She glanced down at her hands and the walking stick. she couldn't even see them. She glanced at the glowing yellow bracelet .. it helped make her feel better.

"Yeah, my parents are rich and part of that is going to stupid rich people parties. It's not like we were close or anything we just knew each other." Belladona explained. "His mother holds a lot of parties for her charity. Been to a few when I was little. They're always in those dumb Rose centres." She blinked for a moment. They were in the Rose centre and that shouldn't change now. "Holy fuck. That means they'll still be in the Rose centre. We could use that." She beamed. "My parents can get tickets, as well as Salem, I bet Aeron's folks could even get tickets. That means we can use it as a perfect time to get info about this shit and fuck with them." Her mind was already planning things out. This was a great way to do this.

Charlie nodded. Parties... she remembered when she went to them but they were never stupid rich parties... "That makes sense... did you have fun at any of the stupid rich parties?  And yeah... even if you might have been... he is a jerk now" She said nodding a little bit. She continued to think "I remember hearing an announcement about something from there soon" She mumbled in thought as she heard Belladona say holy fuck. "OH you guys can? " She asked with a little bit of shock she then heard Belladona say something. " If thats the case its a good idea, but also dangerous. Disguises will be needed and... something that can tell if the rosecorp magi are near in the sea of people... they wont be able to do anything unless they want to cause a scene so it is a good plan!!" Charlie said bouncing some ideas back to Belladona

Belladona was far more caught up in the idea she didn't register the first question. "There's a spell we can use to hide who we are. I'll have to look into it more." She was already having a plan set out. "They can't do shit to us at the party without causing a scene and this being for charity its even more important for them for it not to cause a scene. I'll have to figure out what kind of party it's going to be but this could work."

Charlie smiled as she listened. "Alright then figuring it out is one of the first steps then!" She said thinking of more ideas to try to help out. "AH but when buying the tickets you guys should use different names, they might be able to figure it out? so cash would be the best option since it cant trace back... I know people are talking a little bit about the charity party they are being forced to go to in my school because of their parents... I can try to get more information that way?" She offered up going to a gifted school full of rich kids had its upsides.

Belladona nodded. "Yeah we're going to need to use covers." She agreed. "If you can find things out that would be great but be careful."

Charlie felt like this plan would work but also felt nervous. "That should be easy enough to do?" She said nodding. "I can do my best to try to find out some stuff... and don't worry im going to be more careful. I think until this mess is over I need to stop mapping out the city for now." She said as she glanced around looking to make sure there weren't other people out of a small bit of anxiety that lingered. "I think its about time for me to head home with Biscuit... we can talk about sparing on another day?" She offered

"Alright, yeah it might be best to not map out the city for a bit. Hopefully that cut leaves a mark on Alexander's head to remember not to touch you." She offered as something good to come out of this. "Yeah, just text me when your ready to spar. I want to do some research into fighting styles for the blind. See what I can find."

"I am not a risk taker so I won't I will probably stick to walking around my neighborhood and yours since yours isn't far. And hopefully... Or it might make him more angry... either way I will be careful" She said as she held her stick. "I will, and thank you for doing this." She said with a smile.

Belladona smiled at the other even though she knew she couldn't see it. "Your welcome. Luis will probably be all over helping as well. I love him but he can be a nerd." She laughed a bit.

Charlie thought a little bit. "I need to talk to Luis again soon. He is really nice.. actually all of you are really nice. It will be good to learn though cause then I can make sure one of the things said wont happen!" She said

"Don't let what he said get to you. He's trying to tear us down and apart." Belladona said and cracked her knuckles  a bit. "I am glad I finally gut to get some hits on him though."

"I know I shouldn't, but he had a point, so I simply need to prove him wrong!" She said stretching her arms a little. "Im glad too. If I wasn't worried about messing you up I would have probably hit him with my stick instead of you." She said with a small laugh.

"Next time you can get some hits in." Belladona offered. "He's good at finding someones problems and throwing them back at them. It sucks" She sighed. "So I'm going to let you go home then. If you don't mind text Percy, Lu and I when you get there so we know your okay."

"Heck yeah!!" She said trying to sound more energetic then she was. "I can tell... so I have to prove it wrong so he can be even more wrong about everything making assumptions like that" She looked at Belladona's soul gem "Alright, I am gonna go, and no I don't mind texting all of you.. its safer and smarter!" She said with a nod, she already probably panicked them earlier so it is good to make sure they dont become even more panicked. "See you... talk to yo- i can technically say see you later now? So see you later!" She said as she began the walk home.

Belladona laughed a bit. "See you later Charlie! And we'll prove him so wrong, about all of us." She called after as the other walked away. She was glad Charlie was safe but she worried if Alexander was getting hostile then that means things were going to get bad quickly.