A new magi appears

3 years, 3 months ago

Charlie meets percy!!

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Charlie was walking around the town, it had been crazy ever since she made her wish.. although it wasn't what she had hoped for.. it at least let her see something.. color.. and that brought her some joy.. but today was a bit different.. as she saw a small thing as she was walking. it was green? But weren't the colors normally blues? She blinked and thought for a few seconds... what was it? "..Why is there a floating green light?" She asked outloud confused as she approached the color.. this was new huh?

Percy had been out doing a bit of shopping and enjoying the weather when someone... stopped, stared at him, and asked a question. He blinked at the girl. "Can I help you?" He asked slowly, a bit confused.

Charlie looked at the color and blinked for a second, she wasn't looking really at Percy as she was looking towards the gem. "Your a person?" She said confused for a second.. she then tried to cover it up "My bad...?" She sounded more confused then she intended "I just thought you might be a ghost or something like that.. cause your color is green and tiny like a circle?.. but that makes no sense does it?" She asked thinking about it for a few seconds, they probably wouldn't understand

Percy glanced to his chest, where his ring was resting on its chain. "You can see my soul gem?" He confirms.

Charlie has a confused look on her face before it hit her. "Your another magi! Flow told me there were more.. oh but your colors are in the sou- OH that makes sense!" She sounded a bit happier making sense of the small mystery "I am Charlie, well Charlotte but Charlie is easier to say nd stuff. Oh this thing is my soulgem" She said holding up her wrist that had the cane attached, her soulgem was the bangle

Percy patted the top of her hand gently, smiling. "Percival. Percy. Always nice to meet another magi." His smile doesn't falter even when he thinks about stupid Alex Rose. "And what color are you? Green makes sense for me."

She couldn't see it so panicked for a split second before calming down. "Nice to meet you!! Percy is a cool name, it could be like Percy Jackson or like Persephone but I think you sound like a Percy Jackson type of person." She said thinking about it. "Oh me.. Im yellow. it makes me think of the sun." Charlie thought for a few seconds "Ah have you ever fought a witch? I thought witches had pointy hats and stuff but the fair- I mean Flow said they are dangerous things" She said thinking about it.

"Yellow is good. Witches are big, or small, but they're pretty dangerous. Flow didn't tell you everything, I'll let you know that now, but she was right about that." He took a deep breath. "Witches are dangerous." He glanced himself over. Well... the scar on his nose was from Ana. The scar on his knuckles from Seth. The scar on his hip and the scar over his right arm were all... the mage he didn't want to see again. So, when it came to it, Witches weren't what he was troubled by. "Magi can be dangerous too." He admits, nodding sagely. "During friendly fights and during turf wars. It's hard to stay safe when someone is coming at you with rage and intent. Witches are more like lions with thorns in their paws."

Charlie thought for a few seconds wondering if she could see witches or if they didn't exist like flow and eb didn't in her eyes...wonder why she couldn't see the two...who knows though. " Ah yeah, its one of my favorite colors so it is nice. Ah they are? I could probably help.. I know Flow said I would need to fight them and stuff sometimes but uh.. I don't think a weapon is a good idea for someone who cant..see" she said thinking. a bit more. she nodded at hearing yeah witches are dangerous. "Oh.. are you one of the dangerous magi then?.. hmm.. no you seem nice" she said thinking. but hearing that there are turf wars didn't sound good "You mean turf war like a gang? ... hmm.. I heard there were a few other magi but didn't know there were enough for a turf war.. what do all of you fight over?" She asked with curiosity.

"The majority of the magi in Seaford are pretty nice. We might not always agree, but we have a little family. Myself, Belladona, Luis, Sierra, Eva, Chance and Chara and Martin and Nall and Hollie and Aeron. We keep each other safe. The last leader, Vondila, trusted me enough to take over so I'm in charge." He shifted to settle his hands in his hoodie pocket. "The turf war comes in... well, recently. A bunch of random magi came in, stole our Sanctuary and threatened a non magi, Vondila's sister and my adopted sister, and stole our stuff. They built a tall building there and lied to convince two local magi, Blythe and Maddie, to join them." He looked to the side. "That's everything. I just want to see Aeron again and have them leave the town. I'd settle for them staying in the stupid tower if they left us alone and let me take care ofeveryone. When I started you protected younger magi, and I try to do that. Maybe sometimes I get overwhelmed or depressed and hide in my room, but..." he laughs once. "I'm trying. I'm only seventeen, after all." He trails off to let her absorb it all.

Charlie listened as Percy began to talk and talked quite a bit explaining a bunch of what happened. she waited until he finished before she began to speak. "That is.. a lot.. Are you ok? Do you need a second?" She asked absorbing the information. "The random magi dont seem very.. friendly.. lying and stuff... "She said thinking for a few seconds more " And it sounds like you have had it rough.. its ok though.. Your a kid too so getting upse-... it really sounds like a lot. but you all keep eachother safe.. it doesn't just have to be you taking care of everyone right?" She asked. It sounded like he really had it hard. like things werent going in a good way. "Is your friend Aeron lost? or... hurt ?" Charlie knew these things were probably meant for the older kids more than her but she wanted to help.. possibly if she could…

"They were missing for a while." Percy shifted, scuffing his shoe against the pavement. "But... the random magi, Rose Corp, they're dangerous. I'm not trying to scare you or make you uncomfortable, but I'm just being honest. They're dangerous and manipulative and not afraid to kill magi who join them. I'm... scared that something happened to Aeron, and that it's their fault."

Charlie thought for a few seconds and nodded slowly. "... that doesn't sound good... being a magi is more dangerous then Flow made it seem..." She mumbled a bit thinking about it.. it was scary to be honest... what if she were attacked and their colors were blank like Flow and Eb's were? "I..don't think they sound like good people.. but thank you for warning me. I will stay away from them the best I can." She spoke..she didn't want to encounter people who she couldn't see whom were....dangerous like that... "... if they did my older sister is a lawyer, if you uh need someone to help with stuff? because it sounds like..if it is the..places fault then well.. they kidnapped your friend.. and uh.. thats illegal im pretty sure." She said nodding as her other hand went to mess with her bangle.. it was making her a bit anxious.. definetly will want to avoid the rose corp

Percy blinked. Would a lawyer even be able to help? He thought it over for a second. "Maybe. We'll have to see!" He nodded. "Do you want my number, by the way? Before rose corp was in town most magi came and went and our doors were open, but it's a bit safer to stick together. I can help with anything you need, especially training!" He shifted. "Training is important. Best way to stay safe against witches is to make sure you're strong against them, and trust us to fall back on when you're getting woozy."

Charlie nodded with a smile. "Yeah, she is pretty good with this stuff I think? I heard some of her cases before." She said thinking about it more, Charlie didn't know THAT much about her sisters job though. "Ah yeah that would help uh lets see.. OH here it is" she said as she reached to her side to grab her bag and rumaged in it for a phone. "Uh I have text to speech and speech to text on it so make sure to put your name." She said before continuing to listen. " Oh... so its a big group... alright yeah.. I would like the help. I don't want to uh.. not do anything? but uh I don't know how I can fight with how I am.. I mean I think I can.. whack something?" she said sounding a bit more confused then intended. "Yeah. I dont want anything.. anything to bad to happen... but uh.. I want to help.. flow said something about me being a medic?? but I don't know how to uh use a first aid kit?" she said awkwardly thinking being a medic meant she was tossed a first aid kit and expected to do stuff with it.

"Medics are good!" Percy clapped his hand together. "Basically you use magic to heal magi, or use poison on enemies, or, well, blunt force trauma." He nodded. "It's fun. I'm proud of you, that's cool. And I can help you with anything you need, I'm a fighter and distance. I'm a hard hitter."

Charlie nodded slowly, so it was good alright. she she could probably do this. the girl looked at the green glowing once more and thought a little bit "I think I can use magic then.. I mean if I am told it is what I use I can use it right?" She asked thinking about it a bit more. She heard him say he was proud of her and thought for a few seconds " Thank you I think? Oh and I appreciate it. I-I don't know how uh.. I mean I know it is gonna be scary but I don't know how scary yet.. but I will help out the best I can" She said nodding a bit "Oh how do I tell if someone is from Rose Corp or Seaford, do you have a name of the ...scary magi?" She asked questioning

Percy blinked. "Like, all the Rose Corp magi's names? I don't know all of them, I'll be honest. Um... Seth, Gia, Toli, Alexander Rose, Yu Shan..." He trails off. "That's it, I think."

Charlie nodded a little bit " Yeah.. oh alright that works! Uh I just need to avoid those people and they arent super common names and stuff so so it will be good!" She said with a smile

Percy nodded. "Yeah! That sounds like a plan!"

Charlie nodded once more before remembering she had to check in with her sister. "Oh uh I need to go now, my big sis is waiting on me to return and I stayed a bit longer then uh expected.." She said as she turned her hand so she was holding her cane once more instead of letting it dangle on its wrist bracelet.

Percy nodded, then rattled off his number for her. "If you ever need anything, text me or call me, or send an incubator. If you ever need help around town, incubators are good for that, and I'd be happy to help too. And I'm a magi, so I won't cry if you hit me." He joked gently. "But honestly, thank you. I'm glad I met you, Charlie."

Charlie pressed her phones recording button while percy told his phone number so her sister can add it later. Thankfully technology was actually decently good now in days. "Thank you so much. And I will!! Oh In- yeah Flow and Eb. I will make sure to do that then. Ah hmm I have my doggie biscuit for that so I don't wanna do that to them. Oh but I would appreciate your help sometimes though if that makes sense?" She said thinking "hit you? Why w- oh your joking " she said realizing it but she smiled and looked at the soul gem once more. " No problem. I didn't really do anything though.. oh and I am glad I met you too!! Meeting another magi has been fun!"she said happily... She did hope to avoid the rose corp magi though since they sounded... Not so good…

Percy laughed lightly, nodding. "Yeah! It'll be fun." He waved out of habit, not even minding his mistake. "Be safe, okay?"

She nodded once more. "Yeah definetly." The girl said double checking she had a strong grip on her cane. "I will, I am very careful, see you later Percy!" she said as she began to walk away using her cane to walk hoping it was semi the right direction.