Meetings and magical inquiries

3 years, 3 months ago

Charlie and Luis meet for the first time!!

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Charlie had been around magi for about a week now, she had figured out by now that what she saw were their soul gems... but why were other peoples colors blue and the magi's colors different, it was a thing that confused her and made her think. She heard Biscuit stop and then looked up.. there was something shiny and colorful in the distance, she moved closer and it was a house shape.. what... it was very bright.. she stood there looking at it before having to close her eyes, it was a bit to bright to just look at.

Luis stepped outside, a little overwhelmed and a little tired of all of the fawning and hugging happening since Percy's birthday party. He glanced up as he stepped outside, to see a dog (a very good dog, very cute) and a girl standing on the sidewalk outside. The girl looked... spacey. He frowned, and walked a little closer. "...hello?"

Charlie noticed a person begin to approach her, their light was purple and a diamond shape. Yet another Magi? Was everyone a magi? She blinked looking at their soul gem "Oh uh hello, sorry uh hi" She said a bit awkwardly as Biscuit looked up at luis and put one of their paws on the boys shoe.

Luis glanced down at the dog, and then back up at her. "It's okay? Is something wrong? I just wanted to know what you were doing out here." He glanced around. "At like 6pm on a Thursday."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Not really, its just the house? it is a rainbow. ah wait that sounds weird. " She said thinking about it trying to explain it. "I am charlie" She said trying to make it sound less weird

Luis blinked, and pulled the hand with his charm bracelet up to his mouth, to think. He glanced back at Belladona's house, painted in whites and greys, and then back down at her. "...what do you mean by rainbow? Oh, uh, I'm Juan-Luis, you can call me Luis if you want."

Charlie thinks for a few seconds to explain it and shakes her head slightly. "Uh oh I.. Its not - sorry this sounds weird and confusing and I sounded less weird explaining it the last few times" she said as she thought for a few seconds" But uh nice to meet you Luis!!" she said as she held up her hand with the soulgem bangle on it. " I am a magi and uh you are one to and I can see it because like your gem glows and the house glows a bunch of colors. does that make more sense?" She asked trying hard to explain

"...did you wish to see... magic?" Luis guessed, glancing back at the house. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm just trying to understand. It sounds like you can see souls."

She shook her head no " I wished for my eyesight but I think I said the words wrong so I can see people lights" She said with a small sigh. She did nod at him saying he was trying to understand. " I didn't explain it very good. I can see your soul gem and well if the name soul gem is any indicator then yes people souls?" She sounded confused saying it.

"Souls, magic, soul gems... they're all the same." Luis offered, as an explanation. "I understand the wording issue. I wished for more time, so I can slow it down or stop it, for short bursts." He added, and glanced down at her dog again. "You can see everyone in Belladona's house, because most of us are magi."

Charlie nodded, oh that made more sense. so their own souls were in the soulgems. she hadn't taken hers off yet because it sounded like it would be scary, plus the soul gem made her feel more comfortable "The wording confused me a bit but I understand a bit more now. I wished specifically to see the life around me again... I thought it would work like a genie or something... " She said thinking about it. " It is a bit to bright for me to look at really but there are a bunch of colors.." She said nodding "Did you know Flow and Eb don't have souls?" She asked with curiousity

Luis blinked. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, that they wouldn't have any." He smiled slightly, and shrugs a little. "That's fair. I knew they took wishes literally already, when I made mine, so I took the time to really figure out my wording."

She nodded. " Yeah It.. doesn't suprise me much either, but they do talk a lot when you ask questions which is nice. I learned a lot about being a magi from them" She said thinking about it. " Oh yeah, I thought I would be saying the right words but I didn't. They followed me a week up to it but I was completly blind then so I couldn't see them and I thought they were gonna kidnap me or something." she said with a small laugh before thinking a bit more " OH oh I remember your name now! Your one of Percy's friends right?" She asked remembering Percy mentioned Luis as one of the people whom he knew.

"Percy's my boyfriend." Luis smiled. "I understand that, they're creepy little cats."

It took charlie a few seconds to understand what Luis said before she smiled. "I didn't know that but its cool to know! uh Congrats!! Percy is a nice person!!" She said with a smile, how do people react to people dating others when she honestly was still in the stage of life where she thought dating was gross, with a congrats. " Oh yeah they are. Oh wait they are shaped like kitties?" She asked, she never actually tried to pet one of them before incase they were like humans

"Yeah, they're little cat-shaped aliens. They're not actually cats though, they're not made the same way." Luis answered. He smiled again. "Thanks." He thought a moment. "So you see soul gems when looking at Magi, and nothing when looking at Incubators. What do you see when you look at normal people? Nonmagi?"

She nodded listening oh so they were ali- alien things? Hold on aliens exist?? " Aliens are real and they are- and they arent b- why are they giving use world altering wishes type stuff then??" She asked now more curious about the incubators and how much information she could get out of them about like everything..whoa so weird. "No problem!!" She said happily. "Ah normal people? They are blue and they are just the shape of the person, they fill the whole body and stuff, some are light blue, some are a darker blue, around them is complete darkness though." She said explaining what she knew.

Luis laughed a little. "Yeah, they're aliens. Uhh... something about preserving the energy of the universe through magical wishes, do you know everything about despair? What happens when a gem darkens?" He wouldn't go into it if she didn't know, but... it'd be hard to hide the truth from her. "That's interesting. Do animals have souls, or is it just people?"

She thought for a few more seconds, despairing doesnt sound good. " Oh .. thats weird... Oh I don't but it sounds not very good. hmm I don't think I want my soul gem to become darker.. Yours is slightly misty but I think its normal, and mine is normal right now." She said thinking about it. she would probably ask at another time. " OH yeah animals have souls, uh look at biscuit, they have a light green soul, I think its because he is closer to the earth and calm!! Or at least I like to think that way. " She said with a smile explaining.

"I can't see his soul, but he is very well behaved. And very cute." Luis offered. He nodded. "Yeah, I probably need to do something to lighten mine, but. It's been hard, recently." He glanced around. "I was just gonna say, that when it darkens enough, it'll... break, and release a lot of energy. That's why they grant us wishes. The more magi who make wishes and then darken, the more energy. And the more energy, the more... universe, or whatever. I personally kinda think tthesystem's fucked up, and will do whatever I can to keep my boyfriend and girlfriends from darkening. I refuse to play into those heartless cats' plans."

Charlie looked at the soul gem and smiled " Oh yeah he is very good, he is a guide dog to help me move around and get help if I ever become really lost." She explained. She blinked at Luis and nodded. " Ah .. so it definetly is important to lighten it, I hope you will be able to. or uh are medics able to because if you can explain I could try?? " She said with a smile, she wasn't entierly sure how it worked yet. She then listened to the rest of what he said and blinked a few times. "So it becomes dark, breaks, energy gets released and the- are we sacrifices?" She asked a bit quieter, the little aliens were letting them become darker and darker and then... oh.. that didn't sound good. she glanced at her soulgem and began to twist it a bit. " I understand doing your best to make sure you dont darken and your boyfriend and girlfriends dont darken.. I didn't think Flow and Eb would do something like that but.. I guess they would huh?" She asked thinking about it more. it gave her a sad feeling a bit..

"Unfortunately, medics can't make them brighter. I don't have any on me, but grief seeds can absorb darkness from a soul gem, for a while, before getting too dark. I can help you learn to be a medic, though I'm not really good at it yet myself. I'm a mage, medic secondary, and I'm still learning." He smiled at her enthusiasm. "They really can't feel emotions, they don't understand what they're doing to us. But... it is worth it, for magic. Belladona isn't stuck in a hospital anymore, Percy can eat anything he wants and isn't stuck with his parents, Sierra isn't too scared to leave the house. Their lives would be worse without magic. We just. Have to understand the price we're paying."

Charlie nodded, that was sad to know but something good to know. but hearing grief seeds can help is good to know. " Grief seeds come from witches right? Ah and I would like the help a bunch. Ah so you are also a mage? So you can use magic. is it like bending your soul to move in attacks??" She asked curious about it, that sounded cool!! she could then see what she was doing and maybe make her hand glow so she can see around her easier?? She then heard that the incubators cant feel emotions and looked confused for a second, they cant? ... they were aliens so maybe there was a reason why. "I understand.. so it is just understanding what price.. ah.. I think I understand.. It isn't the first time I have danced with danger" She said beeming a smile. " I am glad to see any sort of color again, it is better then before where I just saw darkness" She said trying to make herself feel better. "Uh is it weird controlling time? " She asked curious

" know, I have no idea if you can see me using magic." He takes a moment to summon a handful into his palm, a few dancing sparks dancing on his hand. "If you can see this, you could probably use it to see the world around you a little." He held the hand, not the one with the bracelet, away from them both, to see if she'd follow it. "That's good, that you're at least a little prepared. And... it feels natural, to me. I just have to want things to slow down, and they will. It's really useful if I ever want extra time on a test or want an easy escape opportunity."

Charlie thought for a few seconds, she could see the house but wasn't sure if she could see Luis using magic, maybe she could. She saw the sparks dancing on his hand and looked entranced with amazement. " I didn't know I could see it but but I can? So I can see people using magic!! but besides the sparks I cant see anything else still. just the sparks. not what they are on or what they light up. " She explained as she followed it. She nodded a bit "Yeah, I want to prepare myself best I can before I do my first witch battle. Percy said I could go on a witch battle with him so I can learn." She said as she continues to listen. " That sounds so cool, can anyone else tell time is slowed down or is it just you while everything moves in normal time for everyone else? so like your moving faster it feels like everything is slowed down?" She asked out of curiousity.

"Nobody notices I slow things down unless I bring them with me. I've just figured out how to bring people along, but it's really hard to. It takes a lot of magic to do." He grins. "It's too bad you can't see my hand, but you can at least see magic, so you'll be able to see us attacking a witch." He frowned, and then dismissed the sparks, stuffing his hand into his pocket. "I'd offer to spar you for practice, but I'm not sure I'm in a good enough mood to be good at giving pointers. I wouldn't wanna be an asshole to you, ya know?"

Charlie's face lit up more with excitement hearing the fact they could bring people with them when slowing things down. " WHoa that is super wow! like a superhero of sorts and stuff. It does sound super hard to do though and understandable " That is one super amazing like super duper amazing, being able to bring someone with you and slow down time, it must mean your like super powerful of a mage then right?" She asked feeling more amazed by it. " It is sad but its ok, I can see a bunch of colors now thanks to magi, I saw a brown magi who was a youtube I listen to, and I met Percy, and now I met you! and its fun. and yeah I can see you when you attack witches!!" she said sounding happy she then listened and tried to get more serious. " I understand. It sounds like it has been rough for everyone you know right? Including yourself. I could probably ask Percy eventually since he offered to spar me and help me out a bit as well." She said in a understanding tone.

Luis hummed. "I don't know any brown magi youtubers, but that's interesting. Percy would love to spar you, he likes working with everyone. It's his favorite part of being the leader." Luis flushed. "I don't know if I'd call myself a super amazing mage or anything, but it is pretty cool. I spent months coming up with the wish, and it's been really great getting used to it. Even if... the stuff with Rose Corp has been... exhausting." He smiles again. "Maybe Percy and I could organize a bit of a one-on-one meeting with you and some of the other magi around town, so you're not too overwhelmed in a meeting. Being surrounded by everyone together might be overwhelming."

She thought for a few seconds, the brown magi said they somewhat knew Percy but not much. "Oh I guess you don't know him, he said he was just somewhat acquainted with Percy. And I would like to learn so I can help out more, I think I would like working with everyone if I were a leader to so it makes sense" she said thinking about it. "No no I think you totally desurve to be called that.. but then again Luis is easier to say. OH wow so you could spend longer then a week thinking about it? I thought we only had a limited time so I made mine quickly while trying to think.... but it is good it is great to get used to it. Ah.. yeah I heard about them.. and the stuff. And it didn't sound good" She said thinking back. She then heard the offer of meeting more magi around the town and nodded. " I would like that very much! I am still getting used to talking to a bunch of people and school can be tiring on my soulsight, I think I will call it soulsight since I don't really see it with my eyes or at least I dont think? But yeah I want to meet more magi and not uh get super tired from it" She said agreeing to the idea

Luis nodded. "...I know everyone in Seaford? At least... everyone who isn't in Rose Corp. Unless he just made a contract?" Luis mumbled, thinking. He flushed again. "I just. Meant that it's just a good wish ability, it doesn't make me a better mage than anyone else in Seaford. Like... another Medic wished to be able to make anything they can think of, I haven't seen them fail at making anything when they do try. They made Belladona an indestructible prosthetic leg." He shrugged a little. "And... I understand, they like to pressure people into making badly worded wishes, and make it sound like they won't come back for you. But they will. If you can hear them, they'll do anything to get a wish out of you." He nods again. "Yeah, we'll figure something out."

"Oh wow, that is a lot of people huh? OH wait you mean magi wise right? because knowing like everyone everyone would be a lot of people huh? ... Matty said he was not on a side I don't think?? I don't really know to be honest." She said thinking about it. She then continued to listen and looked even more amazed. " You both made like really really good wishes! I guess mine could be good also but it doesn't work in the same way... but it sounds really nice that they don't fail at making things. Ah medic.. do you think they could help me out with learning how to do stuff?" She asked, since she was unsure. She nodded thinking about it. " I wish I knew a bit before hand then I could have made a better wish but it is alright I guess.. I tried hard to make a good wish and my wording was wrong." she said with a tiny sigh, nothing to do about it now but be greatful for the wish she got. " Thanks so much, I appreciate it a bunch. Oh uh do you have a phone number so I can have it in my phone like Percy's?" She asked. her sister set up her phone in a way where it mainly ran off of speech to text and text to speech so she could use it without needing her eyesight.

"I know the magi, yeah. Uh. Hm. I don't know a Matty. I know a Maddie, who has joined Rose Corp and been a complete dumbass, but. That's not entirely her fault." He frowned. "Yours is very interesting. I made mine because I wanted to have more time to learn about magic. I find it fascinating. And... Aeron's recovering from something really stressful. But they'll probably be happy to help you out once they're a little more themself again." Luis shrugged. He pulled out his phone. "Sure, uh, do you want me to read it off for you, or would you rather have me put it in your contacts myself?"

She thought for a few seconds, so they didn't know Matty. " Ah Maddie, I heard about her a little from Percy, seems like she didn't make a good decision..." She mumbled thinking. She thought about hers and it was weird not interesting.. kinda cool but she got what she got. " Mine is well.. a new view on life considering I see a soul.. but yours sounds awesome. Learning about magic sounds amazing...and it is good you will have even more time to." She said thinking about it, she heard the name Aeron and thought for a second before lighting up. "Aeron is ok? Percy said he thought the rosecorp magi did something to him so I I offered my sister to be able to help if needed since well ... it didn't sound good and sounded illegal. I didn't know they got back though so that is really good to hear.. but but that sounds tramatic so they should recover more. I can last. " She said trying to make it sound a little more cheerful then it did "Uh they may not know me but tell them im cheering them on and uh at the end of a dark tunnel is always a rainbow because it always makes you appriciate life more after you go though something s- that sounds weird actually dont tell them that. they dont know me so it would probably be more confusing " She said cutting herself off with a tangent. She rumaged in her small bag on her side and grabbed the phone she had. " Could you put it in my contacts, oh and choose a voice for yourself for when I have it on text to speech, it makes it easier for me to hear it. " She said as she held out her phone. Biscuit was now not putting their paw on Luis's shoe anymore and was sitting on the ground waiting patiently.

Luis nodded. "She decided we were liars, and Rose Corp were the ones telling the truth. Even though we could have introduced her to the people Rose Corp had hurt, our friends." He huffed. "I think they'd like hearing that, actually. And hey, it's a good thing to remember. There's always a silver lining. The world isn't all bleak and dreary." He grinned. "Your wish is cool, even if it isn't what you meant. I think it's a really cool thing, to be able to see souls like that. I wonder if you could prove if ghosts are real." He mumbled, before taking her phone and inputting his number. The voice he picked sounded like it was smiling through every word, as if it was all a big joke. He liked it. "Like this?"

Charlie thought for a few seconds, so the girl talked to both of them and just decided every.... "That's... but like... " She stopped and just sighed, maybe that would get her mood across enough. " Oh you do think that they would? I wasn't sure or anything but like.. going through scary stuff happens sometimes. There are days where it is ok and days where you can feel the heat and pain still. But.. honestly its nice to be alive. I hope they can see it. Well I mean they probably can.. OH Oh you can make it better by by getting a hose in the sunlight and letting water go off it, so it can show there is actually a rainbow at the end of the hurt!! It would be a nice thing to do!" She yammered on a little bit. She then heard her wish was cool? It was sorta cool but not as cool as others. " Thanks, I apprici- oh oh wait seeing if ghosts are real.. maybe?? Maybe I can? oh that that would be cool. I wonder if I could just see ghosts or talk to them. would they just be a blob. have a seen a ghost al- sorry I got super curious" she said as she tried to stop chattering away with her excitement. She then heard the phone voice that sounded like it was happy and joking. " Yeah exactly like this, I like that voice, it sounds like it suits you. your a pretty nice person after all" She said with a grin

Luis nodded. "Yeah." He grinned. "Aeron would probably like the reminder, and Percy would too, I think. Showing us that a rainbow is waiting after all the rain." He grins. "Never apologize for getting excited. I feel the same way, I just wanna know everything. It's why i made my wish, and I'd love to help you find out. Just the chance of learning makes it worth the effort." He flushed. "Th-thanks, I thought it sounded cool."

Charlie nodded glad he understood what she meant after just giving up with words to explain how that was. She thought for a few seconds. " Uh.. uh we could uh if you want maybe we can get one of them to come outside and you send a text eventually and and I can be hiding in bushes with the hose and then be turned in a way away from them so like its timed good? " She asked thinking about how to plan it to help cheer them up, she knew Percy was nice and Luis was nice, so Aeron would also probably be nice too and it sounded like they needed a rainbow in their life. "Alright then I won't! Oh wait you wanna know everything everything?? That is crazy ton of knowledge, I know I am pretty good with school but I bet you are phenominal then. And I would like the help to find out and learn, imagine being able to prove ghosts are real!!" She said with excitement before thinking more. " What if witches are real but are actually magi like us and their costumes were designed like that instead so the cool magic we hear about is just their wishes?" She offered up an idea while thinking of more cool things. "It does sound cool, and you do too!" She said throwing a thumbs up in the air. she was not entierly facing him but trying.

"I think Aeron might need a bit of time, but... when they're ready, I'll make sure you're here. I can describe the rainbow to you, too. And..." he jumped a little, at the mention of witches. "Witches... are monsters we have to fight. They're... not like the stuff you hear about in books or TV."

Charlie nodded understanding. " I- ah wait I didn't mean now or anything but I mean- no, but yeah make sure I am here. OH uh I know what a rainbow looks like but.. I appreciate it. Plus if I ever wanna see a rainbow I can look at the house. it has red, green, cyan, purple, uh what else, blue I see blue. and uh. no yellow? Are there other yellow magi?" She asked wondering if she was just yellow since she was a kid. She was taken a back for a second. " No no I didn't I meant the ones like at the salem witch trials like I learned about in school, I was thinking they could have been magical girls with fancy outfits for their time and like... I didn't mean the .. the other witches.. sorry that was my bad... I know witches from well here are bad and dangerous very dangerous, but also other magi can be dangerous also" She said repeating stuff she had heard.

Luis nodded. "I thought you might want to hear it, just because every one is its own thing." He smiled. "And... we used to have a couple, but... Ness and Avril died, and Chara's gem is actually white. Um... I don't think there's anyone yellow at the moment. Unless you are?" He added, glancing at Charlie. "I haven't seen your gem yet, actually." He nodded. "Sorry, I... kinda forgot about those kind, for a moment. Witches and Magi both can be dangerous. That's why we're banding together. To keep ourselves safe in the best way we know how to."

Charlie nodded understanding. " Yeah.... I appreciate it very much though!!. Oh yeah.. true, then yeah I would love to hear you describe one when the time comes. " She said happier understanding a bit. she then heard that the other yellow magi were dead.. did yellow magi die quicker.. she wondered if she should be worried... " Oh.. I understand... and get it.. Oh wait.. uh my soul gem is kinda big? I mean its my bracelet! its a bangle see!!" She said holding up her wrist with the cane on it and her yellow/gold bangle. " I am pretty sure it is yellow unless well I cant see my own color right?" She said with a tiny laugh. she nodded in understanding. " Guess the scary witches make you forget about the silly kid witches huh? But I can see why everyone bands together.. keeping yourself safe and helping each other get through the hurt together. "

"I don't mean to make it sound like they died suddenly. Or anything. It's nothing like that, we just... lost our friends right before this whole Rose Corp mess. It still makes me pause, to remember that all happened last year. You know?" He sighs. "Oh! That's lovely. Mine's on a charm bracelet, here." He held his own wrist up for her. "Though you could probably see it the whole time. I wonder if you can tell the difference between a magi who's transformed or not. Could you see the whole outfit, since it's all made of magic?"

She nodded thinking about it.. then heard they lost them right before the mess with the Rosecorp began... " I understand.. sorry it just made me think if all yellow magi died quickly and if I would become darker quicker too... I have been though alot myself so I didn't think I would but now It has me thinking more" she said feeling a bit off now it wasn't a happy feeling. She then watched Luis lift his charm bracelet, although she couldnt see the other charms she did see his soul gem. " Your soulgem is really nice, and its also on a bracelet, we are bracelet buddies!!" She said with a happy voice. " Uh I don't really know, I haven't seen a magi transformed, in fact I haven't transformed yet. We should find out eventually cause it could make it easier to not hit anyone!! Since I kinda cant see how tall you or anyone is..." She said nodding

Luis laughed a little, and then transformed with a flash of magic, cape swishing behind him. "Here! Can you see it? My gem moved up to my throat." "I understand thinking that, I should have worded mentioning them better."

She watched Luis transform and it was pretty faint, she couldn't see much still, but she could see a silhouette of the clothes. And where the soulgem moved. "Yeah I can see it moved, oh and I can just see a silhouette and a faint color when you transform, I guess I cant see it as much as I would have thought huh?" She asked thinking about it, it was alright though. "It is ok.. I just got a bit nervous and well scared. I mean I am just thirteen after all, dying at this age would just be boring especially if I become a ghost" She said thinking about it " Though if I do become a ghost eventually I will haunt you a bit so you could learn about ghosts and stuff and answer the secrets of the ghosts" She mumbled thinking about it.

"Huh. Well, at least it's something." He frowned. "It would be terrible to die that young. I'm fifteen, and... I'm not ready to die." He smiles a little. "But I appreciate the thought, of showing me ghosts. Maybe we can find them together some time."

Charlie nodded "Its more then it was before and that is good in my books!!" She said trying to sound a bit happier with it. " Yeah it would. OH wow your young too, your two years older then me.. I don't want you to die either.. I think your neat and I wanna be friends with you" She said thinking about it frowning for a second, death wasn't a fun thought but it could be interesting to think about sometimes. " Ah no problem! I mean if it does happen it does even if I am not ready for it... but Yeah maybe we can find some ghosties together and ask them questions. Maybe they can write using their souls and we can find the secrets and publish uh a book! yeah" She said thinking about how cool it would be to have a book which people could read " And it could have an audio book by mister laughing smiling guy off of my phone." She said with a small laugh.

"True!" He grinned. "Yeah, I'll be sixteen in March, I'm. Getting used to the idea." He smiled a little more. "I wanna be friends, too, Charlie. And... I'd love to write a book. We can pick who does the audiobook version once it's all published. A ghost hunter's tell-all!" He laughed again.

Charlie nodded with a thumbs up in the right direction since she could somewhat tell where luis's face was if the soulgem was in his throat. he was tall huh? "Oh wow sixteen in march, your birthday is coming up soon. Mine was last month, I also became a magi last month! I just turned thirteen." She said nodding. "That is great to hear!! Oh yeah we could write one well, I think your going to be doing most of the writting but I can talk ideas out really good, and I can kinda write in a straight line sometimes or at least my sister tells me we can. and yeah we can we can pick who does the audiobook version once it is published. Heck yeah!!" She sounded excited. To be honest she felt quite happy that this has worked out and she made a friend. And it wasn't a mean magi.

"I became a magi in July. The same day Rose Corp came to town." Luis admitted. "I'll help write. I'm sure your handwriting is better than mine, I apparently write about as legibly as a doctor."

Charlie nodded, oh so they became a magi in July? The same day.. ohh.. "Well at least one good thing happened that day then? You got the wish you wanted!!" She said chirping off. She appreciated the help with writting. " I don't think I am that good to be honest, but its good enough for the school I go to!! They are nice though and let me use a laptop instead... hmmm you have the squiggly writing curvice right? its the best type of writing." She nodded more or less to herself.

Luis hummed. "Yeah, at least one good thing came from all of that." He laughed a little. "It is cursive, and I guess it could be pretty, but it mostly kinda looks like chicken scratch. I don't know if you've ever heard the whole doctor's handwriting stereotype, but it's this thing that all doctors' handwriting is terrible, loopy and messy and it's only really understood by them and the pharmacy they send prescriptions to."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah its good!!" She chirped back thinking about it. "Cursive, I totally guessed it. hmm so it looks like my sisters hand writing then, she is a lawyer and her hand writing is even worst then the doctors I have heard. Its alright though I could tot- well actually I cant so it would only be you reading your writing huh?" She asked thinking about it a bit more.

"Yeah, just me." He frowned. "I'm gonna learn how to write in braille, with the raised bumps and everything. That sounds like it'd be a worthwhile investment." He thought a moment. "Do you mind if I walk you home? I don't wanna keep you out too late."

Charlie smiled. "Its alright it is good" She said with a nod, she then heard he was going to learn now to write in Braille. " OH Oh we have a braille writer at school, using braille without it can be ha- you said one if your friends can make anything right because of their wish, it might be easier to get one from them as they can be decently expensive and writing it in other ways can take hours, most people forget its a way of communication like morse code is though and it is nice for making secret messages in class if you have the template and stylise. " She said explaining a little bit about it , it was fun to use braille now and far less stressful. "Oh I don't mind at all! Thanks for offering, oh yeah my sis might get worried since it is near dinner and I have been going out more then normal. I would appreciate it a bunch!" She said with a smile "OH wait remember to detransform" She said while it was on her mind

Luis hummed again. "I'm willing to learn the slow way, but we can ask Aeron for something faster, too. They get really excited about accessibility aides." He could maybe learn to talk to Aeron, one day. "Right, yeah." Luis detransformed. "Thanks for the reminder." He smiled a little. "Do you know where you live, compared to here?"

Charlie smiled at hearing this, it really was fun to learn Braille, it was something that cheered her up a bit, along with learning how to short hand stuff more. "If you learn the slow way then after you do learn I can teach you my secret code!" She said with a smile on her face, it seemed like the magi were really nice from the fact they were willing to learn and excited to learn. "No problem! I just didn't want you to forget by accident" She said before thinking for a few seconds retracing her steps. "yeah I know where I live compared to here, I take the side walks and count my steps so it isn't to hard, think of it like a treasure hunt." She said with a smile "Plus if I go the wrong way Biscuit will lead me the right way at about six fourty-five!" She said happily

Luis nodded. "I used to do that while reading, count my steps out and back to remember how to get home after wandering. It usually worked pretty well." He smiles a little more. "Biscuit's really cool."

"Its a super cool thing to do, I have been mapping out the city with walking!! If im gone too long though my sis will catch me on the gps and pick me up!" She said nodding, it was cool that Luis also did the same trick. " Oh yeah he is, he is a good puppy and used to the area!! " She said as they began to walk.

"That's good, I'm glad you've got a sister to look out for you." He nodded. "Which school are you going to? I'm in Seaford High."

"Yeah she has been a big help after the car crash." She said cheerfully, she did really care about her sister and was glad she helped her. "Oh which school I think it is Haslen School, it has a weird name. Is highschool fun? Im going into the eighth grade once this year is up." She said thinking about it a bit, she basically lost a year of school due to the accident but still was able to keep up with the other seventh graders thankfully.

Luis hummed. "My sister used to go there, it's a really good school. Ana got in with a scholarship." He grinned. "I'm sure you'll do well, and I'm glad you've been able to keep going. I'm sorry the accident happened."

"Oh you have a sister? Oh she must be super smart to get in with a scholarship!! I got in with a scholarship also." She said nodding understanding She nodded a bit more "I think I will, and of course. I mean I have my low points a lot but its ok, it isnt to much though.. but thank you very much. Its still hard to adjust and stuff but I couldn't have stopp- oh" She quieted down a bit.. if she used her wish to stop the wreck it might have stopped.. "But yeah nothing can be done about it now." She said popping back with a cheerful voice

"The incubators can't bring back the dead. I... asked them what their limits were, while figuring out my wish. They can change a lot, but... if you lost anyone in that accident, the incubators wouldn't have been able to save them." He frowned a little. "I... did ask them about bringing my sister back. She died around when Vanessa, that yellow medic I mentioned, did. She... nobody knows how it happened, as far as I know." He twists his hands together, nervously. "Ana was smart, and... she was one of the oldest magi in town. Been doing it almost as long as Vanessa. Only Belladona and Vondila had been at this longer. And... I miss her. Them."

She blinked listening to Luis and stopped walking, oh so they cant bring back the dead.... "Ah so they can't ... I didn't think about it at the time and was just selfish... Even if they couldn't bring people back I wish I thought about it sooner instead of being selfish" She said quietly, it might not have changed anything but it could have at least made her feel less guilty now for not even thinking about it. She listened to Luis and reached a hand out towards the soulgem knowing it was now on a bracelet and gave a small pat to his hands " I didn't know she was gone.. I am sorry.. Death isn't an easy thing to .. to .. move on from or.. be better from.."She said as she paused for a second "My..parents they..they died in the accident I was talking about." She paused for a few seconds and listened to the rest of it. " ... She sounds like an amazing person... I .. I am sorry it happened. We can stop for a second if you need a break?" She asked quietly.

Luis smiled softly. "It's okay. The incubators pressure people into making wishes without thinking them through. Yours isn't wrong, or bad. Being selfish isn't bad." He pulled one hand away so he could gently squeeze Charlie's. "I'm sorry you lost them. And. You're right. Moving on isn't a linear path. Grief can take you in so many different directions. But... that's okay. Everyone grieves differently. Everyone deserves whatever and however much time they need to... let go." He shook his head a little, and squeezed her hand again. "I can continue, sorry for bringing this all down. I... I've been... trying to work through everything."

She thought for a few seconds, and took in a small breath nodding as she worked on calming herself down. "Alright.. yeah yeah your right. My wish wasn't a bad one or anything either I just.. worked myself up.. I just didn't think about it though.. and well its still. Ya know?" She asked thinking he probably understood. She stayed quiet to listen and nodded along with it "Its all right, it seems many people have lost others here.. It still hurts though.. but yeah.. everyone grieves differently.. and ye-yeah" She nodded thankful to Luis trying to talk with her though it a little.. " Alright.. I just wanted to make sure. And no no don't be sorry its fine! Take all the time you need to work through it." She said nodding

"I understand the guilt, but... I just wanted to let you know. It's okay, to think of yourself first. They actually... in a crisis situation, the order of what you're supposed to do is make sure you're safe first. It's you, and then anyone who might be hurt. You're supposed to make sure you're okay first. And... sure, you might not have been in danger when you made your wish, but... the principle still stands. You were under duress from them. It's okay to think of yourself first. I only wished for myself, too." He patted her hand before letting her go. "Yeah, everyone... everyone's lost someone. It's how life is." He took a breath and let it all out. "Of course. So, lead the way? I'll make sure we don't cross into traffic or run into anyone."

She listened to what Luis said, she thought about it more.. making sure she is ok.. better it is ok.. making sure she is safe first is ok? Even if she didn't think to... she sighed slightly "Thank you.. I .. its hard to think about it and this in a way that isn't bad its bigger thoughts that are kinda confusing still.. and well... yeah.. your.. your right. "She said nodding she couldn't entirely shake the feeling she had but it would go away eventually right? "Yeah.. it.. its just life..losing people. But also meeting new people" she said as she tried not to say more. "OH yeah you can uh we should go fifty paces left, biscuit also can help make sure we are going the right way!" She said looking down at the green energy of the dog. "Biscuit lead us home!" she said pointing in front of herself.

"Of course. I completely understand, it's hard to remember it's okay to focus on yourself. My boyfriend struggles with it a lot." He sighs. "Meeting new people is always so nice. I've... just gotten too used to being disappointed in every new person. This turf war has really made it hard to trust people." He smiles at her. "That's so cool! Biscuit is such a good dog!"

She nodded it seemed Luis definitely understood "You mean Percy?...he sounded stressed and kinda upset the last time I talked with him." She paused " I will try then to focus on myself sometimes." She said nodding it might be a good idea. She then frowned for a second and was worried "I will try to not make you dissapointed and do good during- no past the turf war!" She said nodding. Being dissapointed in people. She felt dissapointed in Eb and flow since she couldn't see them. But that's all she could be dissapointed in right now really. "Oh yeah he is. Uh he is gonna help you lead if that's alright? He keeps a constant speed so we don't run into things. Lightly barks once if an obstical is on my right and barks twice if on the left. Three times if there is a side walk and car. " She explained real quick how biscuit helped her

"I do. He's... got a lot on his plate." Luis nodded. "Good, that's something we all need to remember to do." He grinned. "Good! I look forward to working with you! As soon as I'm a little more... okay, I wanna spar, just to help you out. I can show you how to heal, a little bit, too." "Cool, that's such a good system!" He grinned down at Biscuit. "Does he know he's a good boy?"

Charlie nodded it sounded like Percy did. She hoped she could figure stuff out enough she wouldn't make her new friends worry if they all were in a fight with a witch... Or other magi.. "it's it's a hundred percent super understandable. " She said nodding more before smiling a little "I can try but I don't know being a medic sounds like I'm gonna be helping people a lot a lot" she said with a smile and a happier tone "Great! I am excited to work with you also. Oh wait are you sure? I understand wanting to spar but I don't want you to do it when you don't feel up to it fully if that makes sense. I I don't think I have even transformed yet?" She said taken off guard a little bit by it. She was appreciative though. "Oh yeah it definitely is. I met the person who trained them and its amazing that they came up with it!" She said happily "Oh he knows he is a very good boy, I would say you could offer him a treat but sis said it could mess with his training a bit, he has a play time mode and a working mode." She said happily explaining more

"Sparring is a good way to practice, and... I've heard from at least two other medics that healing others is a better practice for training your magic than practicing on yourself. It's easier to become better when you work with others." He offered, and waved his hand a little. "We have a good number of medics, now, so... you've got a lot of people to lean on and learn from. The more help the merrier, too, I've heard." He grinned. "I understand, I wouldn't wanna disrupt his work time. Let him know he's a very good boy when it won't distract him, okay?" Luis glanced ahead, then, keeping an eye out for other pedestrians or an apartment complex.

Charlie listened oh so sparring is a good way to practice healing also? She nodded as she continued to listen. " I can.. I can definetly try it then.. it kinda sounds uh a bit well scary.. but I want to be able to handle myself and get better to help work with others" She said nodding a bit. She heard there were a good number of medics and smiled " I am glad! I want to be able to learn and get better so I don't have to lean on people and well am no useless in a fight, I can do this." She said with a bit of energy. She was glad Luis also understood Biscuit's work time schedule. " Of course I will!! He will get a few treats and some pets!!" She said before stopping for a second oh she was almost home! " We have to go a few more paces forward then turn right!! it isn't to far!" She said with a smile

"It can be scary, but... so long as you don't get carried away, or have someone nearby as a spotter, nobody gets hurt. And we've mostly been sparring in the backyard behind Belladona's house, instead of out in the open, so there's always someone nearby just in case." Luis assured her. "We'll all be happy to help you. None of us want anyone to ever feel helpless or useless. And I'm sure you'll be invaluable, I wonder what sort of things your magic can let you see. Would you be able to spot someone using an invisibility spell?" He wondered. He couldn't do it, himself, or he'd demonstrate. But... "Nice!"

She nodded in understanding. " I don't think I will get carried away or anything... but I would like a spotter also if ok? Just to feel a bit better when we do spar. OH oh you spar behind the rainbow house? That is good to hear." She said nodding glad for the assurance. "Thanks I am glad! I want to do my best none the less! Ah I appreciate you saying that it makes me happy! Hmm Oh invisibility well.. I see magic right souls, their soul doesn't disappear if they use an invisibility spell right? In fact their magic should be covering them in that case so maybe?" she said thinking about it before turning right with Luis they had about a block and a half left until she was at her home. "Yeah!!" she replied back

"Yeah, I try not to get carried away either. I'm not very good at gauging other people's health but I always know when I'm low. And... once Aeron's up they're. Objectively the best healer we have, they're always trying to help newer magi spar and get used to fighting. So... that's an option." He muttered, not really sure if he could ask his date mates to spot him or anything. Even if they'd be happy to, he... wasn't sure he wanted them to see how behind he was. "Of course. And... well, probably. I can't do it myself, only some magi can use it. And... I'm not really sure how it works, to be honest. Maybe we should pose that question to Belladona later? I think she'd get a kick out of answering it." He smiled again.

Charlie nodded understanding. " When we spar I can try to uh try to let you know? I think I could tell if I am hurting??" She said as she listened. " I think they might need some time. Plus its ok I don't mind sparing with you. It sounds fun and we can find out more about how I see stuff now also!" She said smiling "Oh so so its actually real... well its kinda like everyone is always invisible to me but uh not really really since I can see their col- souls. But we could probably ask!! it would be fun to find out." She said smiling along as they came up to their last turn before her house.

"Yeah, I will make sure to listen to you. I just. In a spar with someone else, I'll need to learn how to tell..." he shrugged a little. "And yeah, I don't wanna rush them, I just couldn't think of anyone for a spotter." He waved a hand, dismissing his own concerns. "But yeah! It's a real spell, and... yeah, we can figure that out. I think it'd be cool to see if you can see enchantments."

Charlie nodded more. " Alright then we shouldn't have any problems. And it could be training for you too!" She said with a few more nods as she seemed a little more energetic now. "Oh yeah.. I understand, Uhh I only know you, Matty, and Percy so I probably cant help with that. " She said thinking about it. "That is so so cool!! like real spells and yeah figuring it out. I hope I can see enchantments. This is so cool!! " She said happily before stopping in front of a mid class house. Biscuit turned towards it and barked four times. " OH we are here now! Uh I guess I need to go and stuff before it gets 'dark' " She said moving her fingers in quotation marks. " But it was really nice to meet you and become friends with you. Oh and sorry for staring at your house for like five minutes that was weird."

"Yeah." Luis laughed a little. "Maybe I'll talk to everyone in chat? We'll see. Or... well, I'll see." He scratches the back of his neck. "Oh cool! And it's okay, I completely understand why, now that I have an idea of what you were seeing."

Charlie nodded. "Maybe that would work? We can see and everyt-... " She laughed a little. " I'll play it by ear. " She said with a thumbs up in the direction of the soulgem before turning once more. "Yeah! Oh and yeah thanks for understanding haha... I didn't think about how weird it was. But it isn't quite as weird now! Uh yeah!" She said with a nod waving "Im gonna go now so biscuit can get his treats and well so my sister doesn't worry, hope I will.. see? Your soulgem soon? That sounds weird?" She said sounding more confused

"I hope we meet again, yeah." Luis offered, and waved the hand with his bracelet on it.