Snow Day

3 years, 4 months ago
591 1

Ali and June take a break from their busy life to enjoy the first snow of winter.

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Snow Day

“Pssst…,” Ali felt something nudge her side, “Wake up…! Allliiii…”

She groaned and turned over, curling further into herself to try and ignore the distraction.

“Come on! It’s our day off, we’re not sleeping it away this tiiime…!” A quiet voice whined beside her before prodding her once again.

“Whaaaat?” Ali finally creaked open her eyes to find Juniper’s face mere inches from her own.

She was beaming as she pointed towards the window next to their bed, “Look, look!!!”

Ali rubbed the sleep from her eyes and squinted at the light coming from the window. The trees and sand outside had been completely covered in a blanket of snow, turning the entire landscape white. Large, heavy snowflakes continued to fall, occasionally being swept up into little flurries by the wind.

She stood up and stretched before walking over to the window, smiling in amusement, “I thought they said we were only going to get, like, 1 or 2 inches. This looks like 3 or 4 and it’s still falling…”

Juniper padded up next to her, close enough that their fur brushed. She had a look of child-like glee on her face, “Isn’t it great? We haven’t had a snow day in ages.”

Humming quietly, Ali leaned over to nuzzle against her girlfriend’s neck, feeling chilly without her blanket. “You didn’t grow up with a lot of snow, right? When I was little, we’d get snowstorms that would be measured in feet. I loved the days off from school, but my parents were always super annoyed.” She chuckled a bit at the memory.

“That sounds like fun, though! Hmm, well… I guess it is pretty inconvenient for travel and work,” Juniper’s face scrunched together in thought, “I wonder if roads will be clear enough tomorrow for us to get to class. And ice is pretty dangerous, too, especially black ice. What if-”

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to get you worked up. We’ll be fine, we just have to be careful. There’s nothing to worry about.” Ali placed a paw on her shoulder to calm her down, giving her a reassuring smile.

Her girlfriend sighed and shook her head, “I guess it’s a good opportunity to test out those boots we bought the other day. It says they have ‘Premium No Slip Technology!”

“What’s that mean?”
“Not sure! We’ll find out!” 

They both laughed, the chilly room feeling much warmer all of a sudden. They got dressed pretty soon after that, Ali was excited to spend time with Juniper since they had both been so busy lately. Winter was generally rough when it came to projects and exams… Maybe they both needed a snow day more than they thought.

They went out and decided to build a snow-fox. The snow texture was perfect, wet enough to stick to itself but not too wet as to form a sludge. The final product came out pretty lumpy and their face was a little lopsided, but the two bays couldn’t be happier with their creation. Even though they were wet and cold, they both wanted to stay out and enjoy the snow for as long as possible. Always the voice of reason, Juniper eventually admitted they should come inside before they got sick. Ali didn’t mind so much, though, because she was still getting to spend time sipping hot cocoa with her beloved girlfriend.

Ali couldn’t remember a time she had felt more content with her life.