Bumping into Belladona

3 years, 4 months ago

Charlie ends up seeing Belladona's soul gem and asks quite a few questions. It seems she thinks Belladona is cool!!

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Charlie had been walking around with a cane in one hand and the leash of her dog Biscuit in her other. She has been trying to find the rainbow house again... the one where a bunch of the magi lived in. After all she wanted to make sure she would be able to get there in an emergency. But... on her way back she didn't bother to count the steps from her house to the rainbow house. She sighed as she continued to walk, making sure she was on the side walk with her cane. In the distance she noticed a small shimmery red thing though... oh the colors she has seen thus far have been.. green, purple, and brown... and blue when it came to regular people.  She had begun to approach the red and noticed it was a diamond shape so it was a magi! So it wasn't just a red color but a soul gem. Which magi was this though... oh curses she should have asked in the chat if the Magi could tell her their soul gem shapes and colors. She realized she was staring... well not really staring but yaknow. "Oh uh Hello sorry about that I am Charlie a Magi. Are you uh from Seaford?" She asked hoping it would not be a Rosecorp magi... she wanted to avoid the Rosecorp magi unless she was with other Seaford magi after all.

Belladona had gone out for a run. She knew she should get a proper running leg but it was more pain then it was worth and she wasn't sure how her transformation would affect that. She stopped to check her heart rate. She pressed her finger in her neck and waited. After a moment she got her pulse and how many beats she had. She was at a good range. She pulled her hand away to check her phone and change the song. She had a couple messages, one from Sierra with what she's making for supper, one from Salem telling her a large package of stuff was coming to her house and finally one from Luis with that was him wanting to have snuggles ones she showered. He could look like such an asshole but was just a nerd that wanted love. Putting her phone away she chugged some water before going the last chunk. She stopped and shivered. Eyes were on her. She looked around and saw some girl that seemed to be talking. She popped out her earbud and just heard 'Are you uh from Seaford?' Noticing the service dog with the seeing eye patch she processed for a second. "Yeah I am. You said something before that didn't you."

Charlie had taken a few seconds and thought about what to say next. It seemed the other person was female right? She heard Belladonna say she said something before that and nodded. "Ah uh yeah! Sorry. I am Charlie um a Magi! I am sorry about interrupting you I just saw your Soul gem and well wanted to talk to you?" She said feeling more awkward about it now that she asked. She wasn't sure which magi this was... She was given quite a few peoples names when she talked to Percy.

Belladona grinned, this is the one that caught Luis and Percy's attention. "Belladona, Luis and Percy told me about you. So you see souls, thats pretty cool." She hummed a bit.

Charlie felt better hearing the name Belladonna. She smiled calming down a bit. She was Percy and Luis's datemate right? " I hope it was good things. But yeah I can see souls and magic. But technically their the same thing so yeah I can see souls!" She said with a smile. " Ah uh what type of Magi are you Belladonna?" she asked with a smile thinking about it. She was wondering what Belladonna was like, she heard the username pop up in the chats as well, but couldn't entirely remember what was said.

"Medic, Fighter. Always focused more of the fighting side of everything over the healing side." Belladona explained. "I can bring you back from the brink of death though." She added, she wondered how it would be for the other to fight. There was only so much magic that was present in a fight and if someone just used their fists she would be at a disadvantage.

Charlie nodded thinking about it. "Ah your a Medic also! Oh but more focused on the fighting side. That is understandable! Uh I think I want to focus on the healing side of things." She said before hearing that she could be brought back from the brink of death. " Oh so your able to do something amazing like that! You must have amazing training then." She said sounding excited before she remembered a question her and Luis came up with. " Oh Luis was wondering if we could try to test out if I can see a magi when they are using invisibility eventually." She said nodding a bit thinking about it.

"When they're ready you should talk to Aeron about the healing side of things. They're our best healer after all." Belladona offered. After hearing the idea from Luis she snorted. "Sounds like him." She pulled her hair clip out and turned it to her gem form. "Just so you know I won't be able to talk well doing this." She popped her gem in her mouth and took a deep breath. She faded from site.  (15 for invisibility, pass)

"Oh yeah I will but they sound like they need more time still like you said. And uh yeah I will! I hope they are better soon." She said thinking about it. Charlie then laughed slightly at the fact it sounded like Luis. She met him recently but he did wanna know everything about magic. " Yeah, it makes sense though!" She said with a smile. She then heard Belladonna say she wouldn't be able to talk well while turning invisible. She thought thought she saw a shimmery outline and looked at the figure smiling a bit more. " I think your gonna like the results too! I can see more of you now then before. Your like a shimmery outline! " She chirped happily. They would have to tell Luis later!!

Belladona nodded and popped out the gem into her hand. "Interesting. You are not the person to stealthy around then." She commented. "So I got to ask. You staying with Seaford or run off to the Rose cucks."

"Yeah I guess not!! But its fine I can help out ?" She said happily. She was ready for the opportunity to learn and be able to help out in the end. Along with trying to help other people avoid despairing also... hmm if only there was a way she could help heal that. She shook her head in her thoughts. " Oh uh I am staying with Seaford. Rose... uh.. those people sound like well not good people at all. I heard quite a bit about them from Percy and Luis. " She said thinking more about it. She really did not think it would be safe or good for her. " The Rosecorp people have hurt others... and well I don't want to be involved in that. Plus Percy, Luis and you seem like good people thus far." She said in a more chipper tone.

Belladona was happy to hear they wouldn't lose this one. "I'm glad your staying on our side. What has Lu and Percy told you so far?" She asks.

Charlie smiled glad as well. " I am glad too!! I am ready to do my best. Oh uh about being a magi or about Rosecorp or about Seaford?" She asked wanting to clarify a little bit to make sure. There was quite a bit of stuff she had been told.

"All of the above. I know they would have covered almost everything but always nice to confirm." Belladona explained. "Also that way I also know what not to yab on about."

Charlie nodded alright that would be quite a bit to explain. " Ok I can go ahead and relay everything. " She said understanding what Belladonna meant.  "I learned with Percy that other magi are dangerous often even more dangerous then witches. And there is a Turf war going on with the Rosecorp right now. I know on the seaford side there is Percy, You, Luis, Sierra, Eva, Chance and Chara and Martin and Nall and Hollie and Aeron. " She said taking a small breather. " I know that the magi broke into your sanctuary and they ended up hurting Vondila's sister. and recruiting two local magi getting them to join. Maddie and Blythe.  The Rosecorp magi arent against harming and killing their own teammates so we should be expecting any mercy against them either. I also learned being a medic I can do multiple things, from poisoning to healing... And I learned the magi on the rosecorp side of things. Seth, Gia, Toli, Alexander Rose, and Yu Shan. " She said taking another breather "Oh uh with Luis I found out I saw souls and well fun fact Flow and Eb have no souls. I learned they are aliens who are kinda jerks who wanna preserve the energy of the universe??  I also learned about despairing... I definetly don't want that to happen to me at all... I don't think it is good... it releases a lot of energy which I think is the one for the universe?? And its a ... cucked up system" She said not cursing like Luis did when he explained it.  "I learned  I cant make a soul gem brighter as a medic but Grief seeds can.. and they come from witches huh... weird. Anyways I know this stuff is a price we are paying for our wishes. OH and I can see magic but not the person using it. OH and and Luis's wish is super duper cool." She said thinking about what else they talked about. "Oh oh Aeron made your leg... which is why it is .. oh.. how did I not notice that sooner... I can see your leg" She got distracted from what she was saying at this point and looked at the leg.

Belladona looked down at her leg. "Alright your up to date pretty much. Yeah Aeron made my leg. Old one was clunky to stand up in a witch battle." She explained. "Also you saw my soul gem before my leg? My soul gem is small the leg is not." She offered a little amused.

"Guess I am then! Which is good it seems."  She asked before thinking a little more. " Oh that is good you have a new one then." She said not wanting to ask a question that has probably been asked thousands of times before. "Oh uh haha.. I don't look down when walking it makes me a bit disoriented and forget what step I am on. I just.. I should have noticed it... To be honest I was looking for the rainbow house not a person really..." She said with a small sigh and smile.

"Rainbow house?" Belladona muttered. "Wait do you mean my house?" It was the only place she could think of that would look like a rainbow to Charlie.

She realized what she said and laughed a little. " I described it weirdly, I meant your house though. It is super bright though and colorful. " She said correcting herself "I wanted to make sure if something ever happened I would be able to get back easily since I miss counted the steps last time. I should be closeish to it though right?" She asked wanting to make sure.

"Yeah we're close. Like we're about..." Belladona looked up to confirm were she was. "...a block off." She could see the glass dome on the top floor. "Also if you ever are in a pickle and can't get here, call Percy, Salem, Aeron, Hollie or I. Last I heard Salem is setting up proper safe houses around the city." She explained.

She was grateful to hear they were close at least, it meant she wasn't too far off. "Perfect to hear! This is wonderful!" She said brightly. She debated if she could get it programed into her GPS as well on the off chance she forgot again or had to come at a different angle.  "Ah I will make sure to do that.. ah but I only have Percy's number and Luis's number out of everyone... I will need to make sure to get everyones number then soon." She mumbled to herself mostly.

Belladona nodded and pulled out her wallet before putting it back. Giving this Charlie a card with numbers would not be helpful. "When we get there I can give you all the numbers you might need." She offered. "Also don't be afraid to ask for assistance with stuff. Being a magi is already hard adding physical disability can make it harder." She normally wouldn't give to fucks about another magi outside needing to for the team but she understood how fucked up the world was with disabilities no point making her life worse.

Charlie smiled grateful. "I appreciate it a bunch. It will be easier that way and no more needing to ask for numbers all awkwardly every time I meet a new magi!" She said happily " I won't be, I just... want to be able to handle myself as well. I know it can be really dangerous and sometimes I won't be able to ask for assistance so handling myself is important. Its also why I am trying to make a map of the city for myself so when I need to go places I know exactly how many paces it will take until I am in the right area." She said calmly. She knew it wouldn't be easy to be a magi, being blind would probably make a normal fight even harder for her. Plus there was also life outside of being a magi she needed to be careful with as well.

"Yeah, thats all true. It's a good thing you have a team also. I had to relearn how to be a magi on my own and some magi I had to pay to help me. It didn't turn out that great all the time." Belladona admitted.

Charlie frowned, figuring out how to be a magi on her own would have probably been... frightening... " I am lucky to have been able to run across other magi. And well kind magi like everyone I have met so far... I don't think things will turn out super great but I can hope for the best and support everyone else as best as I can for now." She said in a calm tone

Belladona nodded. "Not everyone needs to fight right away. You also have the advantage of seeing magic so a labyrinth might not be so bad. It is just a pocket of magic after all." She commented and started walking towards her house. She wasn't about to baby the girl but at the same time she wasn't going to leave her out to dry.

Charlie paused for a split second thinking about what Belladonna had said. "Oh uh but I thought it was important to well staying safe and well making sure oh..hmm" She said thinking about it, so the labyrinth's were made of magic? Pockets of... "They are soul pockets?" She questioned outloud as she noticed the gem and leg begin moving. She began to walk along with her. Biscuit was trotting along as well.

Belladona shrugged. "No idea. Its like a veil to protect the witch from the outside world and to keep the outside world from interacting with the witch. " She started explaining. "Only ever seen one witch that didn't have a labyrinth. We weren't even able to kill it just send it away from the city." She winced as phantom pains spiked in her leg. It always happened when she thought of that day. "Wait what did Percy and Lu tell you?" She tilted her head looking over at the girl.

Charlie thought for a few more seconds. So these... magic pockets are used to protect the witches from the outside world and to keep people from interacting with the witch. "Ah that... is interesting uh kinda like a little pocket dimension in a tv show but for the witches" She reasoned to try to understand. She then heard there has only been one that didn't have a labyrinth " Really? Then it must be an anon... anomaly right?" She still had a bit of trouble with the word but thankfully got it out. She then was asked what Percy and Luis told her again and was confused. " About witches?  We didn't dwell on them for long... but I know they are dangerous but not as much as other magi... most of the time right? And they drop grief seeds which help clean our soul gems uhmmm and that is it about witches. I don't know much about labyrinths yet." She explained

Belladona nodded, she would need to confirm things with Percy and Luis but this one might be learning the truth a lot sooner then others. "Alright." She hummed. "Yeah it was an anomaly. Probably the most dangerous witch ever. It killed over twenty magi that day." Not all had died that day exactly but so many died due to injuries. Not many medics had made it out. Nor where there many medics that could bring back the dead. Not like it mattered you had a short window to use that spell and there was a chance it would fail and when it failed well there was no way to bring anyone back or even try again.

Charlie was quiet for a little bit as she thought about it. "Yeah, I plan to do my research on them though and ask Eb and Flow questions since they dont have many problems answering them, plus its bothering everyone else less" She said shrugging a little. She then heard some... frightening news. That witch... didn't sound good..." A-ah so it ... it sounds... dangerous yeah. F-for twenty m- Wait you said you weren't able to kill it just send it away... what if it comes back?" She questioned a bit nervously. That was a thought she didn't like...

Belladona hissed as her leg shot pain up. Fuck she was going to have to not go for runs for a few days. "From what I've looked into normally doesn't come back to the same place for about thirty years or so. It that. We have no record of it being here just got word that it was coming." She explained. "It won't be a threat to us again."

Charlie heard a hiss and glanced around mildly jumpy. She then heard Belladonna talking again. "So it will be back in thirty years... and there is no record of it being here... just word it was-...hmm" Charlie thought that was weird but somewhat wanted to drop the subject... no record of something that hurt people being here... and just word that it was coming... she disliked that.  "That is good to hear. " She said in reply

"Yeah. Glad I won't need to deal with it again." She muttered more or less. "We're a couple houses away from mine." She commented trying to help the other out in making a mental map of the area.

"Yeah... I... I couldn't imagine going through it well more then once... or even going through it once. " She said quietly, she then heard they were a couple houses away from Belladonna's and she smiled. " Thanks, I think I can see the glow from here." She said trying to joke a little and lighten the dampened mood.

Belladona looked at her house. "Question how much of the house is red?" She wondered what all her enchantments might look like. She would also need to up date the door to let Charlie inside.

"Oh its super red, then there are a few other colors as well mixed in, I called it a rainbow house because its the most colors I have seen in one area in a long time." She explained as they continued. Charlie almost had the mental map made. She wanted to see if Belladonna could put her address into the gps so she could make sure when walking home though.

"Make sense it's mostly red. I enchanted the hell out of it to protect it. Being our temp sanctuary and all." Belladona explained. "The others are probably, Percy, Luis, Sierra, Aeron and maybe Hollie." The other vet medic hung out at her place a lot. "Then there are my parents, Salem and Fawn for the non magicals. And lastly everything thats enchanted for the store."

That made sense to her. She looked at the blinding house of colors before having to close her eyes and go really dark once again. " Its a bit too bright but its a nice change... Do you think I could learn how to enchant things eventually?" She asked curious about it she wanted to be able to protect her place too. Plus it would mean she would be able to see her own house.  "Yeah I see a green a purple and a teal and uhhh blue?" She said guessing at the last color opening up her eyes again. "Ah so there is a bunch of people who are there. Sounds lively." She said thinking about it a little more.

"Yeah, all magi can learn how to do enchantments and stuff at one point. Either you need to be a mage or be a vet and super strong." Belladona started to explain. "Somethings can be learnt though even if your not a mage or vet. It depends."

Charlie listened closely, so she would need to be a mage or a vet? She paused for a second at the new word. "Sorry for more questions but what is a vet in uh magi terms?" She asked as she continued to listen. She remembered Belladonna and Luis had another class also... not just medic. Maybe she could become a medic mage and learn more about it? "Alright. hmm I hope to be able to learn then someday." she chirped

"Vet means your really strong and get a special move depending on if your a medic, a fighter, a support, a distance or a mage at the start." She started to explain. "You just kinda know when you've hit that level of power." She shrugged a bit.

"Ah so... hmm this is interesting. Yeah its kinda like the maxed level in a game right? Unless there are more in them?" She asked wanting to make sure she understood. Would she become a vet? Or would she die before then? .... she wasn't sure. But she hoped to stay around for a very long time!

"Kinda I guess. This is real life so its just kinda a point you know." Belladona shrugged. "I'm not the best person to explain this." She opened the front gate and stepped out of the way for Charlie.

"Yeah. wait.. the last bit I said didn't make sense anyway- uh but yeah I understand what your meaning." She said as she thought for a few seconds. " Oh it is fine your doing good. " She felt Biscuit continue to walk and walked with them past the gate.

Belladona closed the gate. "I got to update the door to let you in so it will take me a moment." She pulled out her hair clip and walked up to the door. She took a deep breath in and tapped into the magic on the door.

"Alright oh uh do you need my soul gem for that also?" She asked wanting to make sure beforehand. If it traces a persons stuff then it might need to use the gem right?? she wasn't quite sure so she was guessing.

Belladona shook her head trying to focus. "Charlie yellow soul gem." She muttered and willed the magic to alter to let the girl in. She pulled back and took a breath.

Charlie waited quieting down as she listened to what Belladonna said, she didn't say give her the soul gem so she didn't pass it to Belladonna. She did hear her take a breath though when she was ....done? " Are you ok?" She asked wanting to make sure

"Try opening the door." Belladona turned her gem back into its hair clip and started putting it back in place.

"Alright I will" She said as she reached forward for the door knob she had to reach around slightly before grabbing it but she began to turn it.

Belladona noticed the door knob turn and smiled. It worked. Charlie was now added to the lock system.

Charlie smiled as the knob turned and tried to open it by pulling outward. She realized her mistake quickly and pushed the door inward. she stopped though "Oh uh would Biscuit be allowed? Or uh are we not going in uh?"

Belladona snorted. "Biscuit wouldn't be stopped it only works on magi." She explained. "You can come in. I do need to take my leg off soon though."

"Oh uh I just wanted to make sure your family didn't uh not want a dog inside." She had known a few people who refused to let biscuit come inside even if he was her seeing eye dog. " Ah but good to hear. And thats- you take it off?" she asked curious looking at the glowing leg

"First off service animals are always allowed here and second yes of course I take it off." Belladona rolled her eyes. "Well we're here let me put my number in your phone and address."

"Alright then that is good to hear. And thats also super cool." Charlie had thought the leg was like melded on with magic, if medics can bring people back from the dead why not a leg? " Thanks, Uh let me- here we go" she said after rummaging in her little purse for a few seconds. " Also choose a voice for yourself, its so I can know who is who easier!" She said with a smile

Belladona took the phone and started to input her info. She scrolled through the voices and saw there was one named ivy. She smiled and picked it. Moving over to maps she added a location in the saved location marked Belladona.

Charlie heard the tapping on her phone and smiled calmly. She glanced at Belladonna's soul gem happily. "Ah would you prefer for me to leave soon as well since you sound like you need to rest?" she asked

Belladona shrugged. "You can stay. The main floor is open to magi at all hours." She explained and handed the phone out. "Here everything is inputted."

Charlie thought for a few seconds ah she could stay? Hmm but Belladonna said she needed to take off her leg.. and that didn't sound like something someone would need company for. " Ah thanks that is good to know. I think I might head back though. Ah but it is nice to meet you!" She said as she took the phone back. she tapped on the phone a few times as it let out various beeps before the gps was set up for her to walk home. Good now she would be able to get home efficiently as well. " Oh thank you by the way for uh doing that! " she said with a tiny nod before she looked down. The house was still pretty bright even on the inside.

"Yeah its nice to meet you too." Belladona stretched a bit. "Your welcome. I put in Salem's number as well but didn't pick her voice. You'll need to get her to do that for you."

Charlie nodded " yeah!!" She said In a happy tone, she then heard that Belladonna put salem's name in her phone as well. Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Alright I can have her put it in later then!"she said with a smile getting ready to go "oh uh bye!" She said with a small smile glad she met another magi

"Bye, Charlie." Belladona responded and yawned a bit. She needed her leg off now.