
3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
3 1665

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago


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The daft area of the purple and starry landscape carved its way into the eyes of Pierre, who looked around with fascination. Yes, he may have been here before but the land never ceased to amaze him as he gaze upon the beautiful trees. A few pockats roamed around, some bushes rustling as Pierre began to walk towards an area. The area was somewhat of a hill, with strange white pillars sticking out from the ground. Pierre hesitated, then walked up the hill a bit. In the middle of the pillars sat a bayfox, their back turned towards the direction of Pierre. Pierre's tail began to wag, his mechanical wing clicking in and out as he excitedly trotted towards the mysterious bayfox. A fire-pockat poked its head out, next to a Holly-pockat. The two ran up to Pierre excitedly and began to purr, the bayfox twitching and taking notice. They turned around, looking at Pierre. They had a heavy purple hue with glistening purple to pink water, with black sclera and fangs. They smile, beginning to wave with their paw. "Howdy, Pierre, nice to see you!" He spoke, getting up and flickering his puff tail. Pierre smiles happily, his golden tooth flashing. "Hello Nightmare, what a pleasure! Even though I saw you yesterday Im very happy to make your acquaintance once more!" The golden-toothed bay chucked, his wing folding.

Nightmare chuckles, his tail flickering as he casts a small shadow. "Wonderful to see you once more! Hows the watchtower?" He said, Pierre sitting down as the two pockats marched triumphantly around Pierre. "The Watchtower is quite fine! Its still weird, even after all this time, being and interacting with non-bayfox creatures but I must say, its pleasant." Pierre spoke happily. "Especially since I am an Inventor and get to create new things! Nyx would be pleased, would she not?" He tilts his head, looking at Nightmare. Nightmare thought for a moment, nodding. "I do suppose so, friend. Luckily she cannot reach you, though. That would have.. dire consequences." Nightmare shrugs, his tail waving. Pierre nods in agreement. "Nightmare, I suppose I should ask- Does anyone from my side know you.. exist, really?" The bayfox tilts his head, waiting for an answer. Nightmare looked thoughtful for a moment, unraveling his thoughts. "I dont believe so, I have not met a humanoid creature nor a creature that is not a bayfox for awhile. I will gladly inform you if I do meet any, though." Pierre gives a satisfied purr, his tail waving. "Thank you! I am just curious for the safety of our hometown and you, of course." 

Pierre begins to look around, getting up. "Fascinating... Nyx cannot visit you, correct?" "Thats right, I have to visit her first." Nightmare gets up and walks with Pierre, looking around. "There is no, no possible way for Nyx to be able to reach you unless I give her access. Nobody knows where you are." Pierre suddenly stops, looking at Nightmare slowly. A small pain flashed in his eyes before he sighed. "How is Koi?" Nightmare hesitated, looking at his paws. "I have.. not spoken to them in awhile, Im sorry." He looks away. "But I will make sure to visit them when they next sleep, I promise." Pierre nods sadly, sighing. "Thank you, Nightmare. And its quite alright, I just.. miss them I suppose." Pierre shuffled nervously, looking at their paw. "I hope all is well there... I do not wish for any more trouble nor death." Pierre nods in agreement, then sighs. "Well.. I suppose I should go now. I'll see you later, Nightmare. Take care." Nightmare nods as Pierre begins to fade away, Nightmare watching. As soon as Pierre was gone, Nightmare sighed, looking at his pockats. The holly-pockat was trying to wrestle with the Fire pockat, squealing happily. He smiled and swept the two of them up with his tail, walking back to his altar.