Becoming friends with the supposed enemy

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
2 2248 1 2

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago
1063 1

Befriending people has never been easy for Becca, but somehow she ends up becoming better friends with the enemy than her own teammates-something she doesn't know if she should be surprised at or not.

(It basically a bunch of (strictly platonic) one-shots with Becca and the hunters from IDV.)

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Robbie/Axe Boy

“Can’t this damn cipher hurry up already?” Hearing the constant beeping and whirring of the cipher machine was annoying Becca to no end but she continued anyways, occasionally taking peeks behind her to see if she could hear the hunter. Being targeted so much had definitely made her more paranoid when it comes to turning her back-and that paranoia was almost always right, especially now when she heard a loud “Boo!” behind her and she fell forward, hitting her head on the cipher machine and falling over.

“I’m sorry!” Waving a hand to dismiss the apology, Becca carefully got up-doing a quick once-over to make sure no injuries got reopened and rubbing her head. Once she had confirmed there were no more injuries, she turned around surprised to see not a survivor she thought she had just tripped over, but Robbie.

Although Becca couldn’t read the exact expression on his face, she figured he was just happy to find a survivor to chair but part of her believed differently since he gave her time to get up and dust herself off.

“Hi Robbie, any luck finding any survivors?” Noticing him nod, she took a chance to glance around to try and find some injured survivors. Since her height didn’t do her any favors (she was only 3 inches taller than Robbie), Becca did have to climb on something to look for injured survivors but to her relief she found no one.

Becca let herself smile at no injured survivors but the smile couldn’t help but fade as she realized that means he went after her instead. She was used to that but in her mind it only confirmed that the hunters hated her, Robbie included.

“So.. is this the part where I get chaired?” The survivor was slightly concerned when he shook his head but he shook his head when Becca asked if he was gonna leave her to bleed right after. Confusion ran through her head before she started to assume he was friendly. It’d be the first time where the hunter was friendly towards her but she would play along

“If you don’t mind me asking.. Why did you go after me if you’re not gonna attack me?”

“I wanted to play!” Hearing the happy tone in his voice as well as the words he said surprised her. Being able to tell that Becca was confused, Robbie didn’t say anything but he grabbed a snowball and threw it at her, lightly hitting her in the chest-hoping to deliver the message without saying anything.

“..You went out of your way to find me for a snowball fight? We are in the middle of a match you know?”

“Yep~” Once again hearing a cheerful tone in his voice, Becca couldn’t help but smile as she nodded, indicating she was down for the snowball fight. At that, Robbie cheered and immediately went behind the pallet that was already down, peeking over to try and hit her with snowballs, which he missed. It took some time (and a lot of freezing snowballs) but Becca quickly figured out his strategy and dodged the roots that Robbie was spawning, running away from them so his speed boost flank didn’t work then hitting him with a snowball.

It quickly went from your typical snowball fight where the two hung out on opposite sides of the structure they were having the fight near, to running around the structure playing Ring around the rosie-occasionally sliding over pallets to get the flank on the other.

At the noise of the exit gates activating however, the two decided to call it quits on the snowball fight and Robbie casually chased Becca to the exit gate, allowing her to get some kiting practice in also. When they got to the gate, the two emoted at each other and went their separate ways after throwing one last snowball

~Time Skip~ After getting back to the manor, she was quickly congratulated by one of the other survivors on her team. They seemed pleasantly surprised Becca could kite that long and she merely faked a smile-not wanting to reveal what the kiting actually was. Going to sit by the fireplace in the common room, she stretched and wrapped the nearest blanket around her. Becca was originally gonna change clothes but she didn’t want the other survivors to find out she was goofing off that match so she decided to wait.

Staring into the fire, she let her own thoughts take over and cause her to zone out thinking about the match she was just in. Becca had only run into a few friendly hunters but something seemed different this time-almost like Robbie was genuinely trying to befriend her. She couldn’t think about it too much though when she felt something lightly nudge her and she tensed up.

Glancing up, Becca saw Robbie again-still wearing the same skin in the match and holding two cups of hot chocolate. Realizing he was giving one of them to her, she smiled and thanked him, carefully taking the cup before the hunter sat down beside her. Not making any move to scoot away, she turned back towards the fire and took a sip of the hot chocolate.

“Hey Robbie? Why did you wanna play with me that last match?”

“I figured you could use a friend-especially after what the pre match was..” Thinking back to the lobby before that match, Becca sighed and glanced down at the floor. The pre matches were always the same-with people glancing at her in disgust and turning away or just straight up ignoring her. It brought tears to her eyes but she didn’t care. She knew none of them would like her no matter what she did

“Oh that? Don’t worry about it Robbie. I’m used to it, after all it’s happened since-” Feeling something a little heavy touch her arm, she glanced over and blinked a few times in surprise. Robbie’s cup was set aside and the hunter himself was asleep, lightly leaning his head on her arm. Becca smiled and set her own cup down as well, moving her arm to pet Robbie’s head, smiling and leaning back against the closest piece of furniture, which was the couch in order to fall asleep herself.