The ultimate rescuer & the survivor left for dead

3 years, 7 months ago

Basically a fic based off a sad concept I talked about with hopedaze [Their S/I Edith is here too]

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“Hey congrats on the win!” Noticing her teammates from the last match Becca was in walk through the door, she went to greet them with a smile but things were extremely tense much to Becca’s surprise. Seeing Andrew and Vera celebrate their victory brought even more of a smile to her face-though she couldn’t find her other teammate until she looked behind the two celebrating.

Behind them was Edith, slightly slugging behind them with bloodshot eyes from crying. Despite the fact they looked like they were crying, they were glaring at Andrew like they wanted to throw a rocket chair at him. This surprised Becca and she wracked her brain a bit to try and think of why they were upset then she remembered that one part of the match where she got eliminated.


Feeling the familiar feeling of a rocket chair seat on her back, Becca sighed and tried to get as comfortable as she could. The rocket chairs were never comfortable but she had gotten used to them due to being chased so much. What she wasn’t used to though was the hunter who was camping her-especially since Becca and the hunters both knew not to bother with camping. This time seemed different though the survivor in the chair didn’t know why.

“You don’t normally camp..” Becca heard footsteps and noticed the photographer glance around a little before nudging his head towards one of the pallets nearby but she didn’t think much of it. If you asked her she would’ve said that it was just someone running past to decode. This time however, the footsteps were headed right for the chair which made Becca’s eyes widen in shock. In a way she wasn't surprised considering rumors of Edith’s “ultimate rescuer” reputation were going around but she was also surprised too considering no one’s tried to rescue her from the chairs once they realized they shouldn’t bother.

Noticing the hunter about to swing, any warning Becca could’ve delivered didn’t reach Edith’s ears in time as the latter ended up getting terror shocked. Noticing what looked like tears in the decoder’s eyes while Joseph looked around for a nearby chair, Becca lightly nudged Edith with her foot-smiling lightly with a sympathetic look in her eyes when the decoder looked up at her.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry.. I just.. wanted to rescue you and I.. I’m such a failure of a rescuer” Becca’s eyes widened and the smile faded but it only got more sympathetic when she smiled again

“Hey you don’t need to apologize and you’re not a failure.. There’s still a chance for me to be saved-I’ve got plenty of time before the chair takes off” Her attempts to make the decoder feel better only failed and she couldn’t say anything else before Joseph put Edith in a rocket chair too. Noticing Edith’s chair was nearby, she rambled a bit hoping to keep their mind off things at least for a bit but the decoder would only glance at the restraints on the catgirl’s rocket chair.

Realizing Joseph was gone, Becca silently prayed that someone would show up to save Edith at least. With how bad they felt about the failed rescue, Becca didn’t want them to see her get eliminated. Though in the next couple seconds, she saw Andrew on his way over to Edith’s chair and she let an even bigger smile form. Becca knew that her chair was gonna blast off any second but she tried to hide that with the smile as she mentally prepared to be sent back to the manor.

The biggest shocker for Becca though was when Edith tried to get to Becca’s chair only for Andrew to stop them. All the survivor in the chair could do was watch as the decoder tried to fight out of Andrew’s grip, who was not letting them go and get Becca out of the chair.

“Andrew let me go already!” Instead of responding, Andrew got even more of a grip on Edith and walked away despite the latter struggling in his grip and yelling at him to let them go. Going back to her mental countdown, she realized it hit 0 and she gripped the rocket chair to brace for the flight back to the manor-the last thing she heard that match was a scream that wasn’t her own.

~Flashback end~

That match had confused her to be honest, especially due to Becca’s usual experience with matches. She did recognize Edith's pain though, due to knowing what it’s like to feel useless in a match. Feeling a sad gaze on her, Becca walked over and walked next to Edith in an attempt to comfort them. Even if Becca wasn’t the best at comfort, she still wanted to try-which the decoder seemed to appreciate though they were still glaring at Andrew.

Andrew seemingly had enough at feeling eyes glaring at him as he turned around from talking to Vera, who had walked away sensing the situation was gonna get bad.

“Edith what is your problem?”

“You know what my problem is. You were there” Andrew sighed and massaged his temples in an attempt to calm down.

“I was doing you a favor. Becca’s a hunter magnet-there’s no reason to bother with her, especially not when she’s gonna get chaired again immediately after.” Becca had glanced away at that point, and focused on the floor instead. As if it could sense she needed a distraction, one of Ann’s cats rested on her shoulder for Becca to pet/focus on instead. She knew Andrew wasn’t wrong and she was used to the insults similar to that.

“She’s not like that! You shut your mouth Andrew.” Edith’s snark reply at Andrew shocked both Andrew & Becca. After all, neither of them were used to anyone sticking up for Becca. Becca was definitely the most shocked and all she could do was glance at Edith with wide eyes for a while before she finally felt like she could speak.

“Edith it’s okay you don’t-” The gravekeeper had walked away and Becca quickly put a hand on their shoulder to keep them from chasing after Andrew. The last thing Becca wanted was for things to get even more tense. Feeling Edith’s shoulder tremble, the other survivor slightly tightened their grip enough to let the decoder know she was here.

“I’m not good at this comfort stuff, though that was obvious earlier but.. Thank you. Please just go for the three man next time I get chaired though okay? I don’t want you to get yelled at for possibly costing a match”

“No.. I’m going to save everyone including you”

“..Why though? I’m just the hunter magnet and I’m gonna get targeted no matter what. There’s no point.”

“I’ll save you even if I get chaired cause I need to protect everyone!” At Edith’s slight outburst, Becca jumped a little bit-merely due to the surprise. At that moment though, she realized the two had more in common than Becca originally thought. Realizing that, she couldn’t help but smile.

“I know the feeling.. Even if I don’t act like it..” Noticing Edith was the surprised one, Becca continued. “It’s the main reason I’m so okay with the hunters being after me. If the hunters chase me, they’re not going after anyone else. I know I have like no self preservation and I can’t really stall the hunters for long and the others don’t really care but.. I’m fine with that.”

“Tbh, I didnt think you felt like that when it came to your team. The other survivors make you out to be selfish..” At Edith’s admission, Becca sighed. She wasn’t surprised in the slightest though but the thought of Edith thinking that way about her too definitely crossed her mind.

“I don’t think you’re selfish or anything like that though Becca-even if you were I’d still rescue you no matter what you want.” Edith was expecting Becca to argue but the catgirl merely grinned and rolled her eyes and she couldn’t help but smile at the small victory.

“Alright fine.. But you have to let me pay you back for risking yourself to rescue me” At that, Edith very lightly nudged Becca and the two started heading back to the manor, bantering and even letting a couple inside jokes start to bloom.