Michiko's Photo Album

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

These are all of the adventures we had! I get pictures of them and leave them here, as memories. Hope there are no embarrassing grammar mistakes, haha-

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🗻 Exploration Tournament 1


(2/19): Today is our first exploration journey in Cold Valley! Brr... it's so cold...

I am not always the type for exploring, but today I thought I could try be the leader for this journey!
The rivers there were all frozen, but I heard there were some really interesting fish beneath the ice...
but fishing was definitely a bad idea!

For some reason, I have somehow, caught a big swordfish!?
It's huge... and scary! I let it back in the river... isn't it supposed to be in the ocean? Er...
Mira and Otori looks really shocked in the picture as well...
This was a memory that's gonna be in my head for a while-

Swordfish wouldn't be useful for tournament points... but I hope we get some other valuable loot on the way home.
Oh! We also teamed up a Torimori named Shenlan, he helped us take the photo for us!
We went exploring with him too, and he is... well, an interesting Tori...
We will meet him again for our next journey! Hopefully no more giant f- fish...

(2/21): I promised a few pictures with our new friend, so here's some Mira and Otori helped with!

I was trying to find our tournament partner, Shenlan while we were exploring. Then, I saw a curious bush.
And after that, he just jumpscared me! I almost cried, when can I have an exploration where I don't get jumpscared ;m;

Anyways, we went exploring together and got some stuff for the tournament!
Hopefully we can snatch a lot of points before the deadline~


~ Exploration Complete ~