[Lore] Shesh-shesh

3 years, 3 months ago

Bio/info stuff for him I don't want to clutter up his profile lmao-

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A strange humanoid child-creature. He's considered to be a spirit by most, and by some others as a demon. He can be summoned by following the instructions of a ritual-poem. The poem is as follows: "If you awake from a nightmare, Grind your teeth, And say his name three times, He will appear, Standing on the side of your head, And stare down at you." He's silent, apart from loud breathing, teeth-grinding, and the phrase "shesh-shesh". This phrase has become his name. He's able to stand on walls, ceilings, and any other surface of any size, appearing to defy gravity. He seems to teleport to somewhere else when you look away. Summoners essentially become the "parent" of an annoying child.


His signature behaviors include quietly bugging whoever summons him. He stares and bares his teeth. Shesh-shesh makes direct eye contact and messes with the objects or possessions belonging to a summoner. A trickster by nature, he will displease or inconvenience to whoever summons him. He has an affinity for bananas, and can be made to behave by offering him some. Often, even eventually, he'll steal them for himself from wherever's nearest in the blink of an eye. He's extremely stubborn, and will never do what he's asked or told.


Aside from being a strangely-behaving entity, Shesh-shesh has the ability to travel between universes, dimensions, realities, etc. If he so desires, he can drag people and objects between universes, yet he seldom interferes. He won't travel or alter things on command, not even with bribes. Shesh-shesh only does it to cause trouble whenever he sees fit. When he moves people, he seems motivated to get them to share the ritual-poem. Meaning that if he's summoned, there's a chance that he'll take the summoner to a different universe. The presence of abandoned yellow coats in a universe is an indicator that Shesh-shesh has been there. However, there is no indicator to whether he's currently present in that universe or not.


Very short, only stands two feet tall. He has a small, round face with tiny ears, no nose, and huge eyes. His sclera are grey, irises are black, and pupils are white/clouded. He has an odd cleft lip and his mouth is often stretched into a huge smile. He doesn't seem able to completely close his lips. He has crooked yellow teeth and teal flesh. His skinny body appears almost mummified and his skin is dark grey, and has reddish and teal coloration. His hair is jet black and slightly overgrown with long bangs. He has large bony feet and hands. Wears a dirty oversized yellow coat with a droopy, pointed hood.