Of Shadows and Cats

3 years, 3 months ago
621 1

Mild Violence

Akihiro's after-death thoughts.

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Of Shadows and Cats 

This was his punishment. He had to pay the price.. the price for what he has done when he was alive. He was cursed, cursed to walk the line between StarClan and The Dark Forest, to guide cats to their fates. He was all alone in his world, walking as a shadow and watching others as they still lived their lives. 

HighClan’s prey was bountiful this moon, as well as LightningClan, who had welcomed new kits. He could see all and walk among them as if he were truly there. He knew about Fleck and her decent to leadership, Turquoisedapple’s death, Rubynose’s pregnancy, Lynxfur’s injury, and Mistysky’s love for a warrior she could never have. He had helped many cats cross over, consoled them and told them it would be alright. He knew all of these cats who would never know him. He related to all of them. One day, however, when he thought he could finally be truly at peace, he made his way once more into DarkClan’s territory. 

He made it a point to... stay away from that particular place. One she-cat there had a special gift to see those who left their bodies. He wondered how many ghosts she had seen fade into the Stars. How many she’d seen ripped into the Shadows. Ochiba wasn’t a problem, however. She merely put up with him. If he was honest, he thought of her as a daughter more then anything. His heart ached at he stepped through black pines, the moon barely peaking through the dense branches. He could still smell the dank air, heavy and cold and wet. Still, he made his way forward, emerging into the sleeping camp. It was almost the same, fresh kill pile still stocked, high rock still standing tall, where he used to sit with- If he was still alive, his pelt would have become cold. 

His blue orbs trailed to the darkened entrance of the leaders den. Was it the same? He had a memory of first finding this place, with a young Dāku at his side, looking at him with bright, warm eyes. He had only gotten his first scar yet, and he was still on edge from the stunt they had pulled at the gathering. He could still see the sad, betrayed look in his mothers eyes as he left with the dark tom. To young Smallpaw, Darkpaw was everything and more. He loved him and he’d hoped Dāku, which Darkpaw had renamed himself, loved him, too. 

He remembered the day they had found Mizuki, Daisuke, Akemi. Dāku had loved him then. He had remembered watching them grow. Them getting apprenticed, and the day the tunnels had collapsed on Mizuki, disfiguring him. They managed, and Dāku had loved him then. He remembered the Great Battle, the Clans final face-off between them and DarkClan and their Dark Forest allies. Something cold had gripped Dāku’s heart that day, changing him. He had sold his soul to them and he’d become a creature of the night. He stopped loving Akihiro that day. 

“Akihiro”, a voice said, cold yet familiar. “Greetings, Ochiba”, he dipped his head, moonlight slipping through his pelt and onto the wet night grass. “What are you doing here? With how long you’ve been gone, I would’ve thought you’d died a second time. Pity”. Akihiro let a stream of laughter escape his mouth, giving her a fond look. “I’ve seen you had kits... how are they?”. She looked to the ground, inspecting her claws. “They’ve grown into fine warriors... hopefully they’ll stay that way as well”.