Queen and Nala

3 years, 3 months ago

small child adopts a whole lion with a cookie and catboy gets mad

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The Lioness was awoken from her slumber to the sound of one of the zoo keeps cleaning her cage seemingly in the middle of the night. She just watched curiously before he left in about ten minutes or so. The Lioness was about to close her eyes, before catching a single glimpse of the cage door being left open. It appears he forgot to close the door, taking this chance to get out of this place, she took the advantage and ran out the enclosure. Since the enclosure was close by the entrance/exit she had seen people walk in and out everyday for hours, she knew exactly how to get out of the zoo. She walked straight out of the zoo, and kept walking completely unaware of where she’s going, she just kept going straight ahead. Her footsteps heavy on the muddy path, leaving paw prints before she finally decided to walk in the grass, now her path was untrackable. After the lioness walked for probably about a mile, a sweet yet warm smell wafted towards her nose. Excitedly and hungrily, she followed the scent carefully before it led her to a bakery, the lights were off and the sign said “Closed” but she could still hear someone moving around inside. Not understanding that the bakery was closed, she began scratching at the door, as the scent was the strongest at this bakery.

A young girls head looking to be about 12 or so popped up in the window, a look of excitement came across her face as she saw the lioness. The sound of a jar opening and closing could be heard inside the bakery before she opened the door. The girl was holding a chocolate chip cookie in one hand and a brown stuffed bear with a very colorful patches and a crown sewn to its head in the other. She held out the cookie to lioness, she appeared to have no fear at all towards the cat. The big cat tried to take the cookie from the girl, whining and giving her puppy dog eyes. To which the girl said, ‘Nu-uh! You can’t have the cookie till you come inside!” and backed up into the bakery, shaking the cookie as she did, baiting the lioness into the bakery. Once she successfully got the lion into the empty bakery, she threw the cookie in the air, to which the lioness jumped up and caught. The child quickly shut the bakery door,

The small girl looked at the lioness and smiled with a toothy grin, “My name is Queen!” 

The lioness turned her head to the side, not understanding that statement. She then jumped slightly as she heard the girl yell, “Ugh! You left muddy and grassy paw prints on the floor! Auntie and big bro are gonna be sooooo mad!!” Queen scolded the lioness, before realizing something, “Oh wait..big bro is gonna have to clean this up..Oh well! It’s not my problem!” She snickered before glancing at the lioness paws and noticing a tag tied to one of them. She crouched down and grabbed the lioness’s paw, curiously reading the tag, it said: “Female Lion, Age 5, Named Nala.” Queen let go of her paw, before yelling, “Nala!’ To which Nala’s head snapped up to look up at Queen. “I don’t want nothing, was just checking to see if you responded!” Queen said with a grin, but Nala just looked confused.

Nala then walked over to a corner, and plopped down on the spot. 

“Are you going to bed?” Queen asked and Nala yawned in response, the small girl shrugged, “Make room for me! I’m napping with ya!” Queen said before laying against Nala, which Nala didn’t appear to mind. Nala pulled her tail around Queen, as if being protective over her. Nala and Queen eventually fell asleep together.

Queen awoke to Spade yelling,

"what the FUCK?" 

Her eyes quickly flickered open as she looked up at her older brother, Nala awoke too, immediately jumping up and standing defensively in front of Queen.

In response, Queen tapped Nala's head and said,

"Sit! He's a good guy!" She said with a stern tone and the lioness cowered, sitting down immediately.

Spade stood there in shock, bewildered at what his sister had dragged in.

"Hey Queen what the FUCK!" Spade yelled, his face showing anger, but then again, when didn't it?

"Don't ask me! She was scratching at the door last night so I gave her a cookie! And she just stayed."

"So you didn't cast any fancy magic on her?"

"No! You know auntie won't even teach me magic!"

As if on cue their aunt walked in, yelling,

"Why in the world is everyone screami-"

She stopped in her tracks when she saw the lioness.

"NOPE. Too early for this shit!" Their aunt said before having her hands up in the air and turning around.

"Your so lucky we're closed today. Otheriwse we would have a big problem! Which we already do! Where the fuck did that thing come from!"

"The zoo! See?" Queen nonchalantly grabbed the lionesses paw, her hands looked so tiny compared to Nala. Queen showed the tag to Spade.

"Nala, huh?"

The lionesses looked up at him.

"Soooo… Can I keep her??" Queen asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No! Thats illegal!"

"Not if no one knows."

"I know! You know! Auntie knows!"

"Pssh! Only 3 people!"

"You know what? I'm gonna call the zoo."

"No no no-" 

Spade was already dialing and went into the other room as Queen pouted and threw a fit.

Spade came back about 10 minutes later with a sigh,

"Since she escaped.. And isn't being hostile.. You can fuckin keep her.."

Queen jumped up and down,


Nala stood there confused, Queen hugged her and Nala nuzzled into the child.

"I swear..only you can do this kind of shit.." Spade cursed to himself. "Well, we're gonna go home with.. Nala.."

Queen didn't need to be told twice and pulled Nala by the ear, grabbing her bag, (and sneakily stealing a few cookies) she guided Nala to the car. 

By the time Spade came out, the two were already in the car with Nala resting her head on the small child's lap while she was petted.

Spade couldn't believe his sister adopted a whole lion, and shook his head as he started the car.

They eventually got to their aunt's house, when they arrived Queen immediately got out, with Nala following after. Queen tossed Nala another cookie while walking which she caught and ate. Spade watched in the distance as Queen communicated something to Nala, and she nodded, then Queen fucking climbed on Nala! Riding her like a horse, the two ran around the big yard with Queen giggling and yelling. 

Spade punched his arm to make sure he wasnt dreaming, and it hurt, so he wasnt dreaming.

His sister actually adopted a fucking lion.

This was gonna be one heck of a time.