Can You Hear My Voice?

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
12 36992

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

A group of dragonets are destined to stop the ending of the world, will they do it in time,.or will it be too late?

I decided to also copy this story to here, it's also on DeviantArt on my account SolarTheSkywing

Im too lazy to put all 40 characters into the cast list, so just check the World i called "CYHMV Universe" for the characters

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"Hey boss." A small dragon said, scampering into a large cave. He sounded anxious. He was also jumpy, but not much could be made out of what he looked like as he was covered by shadows.

"Jeez, what is it you little brat, can't you see that I'm busy!" The icewing shouted, slamming his talons on the ground before him, pushing the dragon outside, revealing them to be a small seawing. The icewing glared down at him, letting out a soft hiss.

"S-Sir? Uh Beluga… what is wrong…?" The seawing asked. His glowscales were glowing softly out of fear. Beluga had been terrifying him.

The seawing looked up as Beluga kept quiet, he was getting even more anxious as of now. What was Beluga thinking, what was Beluga going to do to him? The thought had scared him.

Beluga suddenly grabbed the seawing by his neck and held him up. "Salmon, I don't have the time to deal with this, do you have any idea of how annoyed I am?" He asked.

Salmon thought he could feel his bones breaking, but they couldn't be, right? Beluga wouldn't kill one of his servants, right? The seawing hoped he wouldn't die, he still wanted to live and continue to serve Beluga.

"I'm sorry sir, I… gack… can… can you please… let go… I can't breathe… and it feels like my neck is going to…" Salmon said. His eyes were going dull, the life seemingly being drained out of them, luckily at that time, Beluga let go of the seawing.

"Look, you can come in, just don't damage any of my prizes, or disturb me, I need a break, got it." Beluga said. The icewing silently walked back in, leaving Salmon to think to himself for a few seconds before rushing inside.

The seawing decided to look around, it wouldn't hurt to just look at Beluga's trophies right? He just wouldn't touch them at all, since his boss didn't want him to do so.

The seawing was surprised at how vast the cave was, there were so many connecting caverns, like one full of gold, which he knew Beluga used to pay his workers, especially when they did well. There was also a cave full of animals that have been killed and completely stuffed, Beluga is into doing that?

He continued walking down the winding hallway until he came across the final cave. "I guess this is where he keeps those trophies of his." Salmon mumbled. He glanced back and forth. "I'll take a look inside."

The seawing stepped in, nearly having a heart attack at what he saw, a bunch of dead dragons who have been stuffed and set up on pedestals. There was one that caught his interest, a seawing, blue, pretty, he walked closer to the pedestal she was on, reading it.

"Pearl the seawing…" he muttered, he could've sworn he heard that name before. Was it that one seawing, the one who said she was searching for her missing sister? Was this that seawing's sister? Did Beluga kill her? Did he kill her and decide to flaunt her around in this cave like she was some sort of special prize?

He shook his head and his attention turned to a nearby desk, then up to a hole on top of the cave, then back to Pearl. Maybe it was a mistake to work for Beluga, maybe he should've ran away when he had the chance, maybe he failed, maybe he can find a way to bring Pearl back, somehow.

"Poor dragon… being killed and stuffed up like that." Salmon mumbled, feeling horrible for the seawing. Well maybe the sympathy came mostly from her being the same tribe as him. He just couldn't let this slide, not to a dragon of hid own tribe.

He took a closer look at her face, it showed no sign of fear, almost as if she never knew she was being killed. She had her mouth wide open, wings spread out, her eyes were facing the ground and she had her tail around her body.

He glanced around and decided to check out a few of the other dragons, there were a few notable ones. "Princess Fire" a skywing, and a rainwing, a silkwing and an icewing. "What happened, why does he do this, why is he… know what, imma try to uh… well find someone to give life to these…" he mumbled to himself.

'Because these poor dragons never deserved this, they never deserved any of this, I need to save them, as many of them as possible.' Salmon thought. He quickly lifted Pearl and princess Fire into his arms, they were very squishy as their insides were just fluffy stuffing. "So gross and weird." He mumbled.

The seawing glanced back,letting out a sigh of relief that Beluga wasn't there and took off into the sky by himself. "If he finds out, I'm going to be so dead, well if he finds out while I'm still close, but from now on I'm going to be in hiding, I can't risk being caught saving these two." Salmon said to himself.

The sun had begun to set, Salmon had been carrying the two for a long time, not being able to find any other dragon. He was tired, his wings were growing sore, his arms growing numb, his fear of being killed growing worse, but he still kept flying, even when the sky turned dark.

"Moons… you two… its getting late, how about we find your savior tomorrow, or at least try to, hey look, there is a cave down there, why don't we go rest there?" He asked. He smiled and landed down, he set them inside the cave, safe and sound, sitting outside before a nightwing landed before him.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" The nightwing shouted, squinting her eyes angrily. "This is my cave, got it, I live here, not you, so scram." The nightwing added.

"Woah woah, please, can I stay here, I'm tired and looking for an animus who can help me out." Salmon said. Yep, another scary dragon, almost as bad as Beluga was.

"Oh? Right then… I guess… my name is Twilight, got it." The nightwing said. She quietly cleared her throught and stared at Salmon for a few seconds. "I am an animus, what is your problem?" She asked.

"So you are not pulling my leg on this one?" Salmon asked. In his mind, he just couldn't really believe this, finding an animus so easily, that is just like a miracle, and he didn't believe in miracles unless he witnessed them.

"Yes, I am not, so tell me your problem and I'll see if I can fix it." Twilight replied. Salmon was easily see the anger and annoyance on her face, he thought he was starting to get on her nerves now.

"Right… so I took these two dragons who have been killed and stuffed from the dragon who did it to them, I wanted to know if you could bring them back to life… or just… uh well yeah." Salmon said.

"Oh… revival huh… hmmm… well I did train my animus magic to be more powerful than normal animus magic, so I guess I could try." Twilight said. She walked into her cave, Salmon following close behind as he watched her walk around the two stuffed dragons.

"I've never seen such a peaceful looking dead dragon as her." Twilight said, refering to Pearl. Salmon just quietly nodded his head in agreement and stared at the ground quietly, not wanting to get her any more annoyed at him, well he wasn't certain if she wanted him to be quiet or not.

"Right, this could take a few minutes." Twilight said. She started walking around the two stuffed dragons, mumbling to herself. Salmon was nervous, but he managed to keep himself quiet as he watched Twilight poke and prod at the two stuffed dragons.

"So Salmon, how did you come across these two anyways?" Twilight asked. She looked at Salmon, staring deep into his eyes. Salmon could tell that she wouldn't look away until she got an answer.

"Uh… well I used to work for the dragon who had them, I decided to run away and stop working for him after finding them. These were the only two I could get out." Salmon said. The seawing could feel Twilight's stare burning deep into his soul, she was starting to terrify him once again.

"Right… so now, the spell is ready, I need you to stay quiet, Salmon." Twilight said, she waited for a response from Salmon, tilting her head at a slight angle.

"Right, I'll be as quiet as I can possibly be." Salmon said. He jumped as Twilight cleared her throat.

"Can you hear my voice that calls for you? Can you rise on this bright day? My voice that calls your name, your soul back to this world? Do you know what you've been through? What we've been through without you? We need you, we call you, we answer to you. Please, hear my voice, please hear it and come right back to this world." Twilight said.

Salmon stood still for a moment. Nothing was happening? He was confused. Was Twilight a fraud? Just then, Pearl's talons twitched slightly and she moved her head to the side.

"I'm… alive? I thought that I…" Pearl said. She looked at Twilight and Salmon. "Did you two bring me back?" She asked.

"Yes we did…" Twilight said. She watched Pearl as she walked over to Salmon, looking him up and down.

"Hey, you look pretty nice." Pearl said. She smiled to him softly. "It feels so nice to be back! And I need to go see my sis as soon as possible, she must be worried about me."

Next, Fire started moving and she seemed confused. "Mommy?! Where are you? I'm scared!" She cried. She tried to move away before Twilight picked her up.

"Don't worry little one, I will get you to your home." Twilight said. She turned to the other two dragons, wings folded in. "You two should get to Possibility, your sister is there waiting for you."

"I'm scared." Fire whined, looking up at Twilight who simply begun to comfort her. The nightwing looked at Salmon.

"Was there anything that stated the dragons' names?" She asked, squinting her eyes once again.

"Yes, plates on where they were standed, her name is Pearl and the skywing was princess Fire." Salmon said, feeling anxious once again. He had to get Pearl to her home as soon as possible. He watched Twilight nod and fly off.

"Right, let's get you home Pearl." Salmon said. He started to walk outside the cave when a skywing landed before him. "Oh no…"

"Huh? What is it? Do you know her?" Pearl asked. Salmon could hear her voice trembling, he knew she was scared now, but he knew this skywing, one of Beluga's… he had to get rid of her before she disposed of him and Pearl.

"Tch! Salmon, you traitor, how dare you betray Beluga and steal two of his trophies." The skywing said, she loomed above the two seawings, casting a shadow over them, Salmon felt unnerved.

"L-Look, please leave, I-I don't have time for this." Salmon said, his wings folded into his body, as if it will protect him, it only made him feel safe.

Twilight landed down on the skywing's back and grabbed her horns. "Oi! What are you doing?!" The skywing screeched. Twilight snapped the skywing's neck without even answering.

"There, now she is gone." Twilight said. Salmon was surprised that she was back so early. "Hey, I decided to use my animus magic to teleport her back to her mother's bedroom door." Twilight said.

"Can you teleport us to Possibility? I want to get to my sis as soon as possible, I'm worried about her, she must be so scared. I want to reassure her that I'm ok." Pearl said. Twilight sighed and nodded her head, she placed her talons on Pearl and Salmon's shoulders.

"Good luck you two, I'll see ya both if I ever get the chance to." Twilight said and smiled. She dissapeared from Salmon's view and noe suddenly a bunch of dragons who were in Possibility were all around them.

"Sis?!" A seawing cried out and she ran to Pearl, tackling her happily. She started crying and wrapping her arms tight around her. "What happened to you?! Where were you?!" She cried.

"I was kidnapped, but he saved me. Salmon, was it? This is my sister, Conch." Pearl said. She lifted Conch up and sat up.

Conch suddenly tackled Salmon, giggling. "Thank you for saving my sister!" She exclaimed. Salmon sighed under his breath and decided to go along with Pearl's half lie.

"You're welcome." He said quietly to her. He looked at Pearl, who smiled to him. He smiled back to her.

"Why don't you come stay with us? We have plenty of room at home." Conch said. She twined her tail with his excitedly. She gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Alright alright, I'll come, I'll come, I can't say no to a face like that." Salmon said. He sat back up, now holding Conch in his arms before setting her up on her feet as he stood up.

"Come, follow me, our home is this way!" Conch said in excitement, skipping ahead, going by the other dragons. "Oh, sis, I adopted a dragonet by the way! I hope you both can get along with them!"

Pearl grinned nervously and took Salmon's talons. "Well looks like she really wants you to stay with us. So come on." She said, leading him as she followed her sister. "Our place might be a mess, unless sis cleaned it all up."

"Alright Pearl." Salmon said quietly and smiled. He was so happy to meet the two of them, he couldn't help but to smile, they were both so kind. "Thank you, both you and your sister for giving me a place to stay."

"Yup yup!" Pearl chuckled and smiled. "My sister is adorable isn't she?" She asked Salmon, getting a small nod from him as Conch opened a door to a small hut, gesturing the two to go inside first.

Salmon took a deep breath and stepped inside, glancing around. There were shells and jars of sand all around, there was a nice pool in the hut too, Salmon guessed they got it so they could swim when their scales were about to dry out. "Woah… this place looks so nice." He said.

"Thank you, I set everything up myself, well most of it, since sis was missing." Conch said. She walked in, rubbing against Pearl and yawned. "Heyyy! I'm hoooome!" She shouts.

A purple silkwing ran downstairs, immediately hugging Conch. "Mommy! I missed you!" She cried. She buried her head in Conch's chest.

"Hey, Oakblue, you ready to meet your aunt?" Conch asked, the silkwing immediately lifted her head up after hearing that, flapping her wings excitedly.

"Hello, hi hi, my you are an excited little one aren't you?" Oakblue asked, rubbing the silkwing's tiny head. Oakblue started giggling a little, she was definitely happy.

"I'm going to go walk around and check out Possibility, as this is my first time coming here, so I need to go and explore." Salmon said. He waited, seeing the two other seawings nod before he left through the door.

"I have prophecies for sale, the first seer in a long time! Come to me if you want to know the future, or your future! It can be anything, it could be something that could possibly happen in another timeline, it could happen! Can you hear my voice, can you see your future?! Can you tell what may happen?!" A nightwing shouts.

Salmon lifted an eyebrow and walked up to the nightwing. "You're selling prophecies? Why is that? Is someone putting you up to this?" Salmon asked.

"Oh no no, I'm doing this of my own free will, now, hand me your wrist if you want to, its only for 10 gold." The nightwing said. Salmon thought for a second, well he could afford this, so what's the harm in buying one. He quietly gave the nightwing 10 pieces of gold before holding his wrist out to her, which she carefully grabbed and examined.

"Keep calm, no freaking out, got it, but first, what kind of prophecy would you like, your future, or the future of the world?" The nightwing asked. Salmon had to think on this one before he was able to respond.

"Tell me the future of the world, please, I want to know what kind of dangers are ahead for the whole world." Salmon said. The nightwing nodded her head and shut her eyes, rubbing Salmon's wrist.

"I see danger, volcanoes erupting, land being destroyed and falling apart. I see dragonets, young and bright, dragonets going to fight. A large dragon, encompassed by shadows, laughing, laughing, laughing and laughing. But even with the world in ruins, the dragonets still stand strong and fight, they seem brave and bold, but I can't tell what tribes they are from, sadly, but maybe the future will tell." The nightwing said.

"Wait, the world is going to fall apart? Why? Why would it be?" Salmon asked. He was shocked at what the nightwing just told him, he couldn't believe it, he just couldn't.

"I assume that the laughing dragon is the cause." The nightwing said, opening her eyes and staring into Salmon's. "The dragonets are the ones who save the world, only they can stop him. Only they can be our heroes, that is what the vision tells me, although I couldn't tell who any of them were."

"So… do they all gather on their own, or does someone have to gather them themselves?" Salmon asked, hoping he wasn't getting too nosey for the nightwing.

"The tides of fate will bring them together. Their voices will fill the air and make them aware. The prophecy of the world savers will come together. Can you hear my voice, as it all says, the words of truth are written inside their hearts, all calling out together, can you hear my voice." The nightwing said.

"Can you hear my voice… that was a part of the thing that Twilight said to bring back two dragons… does that phrase have any significance with anything?" Salmon asked. The nightwing stared up into his eyes once again, processing his words.

"Yes, and no, it's a part of my most recent prophecies, I always hear it in my head whenever having them, but I don't know why, it's so strange, it's a weird set of words, I know that, but anything else, I am not sure." The nightwing said.

"A strange expression, unknown of where it came from. Can You Hear my Voice… I wonder what it means… where it came from… I guess we will find out soon enough, but that's it for now, all that I can do, I guess. I'm going, I'm uh gonna do more exploration." Salmon said, getting a nod from the nightwing as he left.

Salmon spent the rest of the day exploring before he went back to Pearl and Conch's home, knocking on the door and being let back in, Pearl let him sleep with her since they didn't have anywhere else for him to sleep.