Wonder Falls ; Dream Demon Biology

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

The physical biology of a dreamon. Includes Dream demon hierarchy and social life.

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Biological And Physical Notes

- The dream demon is a being of pure energy. Their life depends on a series of different energy types that change depending on their place in the biological hierarchy. This energy can manifest as any aura, from light, to sand, to void.

- Dream demons have no digestive tract, lungs, or even muscles. The only organs they have in common with humans are their reprofuctive organs, which they can change depending on their personal identity. Meaning any dream demon can be both a mother and a father.

- Dream demons can have anywhere from no eyes to trillions. But most commonly they have one, any more or less is rarer and treated as a defect.

- Dream demons have three main forms. Their sign, their demon, and their disguise. Their disguise can be anything in the universe, so they have multiple forms they can take under the disguise.

- Dream demons typically have short pointed ears. There are three notable lengths. Short - The most common ; Medium - Rarer, but only fairly uncommon ; Long - Extremely rare.

- Dream demons have FOUR biological hierarchy roles.

  • Protector - A being dedicated to protecting another with their life. They have basic defense spells.
  • Dealer - Only a step up from the rank of a Protector. Very chaotic, typically only existing to cause mayhem and torture mortals.
  • Healers - Frail and gentle souls. They are very strong , but reserve their magic for healing and defending other dream demons or mortals.
  • Purebreds - The ironically named stain on any dream demon's family tree. Made from a mortal being corrupted by a dream demon. They have no biological hierarchy and so are very , very powerful as they retain all the strength of the other three classes.